***** of Chanur, The Weingart 14 - 254 ... Or Mineral Digby 186 - 3727 & Paul Thinks HE Needs Help Baylor 30 - 604 13th Age Tabletop Role... Game, The Rogers 195 - 3911 1984 Tansky 99 - 1984 '21 Mailander 149 - 2989 3-D Glasses Smith 18 - 346 3.07 Gas Bruns 104 - 2079 404 Brown 74 - 1471 404 Tansky 145 - 2911 404: Not Found Weingart 57 - 1155 41 Thunderbursts Ross, Andrew 215 - 4300 500 Miles Filks Reitman 163 - 3270 50 Ways to Lose Our Freedom Bruns 92 - 1838 52 Vintage A Ross 89 - 1786 59th Street Cat Song Adelsohn & Browne 28 - 559 64 Polowin 129 - 2588 A-Roboing Landerman 74 - 1480 A-Team Filksong, The Macdonald 25 - 502 A-Wamboing Thomas 26 - 510 AA, AB Stillson 101 - 2023 ABC of BFA, The Mandel 137 - 2755 Abduction Song Shuch 95 - 1901 Abecedarium of Noninflammanda, An Mandel 199 - 3986 Abecedarium...Continued, An Mandel 202 - 4054 Abortion Chantey Mailander 204 - 4076 Accept No Substitutes Wynne 219 - 4393 Accidental Filker, The Haldane-Lindley 32 - 639 Accountant Song Mills, Phil 194 - 3880 Acrylonitrile Shuch 189 - 3779 Actor, The Bohnhoff 91 - 1814 Acts of Cremation Bailin 165 - 3303 Acts of Destruction Bernstein 178 - 3557 Acts of Parody Kanefsky 39 - 775 Adam and Lilith Goodman 7 - 109 Add the Sage Zahnke 207 - 4152 Addict, The Mandel 110 - 2206 Addicted to the Fight Garber 189 - 3777 Adjacency Kanefsky 214 - 4288 Adult Situations Mills 117 - 2344 Advent Arkison 176 - 3521 Adventures of Sulla, The Oppen 130 - 2600 Advice Benefiche 48 - 981 Advice from Your Filkers Mathews 82 - 1633 Advocate Todd-Prather 34 - 687 After Cambreadth Bunnell 82 - 1647 After the Storm Goulder 211 - 4227 Aeslin Mice Padol & Kronengold 180 - 3600 After Dark Kanefsky 59 - 1203 After the Con Anon & Brinich 10 - 183 After the Dawnrush Housden 24 - 466 After the Warming Harris 26 - 521 Aftermath Soley 45 - 920 Against the Grain O'Riley 56 - 1141 Agent Carter Ross, A. 164 - 3282 A.H.A. Song Gold, Lee 12 - 221 Ahab's Song Smith 103 - 2063 Aiming High Horning 96 - 1914 Ain't Gonna Study Goodman, et al. 71 - 1417 Air Jordan Ross, A 82 - 1647 Air Jordan (full version) Ross, A 84 - 1676 Akashic Records Reading Room, The Simpson 180 - 3610 Akin's Laws of Spacecraft Design Akins 118 - 2364 Al Amarja, or Fiddler on the Edge Mandel 55 - 1104 Alarums and Excursions Pepper 12 - 218 Alas A-Lackey Mailander 4 - 57 Alas, Poor Data Brinich 27 - 527 Albuquerque Myrande 169 - 3383 Alexa Kanefsky 180 - 3599 Alexa, Get Me to OVFF Ross, Andrew 206 - 4116 Alferd G. Packer: The True Story Bunnell 44 - 882 Algae in Bloom Goulder 183 - 3663 Algul Siento Song Wittenberg 206 - 4133 Alice Reitman 140 - 2802 Alice in Wonderland Burnham 5 - 85 Alien Registration Week Digby 131 - 2623 Alien Resurrection Ehrlich 59 - 1188 Aliens in New York Childs-Hilton 211 - 4220 All Along the Net Wire Smothers 55 - 1117 All Among the Garlic Kanefsky 31 - 617 All for Me Blog Brown 109 - 2178 All for Me Swag Sutton & Wynne 107 - 2135 All God's Critters continued Gold, Lee 47 - 960 All God's Creatures Got...Fire Ross, Andrew 212 - 4241 All I Do Is Scheme For You Urs 178 - 3561 All I Want for Christmas DeMello 188 - 3762 All I Want to Do Is Sleep Levine 79 - 1583 All of the Dorsai Are Weeping Mathews 76 - 1523 All of the Hackers Wells 27 - 543 All My Life's a Prison Cinii 97 - 1945 All-Night, Pre-Con,...Zine-Binding Burnham & Baudoin 39 - 788 All of the Filkers Are Singing Bernstein 152 - 3054 All of Us Parker 198 - 3975 All-Remote Conventions Kanefsky 197 - 3947 All Smiles Bunnell 108 - 2171 All the Lies Simpson 176 - 3534 All the Ways that Sean Bean Died Paddison 211 - 4224 All-Staff Luncheon Brown 86 - 1716 All the Lurking Dustballs Phoenix 125 - 2510 All the Pretty Little Dragons Stern, Alison 113 - 2265 All the Silly People Burrows 30 - 587 All the Songs We Write Haldane-Lindley 41 - 824 All Through the Net Weinberg 74 - 1473 All You Knead Is Dough Chiffon, Blind 153 - 3070 All You Need is Gloves Tansky 157 - 3138 All You Zombies Gladstone 147 - 2951 Alligator in the Void Bernstein 199 - 3979 Ally Simpson 175 - 3507 Almanac, The Digby 92 - 1836 Along Came Jones Ruff 40 - 808 Along Came Spock Thomas 16 - 299 Alphabet, Be Called Simpson 169 - 3393 Alphabet Judge Selection Song, The Stillson 105 - 2099 Alphabet Tune Jones 28 - 559 Alt.Sex.Cthulhu Wolkoff 49 - 989 Alternate Routes Digby 190 - 3806 Always Somewhere Skulking...Me Mills, Phil 198 - 3963 Amanda's A Q Ehrlich 147 - 2948 Amanda's Song Smith 62 - 1263 Amateur Chemists Holt 53 - 1062 Amazing Grease Goulder 158 - 3173 Amazing Grease (full version) Goulder 159 - 3188 Amazon Ehrlich 137 - 2747 Amazon Women of the Moon Mailander 31 - 621 Ambassador for Remoras Burrows 29 - 580 America the Beautiful Hubbard 200 - 4006 American Lullaby, An Dunn 187 - 3741 American-Made Ruff 41 - 829 American Mythology 101 Mathews 41 - 818 American Pie Tansky 149 - 2995 American Tiger, The Phoenix & Faber 114 - 2276 America's Cup Runneth Over, The Lurie 8 - 127 Amorph, The Bliss 152 - 3043 Amy Pond and the Doctor Goode 166 - 3334 Amycat, Amycat Gold, Lee 200 - 3997 Anakin's Song Paige 87 - 1738 Anarchy & Gordon Ross, A. 79 - 1576 Anarchy (Nothin' at All) Garber 185 - 3698 Ancient Stone Kanefsky 73 - 1454 & Paul Thinks HE Needs Help Baylor 30 - 604 & the Band Played Star ... Banner Shuch 65 - 1290 And Then Again Shapero 1 - 12 And the People Here Dunn 181 - 3628 Andrew & Warren & John Ross, A. 127 - 2538 Andromeda Holt 152 - 3046 Angel on Set Design Hughes 70 - 1405 Angel Los' and Found Hughes 91 - 1824 Anglo-Scottish Borderer's Prayer Oppen 184 - 3682 Angry Birds Shuch 172 - 3442 Animals, They Say Simpson 48 - 969 Anime Wolkoff 51 - 1029 Anita Blake: A Day in Life w/ Dead Hughes 76 - 1518 Anita's Lament Mathews 62 - 1253 Anna's Song Tansky 169 - 3388 Annie Kanefsky 212 - 4244 Annotated Lunch Miller, S. 153 - 3061 Announcement Brinich 63 - 1279 Another Cambreadth Kronengold 209 - 4183 Another Damn Filk Burnham 6 - 101 Another Flamin' Cat Verse Brener, Mara 99 - 1991 Another Job at the Mall Bohnhoff, J. 108 - 2158 Another Little Lost Robot Brown 57 - 1150 Another Night Dodging Godzilla Okamura 121 - 2434 Another Recon / Anat Dock Man in 0g Baylor 11 - 193 Another Richter Scale verse Weingart 11 - 198 Another Saturday Night Kanefsky 105 - 2109 Another Spacex ... Launch Day Urs 205 - 4105 Another Story Brener, Mara 18 - 352 Another...Straczynski Hates Filk Thiesen 42 - 836 Another Urban Legend Kanefsky 169 - 3386 Answer, The Horning 133 - 2663 Answer Depends on You and Me, The Horning 42 - 854 Answer Forty-Twa, The Qoheleth 133 - 2668 Answering Prayers Levine 44 - 889 Antares Two Partridge 129 - 2594 Anthropologists' Lunch, The Rousey 41 - 827 Anthromorphic Principles Again Baker 72 - 1441 Anti-Demagogue, The Mandel 142 - 2846 Anti-Serenity Brown 104 - 2078 Antispace Argument Kriftcher 113 - 2263 Anvils Keep Falling on My Head Qoheleth 126 - 2517 Anything Goes Gitt 14 - 257 Apocalypse Tansky 216 - 4327 Apocalypse Day Brown 137 - 2745 Apollo Richards 203 - 4066 Apollo 13 Towing Bill Grumman Aerospace 12 - 223 Apollo Moon Tansky 190 - 3814 April Acrostic Sonnet (2020) Bernstein 191 - 3816 April Fool Bunnell 142 - 2850 AQMD Report Gold, Lee 6 - 104, 10 - 172 Arabian Nights Harris 36 - 724 Aral's Nightmare: 500 Miles.... Gold, Lee 75 - 1499 Arch-Enemies Mathews 92 - 1840 Are We Safe Yet? Baylor 197 - 3948 Area 51 Blues Okamura 68 - 1360 Arecibo Farewell Shuch 124 - 2478 Are You Out There? Wittenberg 174 - 3492 Argo Juneau 83 - 1662 Argo Chasma McGath 164 - 3276 Argo Song Brown 83 - 1665 Argo's Been Filked to Death Benefiche 83 - 1672 Argo's Fire-Breathing Daughter Kanefsky 75 - 1505 Ariel Gold, Lynn 37 - 734 Armageddon Rousey 130 - 2597 Armageddoncon McGath 70 - 1386 Armor Digby 100 - 2012 Arrendale Terror, The Gladstone 167 - 3348 Arrest Ye Merry Gold, Lee 39 - 786 Art Should Not Be a Burden Simpson 206 - 4131 Artificial Fillers Rousey 97 - 1939 Arya's Song Oppen 156 - 3123 Ash Piles, The Hodge 22 - 440, 19 - 373 Asimov's Foundation and Empire Wald 65 - 1298 At a Filksing Stern 15 - 284 At Hippocrene Urs 146 - 2933 At the Bridge Urs 175 - 3509 At the Con Shapero 21 - 404 At the Con Again Parker&Laubenheimer 193 - 3870 At the Seventeenth Cycles End Mandel 87 - 1739 At the Zoom Again Parker/Laubenheimer 195 - 3906 Atom's Family, The Weingart 63 - 1268 Auctioneers Hymn Kanefsky 96 - 1916 Aural Vixation Wynne 138 - 2768 Authors, Dear Authors Trimmer 113 - 2274 Avenged, The Bunnell 59 - 1189 Away for Io Rousey 42 - 850 Away with the CDA Kanefsky 53 - 1078 Awful Truth (Krampus...), The Hoffman 171 - 3434 Ayn Rand and Leslie Fish Horning 131 - 2622 B7 Knockoff Song, A Veritas 22 - 424 Ba, Ba, Black Sheep Oppen 191 - 3832 Baba McDonalds Bohnhoff, J. 154 - 3079 Babble On Five Marlowe 61 - 1234 Baby Kanefsky 6 - 94 Baby, a Troll's Outside Goulder 166 - 3318 Baby Brain McGath, Gary 203 - 4073 Baby Sister's Here, The Wilson/Wittenberg 212 - 4236 Baby Snakes Miller, S. 175 - 3512 Baby Vampire Boogie (Fly-by-Night) Groot 132 - 2644 Baby Were-Fly Boogie Kanefsky 4 - 54 Babylon Five, Robocop Three Smith 35 - 695 Babylon is (thoroughly) Fallen Rubin 45 - 897 Babylon Station McMullan et al 64 - 1278 Babylon-5 Countdown Shapero 47 - 943 Bachelor Jack and the Bimbo Bohnhoff, J. 125 - 2514 Back Alive Reitman 136 - 2730 Backwards Astrology Kanefsky 189 - 3790 Bad, Bad Ballad Mathews 103 - 2061 Bad, Bad, Rebel Scum Mailander 41 - 822 Bad Feeling Tansky 177 - 3545 Bad Feeling About This Shuch 177 - 3544 Bad Habits of the Siamese Cat Mathews 135 - 2710 Bad Hobbits Joe Ficklin 212 - 4248 Bad Man in Paradise, A Okamura 74 - 1479 Bajoran Gratitude Festival Carol Wald 75 - 1493 Baker Street Tango, The Mailander 200 - 4001 Balance of Trade, The Digby 115 - 2302 Ball of Gold Gold, Lee 212 - 4255 Ballad of a Tin Man Benefiche 75 - 1500 Ballad of Artemis Burke, The Harris 22 - 428 Ballad of Flight 33, The Okamura 122 - 2454 Ballad of Freedonia Reitman 155 - 3096 Ballad of Jack and the Beanstalk Gladstone 219 - 4390 Ballad of Jack Harkness, The Goode 179 - 3593 Ballad of Jeff "Free" Luers, The Ross, A. 123 - 2470 Ballad of Herman Cain, The Mailander 202 - 4038 Ballad of Lois Mangan, The Mandel 119 - 2376 Ballad of NCC 1313, The Okamura 161 - 3222 Ballad of Nim's Jungle Isle, The Sasahara 122 - 2453 Ballad of Princess Serenity, The Wittenberg 199 - 3994 Ballad of Richard & Michael, The Kelson & Stern 131 - 2632 Ballad of Ronald Demuth, The Ross, A 70 - 1404 Ballad of Shadowrun, The Okamura 57 - 1160 Ballad of the Four Queens, The Anderson,K.&Dickson 107 - 2138 Ballad of the Hindenburg Lurie 18 - 340 Ballad of the Hist. Dialectic, The Eney 60 - 1220 Ballad of the Hockey Pros, The Shuch 154 - 3093 Ballad of the Pueblo Shuch 62 - 1254 Ballad of Thor, The Garber 201 - 4028 Ballad of Tim Dodd, The Horning 207 - 4140 Ballad of Tom Riddle, The Oppen 126 - 2517 Ballad of Voldemort, The Oppen 108 - 2172 Ballad of Wesley Gibson, The Haldane-Lindley 125 - 2502 Ballad of West Coast Filkers Thomas 25 - 495 Ballad of the "Wow" Signal Shuch 71 - 1423 Ballade of an Artificial Satellite Anderson & Paxson 85 - 1712 Ballade of the Dead Ladies Bales 201 - 4021 Ballot Caster March Horning 104 - 2091, 108 - 2160 Balrog Song, The Goode 172 - 3451 Balrogs Lieberman 208 - 4162 Baltimorean Social Commentary Baker 73 - 1450 Bambioid Barber 31 - 620 Ban "From Argo" Tansky 182 - 3649 Ban More Argo Qevan (van Houten) 83 - 1656 Banana Bread Song O'Shea 193 - 3865 Bandersnatch Kanefsky 92 - 1842 Band from Argo Cherryh 83 - 1648 Band of Filkers Simser 18 - 341 Band of Primates Gladstone 100 - 2001 Band Played Disco Inferno, The Smith 107 - 2150 Bane of the County Down, The Bethancourt 103 - 2066 Bang, Bang, Bang Goes the Hammer Trimmer 135 - 2700 Bangers and Mash Laubenheimer 103 - 2059 Bank of Argo Abbott 83 - 1655 Banks of Avalon Wittenberg 154 - 3081 Banned from Frozen Kronengold 211 - 4231 Banned...: The Flamer's Lament Mathews 60 - 1211 Banned Books Week Mailander 42 - 838 Banned Books WeeK Tansky 181 - 3620 Banned Books Week: another verse Gold, Lee 74 - 1469 Banned Books Week - another verse Parsons 197 - 3941 Banned Books Week - verse Laubenheimer 85 - 1698 Banned Books Week: Grimm verse Rogow 91 - 1827 Banned Books Week: Maus Mailander 202 - 4055 Banned Books Week: Sleeping Beauty Parsons 177 - 3545 Banned Books Week: Tango Mailander 122 - 2441 Banned from Acme Hopcroft 15 - 273 Banned from Aleph Wald 66 - 1318 Banned from Argo Still Simser et al 16 - 298 Banned from Argo: TNG Daverin 13 - 240 Banned from Argo: TNG Fox-Davis 1 - 4 Banned from Argo's Ghost, The Scorpia 13 - 235 Banned from Arkham Chua 75 - 1490 Banned from Arlo McGath 55 - 1110 Banned from Armor Hodge 24 - 476 Banned from Catalina Isle Campbell et al 13 - 236 Banned from DS-9: Argo's Revenge Baylor 83 - 1657 Banned from Duckburg Wittenberg 112 - 2242 Banned from Egypt Grumer 34 - 685 Banned from Facebook Shuch 199 - 3985 Banned from Fargo Ruff 83 - 1654 Banned from Filksings Ulbrich 83 - 1668 Banned from Hugo Ross, A. 178 - 3574 Banned from Mordor Weingart 83 - 1664 Banning's Theme Landerman 17 - 319 Banshee (The Hound's Song) Gold, Lee 160 - 3215 Baptist and the Wiccan, The Kirby 133 - 2669 Barack Obama McGath 123 - 2462 Barad-Dur Simpson 174 - 3495 Barad-Dur Is Fallen Partridge 132 - 2639 Bar Mitzvah Song, The Brener, Harry 38 - 763 Barbie Cues Mar 74 - 1466 Bard from Argo Sommer 83 - 1661 Bardic Student's Prayer Creasey, Mary 29 - 582 Bard's Revenge, The Shapero 44 - 879 Barnaby the Dragon Smith, Tom 203 - 4056 Barney's Ghost Tillman 31 - 618 Barrayar Wittenberg 142 - 2847 Barrett's Private Ears Mandel 210 - 4200 Base Coat Kanefsky 116 - 2323 Based on a True Story Harris 35 - 702 Bashing the Balrog Kanefsky 8 - 126 Bastard Kids of Argo, The Shapero 83 - 1661 Bastard King of Westeros, The Miller, S. 160 - 3197 Bast's Kittens Miller, Susanna 201 - 4025 Batman Rising Qe'van 167 - 3447 Battle of Brunanburh, The Mathews 128 - 2556 Battle Hymn of Entropy Aronson/Marmel/Jax 105 - 2097 Battle Hymn of Independence Day, Th Haldane Lindley 51 - 1036 Battle Hymn of Ind Day, The (verse) Haldane-Lindley 56 - 1125 Battle Hymn of the PC Galef 171 - 3424 Battle Hymn re the Rebellion Tansky 196 - 3925 Battle of Maldon, The Mathews 130 - 2599 Battle Hymn of the Republic, updated Twain 114 - 2276 Battle Hymn of the Fanation, The Pederson et al 123 - 2458 Battle Hymn of 2010, The Mathews 136 - 2720 Battle Royale Song, The Oppen 121 - 2426 B&B: a Requiem Lurie 15 - 288 Be a Witch Mathews 51 - 1025 Be Careful O'Riley 98 - 1964 Beneath the Sea Goulder 180 - 3607 Billy Boy Votes Tansky 180 - 3613 Bills, The Bales 205 - 4100 B Movie Mandel 143 - 2865 Be My Angel Simpson 176 - 3534 Be Pagan Once Again Bonewits 54 - 1089 Be Practical Feld 65 - 1289 Beaches and the Sun McGath 53 - 1069 Beads on a Wire Gladstone 189 - 3792 Beagle, The Wheeler 103 - 2064 Beagle Has Landed, The Eatough 9 - 147 Beam Me Away Nordley 114 - 2287 Beast of My Kind Mandel 94 - 1874 Beast Speaks, The Simpson 177 - 3555 Beat Cop's Lot Lembke 17 - 331 Beatles Do Lovecraft, The Ross, A. 189 - 3795 Beautiful Fool Smothers 49 - 985 Beauty & Beast Finale Simpson 205 - 4112 Beauty and the Beast, The Kelson 36 - 718 Beauty Best Veiled Digby 102 - 2045 Beauty is a Beast Mandel 119 - 2393 Bedford Insurance Claim #PA29438 Mailander 30 - 590 Bedlam Bells Bethancourt 97 - 1938 Bedlam Code 2.0 Tillman 54 - 1084 Bedtime Stories Mills 115 - 2304 Beeblebrox Reitman 145 - 2912 Behind Green Eyes Mills, Phil 210 - 4202 Behind That Rock Bruns 101 - 2018 Bei Mir Bist Du Schwarz Baker 159 - 3178 Bela Lugosi's Spirit Oppen 190 - 3815 Believers Feld 54 - 1086 Bella Chow Goode 143 - 2857 Bellatrix' Hymn Oppen 105 - 2111 Bellow Loud Hodge 40 - 802 Berkeley Tower, The brown & Stanberry 110 - 2200 Berthold Brecht Does Shakespeare Mailander 29 - 570 Best Star Trek Game Ever Goode 150 - 3005 Better Off Dead Brener, Mara 4 - 64 Better Plan, A Wynne 173 - 3475 Between Kanefsky 103 - 2068 Beverley's Lament Polowin 118 - 2363 Beware of the Filker, Chris Weber Lieberman 209 - 4192 Beware of the Sentient Apple Wahl 51 - 1037 Beware of the Sentient Computer Kelson 87 - 1742 Beware of the Vogonese Poets Murrie 19 - 369 Beware of the Zombie Space Hamsters Okamura 115 - 2311 Beyond the Rim Ehrlich 60 - 1208 Beyond the Western Range Kanefsky 20 - 394 BFA: Ghost Filkers Juneau 83 - 1663 B-Grade Movies Bohnhoff, J. 143 - 2866 Bid Party Laubenheimer 87 - 1749 Bid Sheet Blues Cinii 51 - 1041 Biff the Mundane Dragon Hoffman, Randy 101 - 2028 Big Bad Jud Phillips & Simmons 2 - 26 Big Fools, The Ross, A. 169 - 3384 Big Frog on the Loose O'Riley 66 - 1315 Big Inflated Rose Browne 21 - 417 Big Lab of Clone Ehrlich 104 - 2090 Big Moose Song, The McGath 68 - 1363 Big River Mailander 123 - 2460 Big Yellow Tablet Burton West 56 - 1125 Bilbo's Ring Ross 85 - 1707 Bill Gates' Lament Baylor 72 - 1438 Billboards Mandel 104 - 2088 Billy Gates Shuch 148 - 2963 Bird of Fire Simpson 214 - 4283 Birds of Prey: Retro Bunnell 111 - 2219 Birthday of the Light, The Digby 56 - 1135 Birthday Party of Bilbo B, The Qe'van 165 - 3304 Birthday Yesterday Gold, Lynn 41 - 827 Birthday-Boy Fulk Bales.... Bales 208 - 4173 Birthright, The Hodge & Lee Gold 39 - 787 Bishonen Blues Hopcroft 49 - 992 Bishop Cogman 73 - 1459 Bit Bucket's Emptying Mathews 124 - 2492 Bits Kanefsky 98 - 1956 Bituminous Cat Anderson, K. 137 - 2737 Bizarro World Kanefsky 160 - 3205 Black Bodies Anderson, P 105 - 2094 Black Cat Mills, Phil 215 - 4310 Black Kittycat Kronengold 181 - 3621 Black Pepper and Parmesan Holt 105 - 2113 Black Reindeer/DecemberOfCambreadth Kanefsky 68 - 1355 Black Riders in the Sky Soley 14 - 270 Black Tabby Kanefsky 122 - 2450 Black Vest Song Cinii 73 - 1457 Blade Runner Cogman 37 - 741 Blame Microsoft Bruns 107 - 2153 Blame the Vulcans Baker 87 - 1747 Blasting off to LEO Feld 139 - 2783 Blazon Prattle Lembke 204 - 4089 Bleach Paige 121 - 2420 Bleak Shore Urs 199 - 3978 Bleeded Out Smothers 38 - 762 Blind Gladstone 114 - 2284 Blind Wizard, The Digby 147 - 2941 Blink Polowin 148 - 2967 Blob Long 2 - 18 Blondie? (The Slayer) Feld 114 - 2289 Blood Chords Bunnell 96 - 1919 Bloody Porkchop Hopcroft 52 - 1051 Blood Will Tell Kanefsky 158 - 3159 Blow the Flute in the Morning Shuch 120 - 2402 Blow the House Down Gold, Lee 4 - 61 Blubber Shapero 30 - 588 Blue Cheese Sauce Holt 111 - 2231 Blue Cutie Soley 24 - 463 Blue December Sky Shapero 86 - 1733 Blue Garlic Cinii 112 - 2236 Blue Moon Mandel 129 - 2579 Blue Moon Poodle Wolkoff 215 - 4298 Blue Ribbon McGath 48 - 970 Blue Wire West 123 - 2464 Bob Kanefsky Theme Song, The Bunnell 31 - 609 Bobby Shafted Marmel 106 - 2132 Bobcats Just Want to Have Fun Feld 172 - 3455 Bob's Sitrep Laubenheimer 149 - 2993 Bob's Supply Simpson 183 - 3662 Bodice, The Macdonald 30 - 593 Body Art in Jewish Law Mandel 146 - 2932 Boethius Alma Mater Fox 168 - 3367 Boffin's Lament, The Brain 189 - 3791 Bold Fisherman concluded, The Brown 142 - 2852 Bold Software Pirates, The Benefiche 78 - 1550 Boldthinker Goulder 209 - 4187 Bomb Cyclone Goulder 182 - 3642 Bomb Fish Digby 87 - 1737 Bomb Iraq Harms 87 - 1736 Bonny Maid of Sunnydale, The Ross, A. 125 - 2513 Boogie-Woogie Boogieman, The Kanefsky 161 - 32177 Booming Bowling Digby 196 - 3927 Books are Taking Over, The Bunnel 32 - 647, 34 - 689 Book Room Blues Parsons 210 - 4213 Books Mailander 3 - 51 Books McGath 43 - 858 Books Richards 205 - 4104 Book Signings Holt 149 - 2977 Bookworm's Curse Landerman 19 - 360 Boomer's Song Trimmer 164 - 3293 Boot Again Tansky 117 - 2352 Boots II: The Second Irritation Kanefsky 194 - 3892 Boots on the Sands of Mars Gold, Lee 184 - 3695 Bootstrap Kanefsky 140 - 2807 Bootstrapped to Eternity Gladstone 166 - 3333 Booze and Biodiesel Fish 126 - 2532 Booze Will Eat Up Your Liver Liebmann & al 1 - 9 Borderline Stalker Ross, A. 126 - 2518 Boredom in Reader City Mailander 5 - 72 Borg for Banjo Bunnell & Edgerton 129 - 2587 Borgish Eyes Shuch 181 - 3629 Born a Wookiee Ruff 49 - 999 Born to Fly Shuch 133 - 2667 Boromir Anderson, K 91 - 1823 Boss's Dragon, The Burrows 12 - 227 Boston 4, New York Nothing Mathews 98 - 1954 Boswell Mailander 54 - 1094 Both Sides Smith 104 - 2085 Both Skies Now Gladstone 106 - 2131 Both Ways Now -- continued Cochran 16 - 303 Bought a PC Juliano 6 - 89 Bounce! Dorn & Kesselman 152 - 3048 Boundaries Elms 75 - 1492 Bound for Argo Mandel 109 - 2189 Bound for Argo Tansky 101 - 2022 Bound for Hackers' Heaven Savitzky, S. 122 - 2447 Bounds of Science, The Smith 90 - 1796 Bow Down, Bow Down Goodman 15 - 275 Box, The Shapero 150 - 3014 Boy and His Bus, A Benefiche 81 - 1608 Boy and His Dog, A Smothers 34 - 673 Boy and His Gods, A Benefiche 76 - 1508 Boy and His Totem Animal, A Mathews 84 - 1678 Box in the Hall Urs 166 - 3316 ...Boy from Camp Granada Brener, Mara 122 - 2446 Boy of Steel Mailander 85 - 1695 Boy That's Always Been, The Chiffon 114 - 2288 Brain, Hands and Heart McGath 50 - 1012 Braindead Bunch, The Weingart 48 - 979 Brand-Name Bullies Gladstone 129 - 2580 Break-In at Tiffany's Bruns 143 - 2862 Break in Tradition, A Okamura 79 - 1581 Breaking out My Backhoe Ross, A. 197 - 3940 Breakfast! Burrows 4 - 62 Breakfast in Moscow Shuch 126 - 2524 Breaking up the Earth Burton-West 47 - 955 Bree West-Gate, The Mandel 148 - 2961 Breezy Bubbles Digby 114 - 2295 Brennan on the Court Hubbard 201 - 4020 Brick by Brick Ehrlich 139 - 2787 Bricklayer's Threes, The Gladstone 118 - 2368 ***** of Chanur, The Weingart 14 - 254 Bride of Hillary Boone Tansky 1 - 6 Bridges at the Edge of Dreamland Digby 155 - 3107 Brief Tasty Diversion, A Urs 196 - 3927 Bring All That KINDNESS Mar 172 - 3437 Bring Back, Reprise Hodge 42 - 853 Bring It Down Fish 26 - 512 Bring It On Ross, Andrew 214 - 4279 Brits Rubin 45 - 898 Broke All the Water Cinii 54 - 1092 Broken Cradle Van Pelt 94 - 1882 Broken Faith Wittenberg 120 - 2407 Brother Michael's Song Carson 89 - 1790 Brother No. 9 Garber 218 - 4372 Brothers in Arms Mathews 34 - 686 Brown Christmas Goulder 165 - 3310 Brownie Mary Mailander 67 - 1328 Brush up Your Potions Mathews 91 - 1820 Bubble, The Digby 44 - 894, 63 - 1283 Bubbly Surprise Digby 198 - 3970 Buddy, Can You Spare Shapero 84 - 1681 Buffalo Dreams Mailander 2 - 19 Buffy, Hermione, Katniss and Rey Ross, A. 178 - 3560 Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Fight On Brener, Madeleine 69 - 1382 Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- ctd Brener, Maddy 70 - 1391 Bug Bomb Mathews 57 - 1151 Bug Butter Oppen 165 - 3308 Bug Came Back, The Polowin 108 - 2167 Buggy Software Wynne 148 - 2970 Bug Report McGath 140 - 2801 Bugs Savitzky, S. 140 - 2812 Bug Song tillman 72 - 1428 Bugs Are Taking Over, The Brener, Mara 56 - 1130 Build Another Martian Rover Gold, Lee 145 - 2897 Building a History - Weingart 72 - 1444 Building Jacob's Ladder Laubenheimer/Parker 191 - 3831 Bumpy Foreheads Everywhere Hubbard 35 - 699 Bunny-Eared Girls Kronengold 141 - 2818 Bunyan's Hero Gold, Lee 6 - 103 Burden of the Crown: Son's Reply Hodge 25 - 483 Burden of the Crown - Act II, The Hodge 32 - 631 Burglar Medley Gold, Lee 8 - 136 "Burn Harry Potter" Battalion, The Gladstone 144 - 2891 Burned Out Warrior Phoenix 197 - 3938 Burning Books of the Republic, the McGath 208 - 4165 Burning of the Enterprise, The Kingsgrave 13 - 242 Burning Rubber Farther into Space Shuch 139 - 2784 Burning Rubber to the Edge of Space Shuch 99 - 1976 Bury Me under a Star McGath 211 - 4234 By My Spirit Gold, Lee 170 - 3413 By the Time I Get To Kanefsky 35 - 698 By Seventeen Tansky 159 - 3190 Bye-Bye, Kashrut Mandel 158 - 3172 Byte of the Loan Shark Mason & Bethancourt 98 - 1969 Cadillacs vs Dinosaurs Burrows 42 - 847 Caerbannog Wassail Miller 172 - 3440 Caffeine Hodge 14 - 259 Caffeine Bruns 131 - 2629 Caffeine and Protein Wozney 193 - 3874 Cakes of the Angels Holt 58 - 1178 California Fire Drill, The Bunnell 49 - 984 California Ghouls Smith 23 - 443 California Kudzu Mailander 2 - 20 California Wonderland Gold, Lee 9 - 148 Call 211 Griffin et al 206 - 4117 Call Him Lord Mar 88 - 1773 Call to the Clouds Gold, Lee 37 - 738 Calling on the Wind Westbrooks 45 - 918 Calm Down, the Techie's Reply Baylor 15 - 276 Call of Simorgya (3, 4), The Urs 128 - 2560 Camazotz Kanefsky 199 - 3993 Camel Lot Shuch 197 - 3945 Camel Lot Rev, 2.0 Shuch 204 - 4083 Camel Lot Tuerff 204 - 4084 Camelot Myth, The Mathews 67 - 1330 Camp Granada Brener, Mara 122 - 2446 Campaign Super Tuesday Hoffman 93 - 1869 Camp Tornillo Dunn 180 - 3604 Camp Trumpblinka Ross, A. 180 - 3605 Can I Play EQ Tomorrow? Shuch 98 - 1968 Can You Hear the Bells? Bernstein 191 - 3826 Can You Hear Me Now Shuch 138 - 2767 Cancellation Smith 6 - 102 Cancellation Waltz Goulder 196 - 3928 Canine Affection Baylor 33 - 649 Candy Kelson 47 - 946 Can't Buy the Putermans Cinii 41 - 821 Can't Do It Yourself Polowin 110 - 2210 Captain Archer's Dog Baker, G & J 92 - 1846 Captain Jack -- Mermaid's Side Shapero 8 - 130 Captain Jack and His Crew Kanefsky 7 - 106 Captain, Keep Your Pants On Haldane-Lindley 119 - 2383 Captain Kirk is Beaming Down Ruff 33 - 656 Captain Kirk's Farewell Kirby 44 - 880 Captain of the Mirrorverse Pinafore Gladstone 104 - 2084 Captain Underpants Theme Song Baylor 98 - 1969 Captain's Face, The Ruff 29 - 584 Carcosa Simpson 198 - 3970 Carmelita Camacho Miller, S. 170 - 3409 Carnage Tonight Reitman 138 - 2766 Carol of the Bagpipes Gold, Lynn 42 - 841 Carrie Ross, Andrew 213 - 4274 Carry-On Bohnhoff, J 115 - 2315 Cartography Digby 44 - 894 Cartoon Idea: Guru & Seeker Digby 179 - 3592 Cartoon Ideas Digby 175 - 3509 Cassandra's Complaint Okamura 66 - 1306 Cassini Stillson 178 - 3567 Cast-Iron Mistress Levine 40 - 811 Castiel Mailander 138 - 2756 Cat and the Fiddle, The Digby 167 - 3353 Cat and Rat McGath 103 - 2070 Cat of War Landerman 41 - 825 Cat Stevens "Satanic Verses" Lurie 6 - 89 Cat Who Walks through Zoom, The Lieberman 206 - 4119 Catacombs Sutton & Wynne 74 - 1469 Catcall Kanefsky 118 - 2374 Catch a Rocket Launch Gold, Lee 186 - 3732 Cats and Lovers Soley 25 - 494 Cat's Lullaby Brener, Madeleine 30 - 593 Cats with Thumbs Feld 82 - 1641 Catschools Digby 65 - 1300 Caught in the Crossfire Burnham 9 - 157 'Cause I Wrote It Phoenix 137 - 2755 Cautionary Tale, A Weingart 13 - 241 Caves of Steel, The Garrett 81 - 1606 Cee-Cee Lands on My Case Todd-Prather 58 - 1181 Celiac Serenade Shuch 160 - 3213 Censors Kanefsky 218 - 4360 Cetagandan Ale Reitman 78 - 1548 Chametz Tonight Mandel 167 - 3351 Changing Keys Digby 141 - 2835 Changing the Baby Savitzky, S. 147 - 2954 Channel Fifty-Four Ruhle 29 - 584 Channel Surfing Wolkoff 57 - 1147 Chaos and Cacophany Gold, Lee 48 - 980 Chaos, Death and Spiky Bits Hopcroft 37 - 748 Chaotic's Song, The Kelson 50 - 1021 Charles Chiffon 159 - 3192 Charlie Smothers 47 - 943 Charlie Benefiche 82 - 1634 Charlie Mailander 74 - 1468 Charlottesville Ross, A. 175 - 3510 Charon, Row the Boat... Goodman & Lee Gold 40 - 813 Chase, The Scorpia 14 - 268 Chasing the Saint Hopcroft 79 - 1577 Chat with a Filker, A Reitman 91 - 1828 Chat with Your Con Chair, A Polowin 112 - 2255 Chaucer's "Franklin's Tale" Wald 68 - 1357 Cheap Weapons Fish 78 - 1555 Cherryh Carol Gold, Lee 4 - 61 Cheshire Moon Mandel 147 - 2946 Chewie and the TSA Bruns 152 - 3038 Chewin' on Rasputin Hoffman 99 - 1991 Chicanery Garber 214 - 4295 Chicken Advance, The Goulder 215 - 4304 Children Roasting... Gold, Lynn 20 - 389 Chin-Chan-Chu Anderson, P 95 - 1897 Chip of Stone Levine 65 - 1294 Chocolate Tonight Kronengold 218 - 4364 Choice, The Burnham 7 - 111 Cholesterol Special, The Mathews 50 - 1004 Choose the Bear Mailander 217 - 4338 Choosing the Bear Ross, Andrew 215 - 4308 Christian Circle Dance Hodge 41 - 829 Christmas Cat Digby 4 - 58 Christmas Day-O Shapero 152 - 3043 Christmas in the ICU Andrew Ross, A. 195 - 3901 Christmas Invasion Parsons 106 - 2130 Chuck the Corpse Capp 201 - 4016 Chupacabra Miller 144 - 2877 Circle the Block Mandel 154 - 3095 Circle with the Hook on Top Hodge 16 - 304 City Full of Heroes Horning, Mark 201 - 4034 City of Heroes Garber 132 - 2652 Clank Your Chains Tansky 215 - 4301 CLAP! Digby 187 - 3740 Classroom Fantasy Kanefsky 9 - 151 Clay Tablets Reitman 154 - 3087 Cleansing Yugoslavia Gold, Lee 27 - 534 Cleric's Lament Wells 38 - 760 CLH Strikes Back, The Todd-Prather 12 - 231 Client Number Nine Stillson 119 - 2389 Clifford Russell's Farewell Haldane-Linley... 205 - 4107 Cliffs of Insanity Bellavia, E.&R. 158 - 3175 Clique Alley Ross, A 77 - 1527 Clone a Crone Shuch 119 - 2381 Clone Me a Sheep Mandel 53 - 1079 Cloned Sheep Song, The Okamura 53 - 1079 Close Encounter Bruns 163 - 3275 Close Enough for Filk Bruns 87 - 1741 Closer to Fan Weingart 66 - 1324 Closer to Fen Wittenberg 126 - 2522 Closer to the Plot Bohnhoff 85 - 1708 Closest Encounter Digby 111 - 2226 Close Your Eyes Ehrlich 123 - 2466 Close Your Files McGath 126 - 2535 Cloud, The Simpson 166 - 3332 Cloudy Concepts Digby 101 - 2017 Clueless David T. Okamura 67 - 1338 Clutch Cargo Thomas 62 - 1259 Clutch Ogra, Natasha Davidoff 83 - 1660 Code Kanefsky 100 - 2005 Code Tansky, Arthur 202 - 4045 Code in the Head Haldane-Lindley 23 - 456 Code That Jill Wrote, The Rousey 96 - 1922 Coder Moon Wittenberg 199 - 3994 Coed Naked Quidditch Mailander 91 - 1815 Coercive's Life, A Mathews 122 - 2444 Cold Patapsco Waters Leger 215 - 4303 Cold Pizza and Mountain Dew Bruns 135 - 2715 Cold Power Kanefsky 11 - 191 Cold War Profiteers Weiss 11 - 195 Cole Slaw Gold, Lee 13 - 233 Coleoptera Coccinellidae! Provenzano 20 - 381 Collars, The Hansard 84 - 1686 Collector Alaska, The Rubin 45 - 900 Colonoscopymas Carols Roper 189 - 3780 Colors of the Money Mailander 46 - 933 Colour out of Space, The Okamura 59 - 1204 Columbia Bliss 99 - 1992 Column of the Wind Levine & Browne 52 - 1047 Come On and Make My Day Elms 5 - 74 Come to Mordor Bohnhoff 86 - 1723 Come, Ye Muppets Kanefsky 2 - 30 Comforts of Home, The Kanefsky 53 - 1081 Comic Sans Bruns 150 - 3015 Coming Home if the Capsule Will Hold Norén 193 - 3872 Comment on #207 Cover Simpson 208 - 4162 Comments on a Newsweek Article Mathews 27 - 525 Compleat Trekwriter, The Holt 135 - 2703 Computer Religion Brener, Harry 44 - 888 Computer Upgrade Rodgers 77 - 1543 Con Crud Norén 192 - 3839 Con from Argo Mandel 67 - 1342 Con Spent in a Circle, A Wynne 64 - 1280 Con with No Beer Cochran 105 - 2110 Concellation Garber 191 - 3828 Concellation Horning 192 - 3842 Concentration Camp Dunn 186 - 3724 Con-Lift McGath 138 - 2762 Conchord 7 Rain Circle Levine 23 - 455 Condemnation Kanefsky 48 - 978 Condensed Banned from Argo Burrows 13 - 248 Confiction Frictions Lurie 14 - 260 Con-Fusion Brinich 11 - 190 Con-Geld (A Teaching Song) Bunnell 119 - 2386 Con without Any Rooms, The Shuch 97 - 1940 Constantine of Constantinople Goulder 216 - 4326 Connor's Song Brener, Maddy 99 - 1989 Constitution Is a Good Excuse, The Todd-Prather 60 - 1218 Contract Dodger Rag Bernstein 79 - 1580 Contractors' Waltz Rubin 45 - 901 Con-Trast Mailander 128 - 2558 Convention Anderson, P & K 109 - 2176 Convention Shuch 111 - 2225 Convention Programming Housman 19 - 378 Convention's End Todd-Prather 15 - 293 Cookie Man, The Levine 29 - 571 Coppertone Ehrlich 142 - 2853 Copyright Bots Purcell 146 - 2922 Copyright Song Shuch 174 - 3495 Cordelia's Song Mathews 28 - 547 Corona Lux Horning 194 - 3884 Corridor Todd-Prather 19 - 361 Corps, The Baylor 138 - 2759 Cosmic Carl Shuch 51 - 1028 Costumer's Tale Lurie 17 - 324 Cotton Clouds Digby 159 - 3194 Couch Potato Gold, Lee 10 - 170 Couldn't Quite Explain It Bruns 106 - 2129 Count Vorvlaceslav Oppen & Mandel 76 - 1514 Counter Clichés Digby 197 - 3939 Country Response Wynne 128 - 2573 Country Roads Rubin 45 - 899 Country That I Used to Know, A Ross, Andrew 216 - 4317 Cover of Next Month's Locus, The Oppen 58 - 1185 COVID Connection, The Polowin 192 - 3850 COVID Dichotomy Blues Goulder 196 - 3922 COVID in the Wind Goulder 198 - 3964 Covid Karen Ross, A. 192 - 3855 COVID-ONE-NINE Polowin 193 - 3869 Cowgirl Jess Baker 76 - 1516 Cow'm Down Landerman 24 - 481 Cow's Song, The Wozney 201 - 4029 Coyote & Raven: I Simpson 17 - 327 Coyote's Eye View Burrows 6 - 104 CPR Song Nitpicked Feld 55 - 1113 Crackberry Phone Shuch 129 - 2585 Crackin' RSA Chua 69 - 1369 Cranes over Hiroshima: First Draft Thiesen 52 - 1061 Cranes over Hiroshima (Japanese) Gold, Lee 1 - 1 Crash Brinich 25 - 488 Crassmass Lieberman 207 - 4138 Crazy Man Michael: Artificial Night Ross, A. 141 - 2824 Creation Took Eight Days Gladstone 136 - 2725 Creative Writing Lesson Laubenheimer 142 - 2838 Crewman's Lament Preston & Thomas 24 - 477 Cries Hughes 100 - 2013 Crifanac Rapp 106 - 2118 Criminal, The Brinich 39 - 780 Criminal Masterminds Bunnell 99 - 1990 Crispy Danish Ross, A 78 - 1549 Crossed Over Kanefsky 112 - 2246 Cross Fertilization Kanefsky 36 - 722, 106 - 2114 Cross-Time Huxter Wolkoff 58 - 1177 Crossing Kingsgrave 5 - 83 Crouch Nasset 106 - 2120 Crushed Velvet Levine 55 - 1109 Cruzan Levine 22 - 430 Cryptokitties, Explained...Mostly Goulder 186 - 3728 Crying on My Apple Landerman 51 - 1039 Crystal Monolith, The Urs 100 - 2002 Cthulu Richards 52 - 1057 Cthulhu and the Sewer Pipe Christopher 107 - 2145 Cthulhu Carol Brown 134 - 2680 Cthulhu, Cthulhu, King of the Sea Gladstone 168 - 3373 Cthulhu Cultists Charleston Murphy 6 - 102 Cthulhu Hymn Oppen 164 - 3290 Cthulhu Lies Under the Ocean Shapero 47 - 952 Cthulhu Loves the Little Children Sasahara 53 - 1067 Cthulhu's in the Night Reeve 46 - 929 Cujo Smith 49 - 983 Curry on, My Wayward Song Mailander 216 - 4322 Curse You, Black Hair Soley 15 - 274 Customer, The Hansard 76 - 1522 Cutty Warn, The Mailander 113 - 2257 Cut Velvet Polowin 60 - 1225 Cyberman, Cyberman Baer 51 - 1032 Cybersaga Shapero 11 - 198 Cyber-Trek (season 4) Baylor 13 - 249 Cyborg's Hymn, The Cinii 35 - 709 Da Battle Song Oppen 127 - 2541 Daddy's Boy Baker 85 - 1694 Daddy's Fire-Breathing Daughter Mailander 33 - 653 Daddy's Little Grill Paige 65 - 1300 Daddy's Other Little Girl Kanefsky 110 - 2203 Daddy's World Savitzky, S. 128 - 2571 Dad of a Clown Reitman 166 - 3323 Dagda's Club, The Bonewits 55 - 1106 Dagwood Levine 38 - 773 Dairy Queen Bohnhoff, J. 141 - 2828 Dalek Song, The Neff & Ehrlich 131 - 2630 Dan Brown's Langdon Stillson 159 - 3179 Dance! Dance! Dance! Tansky 201 - 4035 Dance of the Goddess Cule 85 - 1697 Dandelion Cochran 34 - 675 Dandelion Filker Jones 37 - 740 Dandelion Filkers, The Rogow 27 - 541, 28 - 558 Dandelion Revenge Kanefsky 22 - 436 Danegeld II Gold, Lee 26 - 523 Dangerous Veggies McGath 74 - 1476 Daniel Jackson Tyra, S. 124 - 2484 Danse Macabre Miller 143 - 2858 Dark Background, A Simpson 181 - 3627 Dark Days Simpson 184 - 3679 Dark Fire Simpson 170 - 3413 Dark Gift Tyrr 3 - 48 Dark in the Dungeon Smith 8 - 146 Dark Lord Rising Feld 99 - 1974 Dark Side of Mars, The Kanefsky 61 - 1244 Dark World Wynne 175 - 3499 Darkness Shuch 53 - 1068 Darkness Filking Kanefsky 114 - 2285 Darkstar Smothers 36 - 725 Darn Tough Burrows 33 - 658 Darth Vader Went Down to Bespin Smith, N. 108 - 2173 Darwin Awards, The Mandel 152 - 3050 Darwinian "Morning Has Broken" Fish 95 - 1912 Das Ve Danya Rogow 67 - 1339 Data Benefiche 35 - 708 Data Protection Teaching Song McGath 209 - 4190 Davey, Davey Abbott 100 - 2002 Dawkins' Atheist McGath 136 - 2722 Dawson's Christian...Marty Robbins Horning, Mark 198 - 3956 Dawson's Game Show Weingart 29 - 574 Dawson's Second Coming Gold, Lee 43 - 870 Dawson's Tenure Shuch 55 - 1116 Day the Muzak Died, The Williams et al. 127 - 2540 Daye the Knight Kronengold et al. 142 - 2841 Day They Raided Long's, The Goulder 219 - 4387 Day We Learned to Write, The Gladstone 119 - 2380 Dayenu! Gold, Lee 172 - 3443 Days of Legend Rubin 45 - 902 Dead Are Coming Home, The Gold, Lee 163 - 3266 Dead Bunny Breakfast Savitzky, Riley 198 - 3972 Dead Computer Chanty McGath 20 - 384 Dead Dog Rover Chiffon 173 - 3469 Dead Hamsters Mailander 115 - 2310 Dead Little Moggie Gold, Lee 10 - 173 Dead Meat Deadbeats, The Okamura 184 - 3676 Dead People Benefiche 50 - 1020 Dead Ringers Holt 131 - 2634 Deadline Shopping Man Cinii 71 - 1420 Dealers Cherry 24 - 480 Dealing with My HMO Lee Visser 159 - 3193 Dear Alice Wozney 188 - 3770 Dear Departed Kanefsky 3 - 38 Dear Kindly Captain Picard Polowin 135 - 2712 Dear Seanan Leger 208 - 4159 Deathly Decisions Okamura 158 - 3156 Death on Stone Wings Horning 163 - 3264 Debugging All Your Code Rousey 82 - 1640 December of Cambreadth Bob Kanefsky 68 - 1355 December Seventh Feld 81 - 1623 Decisions, Decisions Bunnell 136 - 2721 Deck That Virus Tansky 192 - 3847 Decorum Farewell Shuch 167 - 3349 Decorum Farewell (rev. 2.0) Shuch 175 - 3515 Dedicated Rescuer of Royals Reitman 144 - 2884 Dedicated to People on AOL And Demo Weingart 59 - 1192 Deep, Deep Water Lieberman 211 - 4226 Deep Space, Cyberspace Kanefsky 108 - 2163 Deep Space Is Wide Shuch 131 - 2619 Deeps of Loch Ness Simpson 201 - 4026 Defense of Marriage Lee Gold 49 - 987 Definitely Man O' War Rousey 2 - 29 Definition of Filk, The Mandel 85 - 1711 DEI Hire Ross, Andrew 219 - 4376 Deja Holmes Mailander 142 - 2839 Deja Nam Gold 32 - 648 Deja Vu Anderson, P. & A. 185 - 3710 Deja Vu Once More Shuch 104 - 2089 Dejah, Dejah Haldane-Lindley 27 - 535 DeLand Is the Opposite of DC Shuch 216 - 4335 De-Liver Us from Evil McGath 125 - 2496 Delphi Dance Kingsgrave 15 - 292 Delver's Life for Me, A Vassilakos 206 - 4121 Democratic Folks Shd Stick Together Ross, A. 168 - 3360 Demographer's Song Shapero 19 - 375 Demolished Man by Alfred Bester, The Garrett 75 - 1486 Demon Ring Kelson 17 - 320 Dendarii Hillbillies, The Mathews 66 - 1311 Dendarii's Privateers Ross, A 64 - 1270 Denver Omelet Brown 133 - 2659 Derelicts Digby 73 - 1458 Deryni Drinking Song Green 17 - 331 Desert Shield Avalon 51 - 1038 Desk of Fred, The Mitchell 211 - 4229 Desmond's Indiscretion Hopcroft 29 - 569 Desolation - Oh, No! Savitzky, S. 124 - 2489 Devil Makes the Laws, The Gladstone 107 - 2136 Devil Went down to Richfield, The skzb 187 - 3742 Devil's Advocate Bunnell 36 - 717 Dexterity Three Landerman 40 - 812 DHMO Song, The Mandel 57 - 1148 Dianetics Wolkoff 85 - 1701 Did It Myself Osier 32 - 633 Did the Dark Lord Rise? Gold, Lee 154 - 3091 Dig, Dig, Dug Shapero 29 - 566 Digital Intelligence Hunt 181 - 3631 Dieter's Slobber Song, The Landerman 57 - 1158 Dinosaur Smith 32 - 635 Dinosaur Christmas, A Landerman 39 - 795 Dirty Water (Flood of) Reitman 147 - 2939 Disaster in the Rain Harris 47 - 961 DisCERNing Weasel, A Goulder 167 - 3337 Discount Planets Digby 204 - 4091 Discovery Day Phillips & Mullen 2 - 25 Disease Song Simpson 217 - 4351 Dish in Evpatoria, The Shuch 134 - 2686 Distemper of Revenge Holt 59 - 1190 Distrait in the Life Goulder 208 - 4174 Distress, book review with spoilers Mathews 118 - 2367 Divine Lament McGath 214 - 4289 Diving the Dumpster Gregg & McMullan 35 - 693 Dizzy Bat Landerman 18 - 339 Dizzy's Lament Mathews 59 - 1202 DM Don't 'Low Baylor 17 - 327 DMCA Phoenix 93 - 1872 DMCA Bruns 98 - 1959 Dmitry & DMCA Savitzky, S. 79 - 1574 DM's Revenge Kelson et al. 10 - 176 DNA Bohnhoff, J. 101 - 2019 Do I Love You Digby 118 - 2375 Do It to Yourself Polowin 185 - 3708 Do Ragna-Wop Wynne 181 - 3625 Do the Freddy Shaub 10 - 173 Do the Sploot Goulder 206 - 4120 Do We Still Sing "Hope Eyrie"? Lieberman 186 - 3717 Do You Come from the Land of Abthite Holt 144 - 2881 Do You Ever? Digby 195 - 3914 Do You Hear the Filkers Sing? McGath 170 - 3411 Do You Know the Way to Gallifrey Goode 164 - 3294 Do You Scan What I Scan? Brinich 52 - 1053 Do You See the Elder Sign Urs 150 - 3000 Do You Want to be a Scientist? Horning 203 - 4067 Doctor Is Out, The Adelsohn 27 - 524 Doctor Kellogg Had a Spa Phoenix 136 - 2732 Doctor's Blue Box, The Trimmer 160 - 3202 Dr. Biden Andrew Ross, A. 195 - 3900 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Snide Brinich 43 - 861 Dr. Mudge and the Machine Unknown 70 - 1397 Documentation Weingart 129 - 2593 Does It Scan to Argo Benefiche 83 - 1671 Dog and His Boy, A Benefiche 40 - 815 Dog and His Boy, A McGath 156 - 3124 Dog Whistles DeMello 169 - 3392 Dog's Song, The Simpson 212 - 4242 Dollar Cobb 15 - 282 Domino Death Smothers 41 - 817 Done Sung Along Cochran 19 - 375 Donkey That Talks, A Bunnell 84 - 1688 Don't Believe A Single Word Landerman 18 - 343 Don't Bite the Sun Norén 170 - 3398 Don't Buy That Button Weingart 26 - 508 Don't Call an Angel Kanefsky 142 - 2848 Don't Cry, My Dear, Have a Cracker Wynne 217 - 4341 Don't Do It Yourself Without Us Benefiche 31 - 625 Don't Ever Call Me Chicken Kanefsky 13 - 249 Don't Feed the Troll Leger 162 - 3240 Don't Flame at a Usenet Troll Feld 70 - 1398 Don't Get Filked Again Smith 17 - 332 Don't Need a Home Horning 115 - 2303 Don't Let Us Down Thomas & Lee Gold 33 - 652 Don't Lock Us Down Tansky 191 - 3821 Don't Look Back Shapero 46 - 926 Don't Make Me Cry before We Start Tom Digby 107 - 2134 Don't Panic Wynne & Williams 214 - 4284 Don't Pass It On Baylor 198 - 3964 Don't Pick on the Librarian Mandel 136 - 2731 Don't Push That Button: Sequel Kanefsky 38 - 762 Don't Set the Con Hotel on Fire Capp, Kwinn et al 50 - 1018 Don't Stand / Ancient Gods Hughes 26 - 518 Don't Throw That Missile Mandel 121 - 2419 Don't Waste Your Franchise McGath 173 - 3460 Don't Worry Londo Phillip Mills 219 - 4394 Don't Worry, Mom Housman 31 - 627 Don't You Know Enough Tansky 170 - 3411 Donuts, Donuts Ehrlich 141 - 2831 Dorsai Rover, The Bernstein 179 - 3581 Double Dactyls Anderson, Poul 182 - 3637 Downdraft Phoenix 126 - 2533 Downloading Simpson 200 - 4004 Downtown Night Vale Kanefsky 178 - 3572 Downtown Rats Goulder 178 - 3564 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Snide Brinich 43 - 861 Dr. Mudge and the Machine Unknown 70 - 1397 Dracula, You Need a Better Coffin Phil Mills 169 - 3378 Draft Dodger Rag 2001 (Afghanistan) Mathews 87 - 1735 Dragon by the Tower Richards 190 - 3800 Dragon Decimal Kanefsky 41 - 823 Dragon Heat Levine 71 - 1422 Dragon Went A-Courtin' Lamb 107 - 2143 Dragonfire Smith 41 - 833 Dragonless Man Kirby 84 - 1690 Dragons in the Deep - Fragments Hopcroft 35 - 695 Dragon's Little Girl Kelson 3 - 50 Draining the Last Canal Digby 50 - 1009 Dreamer's Hands Simser 12 - 222 Dreams about Space Norén 176 - 3535 Dreams of Tattooine Garber 200 - 4010 Dredging up the Sleaze Brinich 27 - 541 Dried Frog Pills Wittenberg 110 - 2202 Drink and Eat Merry Kanefsky 154 - 3076 Drink or Two of Klah Burrows 20 - 398 Drink the Flint River McGath 167 - 3341 Drink up the River Remix Mar & Kronengold 172 - 3436 Drink V-308 Polowin 131 - 2624 Drinking Class, The Fish 12 - 219 Drive Down in the Engine Room, The Wheeler 63 - 1272 Driver Who Missed His Own Train McGath 168 - 3374 Drive-Through Filking Kanefsky 44 - 886 Driving down through NJ Weingart 25 - 484 Drow Song Soley 47 - 953 Drownin' USA Holt 113 - 2262 Drums Are Banned, The Norén 174 - 3480 Drunk World Tillman 23 - 457 Duet for Fezzik and Inigo Brener, Mara 2 - 32 Duet for Navarre and Isabeau Cogman 44 - 893 Duet for Two Enemies Oppen 93 - 1865 Dukatian Rhapsody Frost 177 - 3550 Dumbledore Is Fallen Goode 146 - 2924 Dumb Ones Don't Live Long, The Wynne 114 - 2290 Dumbledore's Army Marching Song Bunnell 138 - 2769 Dungeonville Wynne 74 - 1481 Duplicated Man, The Garrett 84 - 1680 Dutchman and the Lady, The Mandel 65 - 1286 Dwarven Bread Mathews 101 - 2023 E.T. Groot 156 - 3118 Early Morning Flight Shuch 184 - 3694 Early One Morning Mills, P. 183 - 3666 Early One Morning with Angel Brener, M & M 111 - 2235 Earmarks of a Spin Hughes 46 - 932 Earmarks of a Spin: Oscar '99 Hughes 65 - 1287 Earth is a Mean Mother, The Mailander 23 - 442 East of My Kind, The Weingart 95 - 1908 Echoes in your Mind Tansky 213 - 4266 Eddystone Light Variations Gold, Lee 44 - 889 Edge, The Digby 49 - 991, 60 - 1221 Editor, The Smith, N 128 - 2559 Editor's Waltz Mandel 71 - 1419 Edward and the NSA McGath 155 - 3110 Eeeek! Holt 62 - 1261 Eight Companions Baker 86 - 1724 Eight Hanukkah Carols Shuch 171 - 3430 Eight Times a Day Shuch 196 - 3921 Eight Times a Day: Revision #2 Shuch 208 - 4175 Eine Kleine Sternmusik Hodge 28 - 557 Ekaterin Mathews 81 - 1615 Eldorado Bohnhoff, J 102 - 2050 Eldritch Hop Barber 29 - 572 Eleanor Reigning Kesselman 213 - 4268 Eleanor Shellstrop Ross, Andrew 216 - 4330 Elegy and Sermon Mathews 105 - 2098 Elegy for a Filker Tansky 129 - 2591 Elemental Atomic Numbers Wozney 198 - 3960 Elementary Cat, The McGath 143 - 2870 Elephant, The Moffatt 110 - 2215 Elessar Goode 152 - 3044 Elf Song McQuillin 172 - 3454 Elf Trap McGath 49 - 982 Elf with No Name Soley 15 - 280 Elfquest "Hello, Remember Us" Brener, M & M 40 - 798 Elfquesting Soley 17 - 334 Elizabeth's Feastcrat Song Cooke 72 - 1442 Ellipse, The Bunnell 143 - 2873 Elmo's Theme Jones & Denman 35 - 710 Elsinorean Rhapsody Reitman 150 - 3006 E-Mail of the Specious, The Tom Holt 61 - 1226 Email through the Network, The Grumer 35 - 692 E-Mail to Bill G., An Stoops 57 - 1154 Em-bare-assing Escapade, An Levine 25 - 484 Embezzler's Life for Me, An Mailander 205 - 4114 Emerald City Richards 201 - 4024 Emergency Food Supply McGath 92 - 1841 Emmy's Song Bohnhoff, J. 117 - 2353 Emo-Ped Simpson 204 - 4087 Emperor, The McGath 105 - 2100 Empty House, An Lane 12 - 211 Empty Shelves and Empty Carrels Shuch 163 - 3268 Encounters Shapero 159 - 3176 End of Con Again Parker 196 - 3932 End of My World Kelson 33 - 660 End of the Tail Mailander 1 - 3 End of the World Urs 181 - 3626 Endless Show, The Hodge 25 - 499 Enemy McGath 162 - 3249 Energetic Monster McGath 213 - 4271 Engineer's Song, The Smith, Nick 126 - 2526 Engineers Week Song Simpson 195 - 3897 Engines on the Ship, The Weingart 40 - 804 English Major in the Library Mailander 2 - 14 Enriques Lament Mandel 78 - 1556 Enron Don't Run Hughes 85 - 1700 Enterprise Ellis 37 - 744 Enterprise's Ghost, The Goode 168 - 3373 Envy the Arctic Reindeer Goulder 218 - 4356 EO-SF Polowin 116 - 2332 Epigenetics Shuch 140 - 2801 Ercildune Goodman 182 - 3645 Eris Song Simpson 188 - 3766 Ernest Mirandas Ghost Rivkis 81 - 1611 Errantry Anthem Bunnell 174 - 3494 Error, Error Bunnell 37 - 750 Escher Baylor 133 - 2666 Escort, The Jones 42 - 843 Essay Wozney 191 - 3930 Estrella's Knight Paige 77 - 1545 Estrellita's Chastity Belt Gladstone 198 - 3974 ET, Speak Up Shuch 59 - 1195 Eta Carinae Gold, Lee 66 - 1323 Eternal Flame, The Kanefsky 52 - 1054 Ethnic Jokes Are Baylor 80 - 1586 ET's Song Weingart 5 - 81 Evan Burrows 15 - 290 Ever & Always Bunnell 98 - 1960 Every Day Bales 213 - 4275 Every Flavor Beans Ross 73 - 1446 Every Mouse Just ...Rule the World Bohnhoff 88 - 1755 Every Single Song She Sings...Tragic Bohnhoff 90 - 1803 Everybody Talks about It But Digby 24 - 482 Everyone Lives Wittenberg 188 - 3761 Everyone's a Beta Tester Mills, Phil 205 - 4099 Everyone's a Critic Harris 51 - 1039 Everyone's Got Secrets Bruns 127 - 2537 Everything Scans Chiffon 162 - 3246 Everything's Coming in Focus Paul 72 - 1433 Every...'s Out of Date/KS Classrooms Gladstone 102 - 2034 Evil Is A Four Letter Word, Too Leger 86 - 1714 Evil...4 Letter Word-Extra Verse Hughes 87 - 1739 Evil Kitten Urs 159 - 3188 Evil Pie Ross, A. 153 - 3068 Evolution Ale Chiffon 106 - 2118 Evolution of a Neo, The Van Deest 21 - 400 Eww, Gross Neff 62 - 1256 Ex, The Goode 173 - 3473 Excalibur Sleeps Tonight Brust 211 - 4226 Excerpt / Files / Fox Mulder Paul 70 - 1402 Executive Producer's Song, The Frost 167 - 3342 Exercise in Utility, An Levine 40 - 810 Ex-Essential Belief Davidoff 50 - 1019 Ex-Oil Carter, The Kanefsky 29 - 579 Expire in the Sky Abbott 133 - 2657 Exploding Whalesong Baylor 200 - 4014 Exposed to the Elements Kanefsky 55 - 1105 Extra Verse: Evil is a 4 Letter Word Hughes 87 - 1739 Extraterrestrial Relays Shuch 69 - 1366 Eye of Argon (the filksong) Gold, Lee 38 - 755 Eye of Argon Hopcroft 54 - 1101 Eyes in the Dark Mailander 25 - 500 Eyes of Night Owls, The Kanefsky 14 - 253 Eyes of Trufen Gold, Lee 13 - 245 Eyes of Ulthar, The Miller, Susanna 187 - 3739 Eyes to See With Creasey, Mary 12 - 225 Fa-la-la-la-ing Polowin 120 - 2408 Face You Used to Wear, The Shapero 40 - 801 Facebook Chanty, The Ross, Andrew 128 - 2563 Facebook Jail Ross, Andrew 199 - 3984 Facebook Prison Blues Norén 191 - 3829 Facts of Creation Levine 50 - 1013 Faerie Queene Gold, Lee 11 - 208 Faerie Queen Went down to Georgia Wittenberg 134 - 2693 Failing Your Save Mills, Phil 209 - 4181 Fairyland's Bookshop Smith, Tom 196 - 3916 Fairytale King Garber 214 - 4292 Faith's Egg Hughes 90 - 1797 Fall Free-ing Cinii 53 - 1077 Fallen Great Bird McGath 21 - 403 Falling down on Milton Keynes Allcock 14 - 263 Falling Rain, The Groot 134 - 2676 Fan! Fan! Fan! Konkin 180 - 3597 Fan of Sci-Fi Smeaton 23 - 446 Fan Who Writes for Himself, The Feld 10 - 166 Fan with a Beanie Weiss 55 - 1122 Fandom Is a Way of Life Mann 85 - 1702 Fangorn's Marching Song Wittenberg 132 - 2647 Fannish Remembrances Hughes 68 - 1349 Fan's Alphabet, A Mandel 125 - 2505 Fan's Daydream Soley 14 - 269 Fans Were Singing "Hope Eyrie", The McGath 184 - 3690 Fantasy Couples Hoffman 67 - 1344 Fantasy Series Mathews 71 - 1406 F.A.P. (Porker) Holt 70 - 1395 Faramir's City Urs 155 - 3097 Far Away Hunt 157 - 3144 Far, Far Away Goodman et al 121 - 2416 Far Away Stars, The Tansky 216 - 4332 Farther Along (B5 Edition) Mills, P. 97 - 1941 Farther Along (B5 Edition) Mills, P. 182 - 3647 Farewell, Alex Shuch 195 - 3906 Farewell Redux Shuch 215 - 4314 Farewell to Quality Smith 10 - 182 Farewells - Parting Verse Wu 20 - 383 Fashion Victim Laubenheimer 153 - 3069 Fast Broom Baker et al 91 - 1816 Fast Broom NightRoads Assoc. 94 - 1892 Fast Broom Baker, Fran 94 - 1892 Fast Ship King 49 - 1000 Fat Came Back, The Mandel 113 - 2262 Fat Cat Hodge 18 - 347 Fates Soliloquy Okamura 78 - 1559 Father Christmas's Reply Bernstein 207 - 4136 Father: Homunculi Hall Tyra & Rhiannon 212 - 4237 Fear in the Night Tansky 209 - 4182` Feast for My Kind Feld 91 - 1819 Fee-Fi-Foe Gold & Tansky 121 - 2435 Feed Me, Seymore Baylor 39 - 779 Feedback Gold, Lee 64 - 1284 Feel Like Drinking Blood Weingart 60 - 1224 Feet of Cambreadth Mandel 81 - 1620 Félicette Miller, S. 179 - 3580 Felines Reitman 167 - 3352 Female More Specious ... Shuch 64 - 1279 Feminist Billy Boy Sutherland 32 - 634 Feminist Threes Shuch 89 - 1776 Fen, Don't..Children...Mundane Mandel 145 - 2907 Fenny Minuet, The Elliott 89 - 1781 Feral Rose of Silvy Vale, The Mandel 103 - 2060 Fermat's Last Laugh Okamura 77 - 1542 Ferret Stomping SlickRCBD 169 - 3378 Ferroequinology Okamura 88 - 1762 Ferryman II Burrows 17 - 329 Ferryman II Continued Simser 28 - 550 Fertility Waltz, The Levine 54 - 1093 Fervent Babylonian Holt 72 - 1436 Festival Trade Horning 136 - 2726 Fever Has Broken Shuch 205 - 4103 Few Words for the Neo, A Shaub 7 - 115 Fezzy Thinking Shaub 10 - 178 Fido Kleinschmitt/Lacey 7 - 117 Fifteen Bugs Joel Polowin 61 - 1228 Fifty Ways Abbott 89 - 1781 Fifty Ways to Kill an Ensign Polowin 117 - 2355 Fifty Ways to Kill Dumbledore Miller, N. 170 - 3407 Fifty Ways to Kill Wes Crusher Howell et al 64 - 1277 Fifty Ways to Love Your Lever Shuch 143 - 2856 Fifty Ways to Love Your Liver Shuch 115 - 2306 Fifty Ways to Serve Your Liver Qe'van 159 - 3181 Fifty Ways to Steal the Covers Urs 157 - 3150 Fifty Years Ago Today Oppen 172 - 3449 59th Street Cat Song Adelsohn & Browne 28 - 559 Fighting Uruk-Hai, The Mandel 52 - 1043 Figures Bales 204 - 4082 Files Grumer 18 - 357 Files Cutty Wren A Ross 81 - 1610 Files That Last: the song McGath 147 - 2936 Filk 101 Shuch 191 - 3832 Filk Around Brener & Creasey 5 - 76 Filker, The Tansky 154 - 3094 Filkers Mark E. Horning 166 - 3330 Filkers, F-Bombs, and Surly Poems Norén 178 - 3568 Filkers Sing at Twilight Parsons 175 - 3497 Filk It Yourself Snyder & Mandel 83 - 1658 Filk Lives Goode 195 - 3915 Filk Misery (a fragment) Haldane-Lindley 124 - 2484 Filk of the Ancient Mariner Goodman 1 - 2 Filk Song Army, The Haldane-Lindley 103 - 2072 Filk up the River Gold, Lee 2 - 27 Filk up Your Voices Weingart 120 - 2406 Filkathon Tonight Okamura 162 - 3251 Filked from Argo Gerard 83 - 1650 Filker Heaven Chiffon, Blind 133 - 2674 Filker of the Night Simser 19 - 369 Filkers, The A Ross 82 - 1637 Filkers Are Here in the Hall Digby 112 - 2240 Filkers Bardic Ring, The Kirby 87 - 1742 Filkers Dance, The Weingart 69 - 1373 Filkers in the Reading Room, The Sasahara 64 - 1281 Filkers' Little Concert McGath 27 - 536 Filkers: Next Generation Kanefsky 2 - 31 Filker's Nightmare, A Kabakjian 12 - 217 Filker's Paradise Thomas 52 - 1058 Filker's Song Levine 49 - 998 Filker Takes a Wife, The Hoffman 73 - 1448 Filkhouse Cat, The Landerman 64 - 1274 Filkics Dorn 113 - 2260 Filking All Night Burnham 8 - 140 Filking at Worldcon Shuch 218 - 4366 Filking Fan Ehrlich 146 - 2926 Filking "Lies" Mandel 47 - 945 Filking Song Rich 1 - 10 Filking Starts at Noon Shaub 6 - 88 Filking Time Weingart 65 - 1292 Filkosopher's Song Andrew Ross 63 - 1270 Filksingers, Filksingers Kanefsky 204 - 4090 Filksingers at a Con Goode 149 - 2981 Filks of Old Haldane-Lindley 104 - 2093 Filksong Dominatrix Harris 25 - 498 Filksong Junkie Weingart 39 - 794 Filksong Lady Thomas 40 - 807 Filksong Makes Good Mailander 11 - 207 Filktanic, The Jones 36 - 721 Filkwarming Stern 5 - 73 Filkwriter Serenade Thomas 32 - 645 Fill the Page: Writer's Nightmare Rogow 150 - 2999 Final Pull, The Reitman 69 - 1379 Final Word, The Levine 32 - 630 Finnegan's Wake Ruhle 37 - 742 Finns Are Banned, The Norén 164 - 3279 Fire! McGath 131 - 2616 Fire and Ice Tansky 186 - 3718 Fire and Ice Con Rubin 7 - 121 Firechild Gold, Lee 14 - 262 Fire, Fire, Fire Griffin 133 - 2665 Fire in the Sky -- Columbia Verse Weingart 175 - 3500 Firefly Benz Goode 156 - 3121 Firefly in Two Minutes Bruns 125 - 2498 Firefly Song Aronson 117 - 2338 Firefox Song, A Brown 105 - 2102 Fireworks and Freedom Digby 168 - 3358 Firing Line Mills 95 - 1896 First Contact Kelson 68 - 1358 First Contact, Worst Case Smith 94 - 1890 First Crush Shapero 163 - 3273 First Event, The Bruns 118 - 2370 First Nobel, The Shuch 171 - 3421 First Stop Mordor Shapero 97 - 1946 First Woman on the Moon Chiffon 158 - 3162 Fish Stories Lembke 13 - 245 Fish Tapes group 23 - 460 Five Hundred Email Miles McGath 198 - 3971 Five Hundred Miles Lurie 33 - 659 500 Miles Filks Reitman 163 - 3270 Five Hundred Songs Trimmer 118 - 2361 Five Wise Fen Feld 69 - 1368 Fixing to Filk All Night Horning 176 - 3517 Fixin'-to-Pi Rag Sanderson 160 - 3200 Flamewar Never Dies, The Wynne 108 - 2159 Flat on Yer Ass Mandel 135 - 2711 Flatten the Curve Feld 191 - 3817 Flatten the Curve McGath 191 - 3818 Flatten the Curve Saidak 191 - 3816 Flatten the Curve Weinstein 191 - 3817 Flatten the Grain McGath 66 - 1310 Flatten the Glass Ehrlich 100 - 1998 Flattened Fauna Lurie 12 - 227 Flavor of Revenge Gold, Lee 16 - 311 Fletcher Christian's Crew Rogow 62 - 1264 Flies Levine 43 - 872 Flies Polowin 140 - 2810 Flies Weingart 17 - 330 Flight Safety Gladstone 135 - 2698 (Flood of) Dirty Water Reitman 147 - 2939 Florida Christmas Song, A Goulder 218 - 4357 Flower and a Hufflepuff, A Karl-Johan Norén 185 - 3705 Flowering Buds Baker 69 - 1384 Flower for Algernon, A Wittenberg 204 - 4092 Flowers for Rachel Creed Levine 27 - 535 Flowers for Willard Baylor 16 - 301 Fluff Mathews 85 - 1705 Fluffy the Robot Baseball Man Gladstone 137 - 2748 Flu Shot, The Digby 140 - 2796 Fly Qe'van 171 - 3426 Fly, Magic Child Bohnhoff, J 93 - 1866 Fly Again Shuch 87 - 1740 Fly Again II Shuch 89 - 1788 Fly-By-Knight Gold, Lee 18 - 338 Flyers Sleep Tonight all and sundry 19 - 363 Flying Car Laubenheimer 119 - 2391 Flying Free Housden 90 - 1794 Flying Raccoon Shuch 182 - 3648 Foggy Duet Wynne 170 - 3400 Folkies Mathews 60 - 1224 Folksinger and the Filksinger, The Chiffon 166 - 3332 Folks Like These Levine 37 - 751 Foodbusters Winter 63 - 1280 Food in the Fridge Adelsohn 35 - 707 Fool to Clean the Dive Skywalker 74 - 1483 Fool Who Hacked...site...OVF-F, The Shapero 128 - 2564 Fool's Prayer, The Sill & Burnham 12 - 224 Footless and Fancy Free Breners 57 - 1164 For Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Cat Mathews 104 - 2078 For Artemis Baylor 207 - 4144 For My Next Daughter Baylor 77 - 1528 For the Sake of Filking Kanefsky 87 - 1753 For William Shatner Mathews & Gold, Lee 111 - 2227 For Your Eyes Only Allcock 2 - 36 For Your Eyes Only -- Addit'l Verse Wells 31 - 617 Force of Love, The Goode 162 - 3248 Forever in Sweat Pants Robin Baylor 192 - 3845 Forever Lager Cinii 36 - 723 Forever Rebels Goode 161 - 3230 Forever Searching Dickenson/Burnham 9 - 158 Form of Potato DeMello 212 - 4241 Four and Twenty Listies Mathews 75 - 1489 Four Sad Winds Shuch 132 - 2649 Four Votes Ross, A 76 - 1512 Fourth Turning Mathews 86 - 1732 41 Thunderbursts Ross, Andrew 215 - 4300 Fox & Moon Simpson 173 - 3471 Fox Mulder Kanefsky 138 - 2772 Fractured Fairy Chiffon 156 - 3125 Fragment Goodman 33 - 651 Fragment from the White Tower, A Soley 46 - 928 Frank Hayes Disease Gold, Lee 2 - 24 Frank the Christmas Gargoyle Bernstein 200 - 3999 Frankly Speaking Burnham 18 - 354 Fratricide and Spirits Wynne & Williams 137 - 2741 Free and Distant Land, A Horning 95 - 1905 Free in the Harbor… Again Groot 217 - 4352 Freedom Is a Pringle's Can.... Feld 119 - 2385 Freeh in the E-Mail McGath 73 - 1456 Freelance Writer, A Anderson, K. 189 - 3788 French Fry Dude Chriest 18 - 350 French National Anthem 36 - 732 Frenchman's Knife Urs 182 - 3652 Fries Benefiche 44 - 885 Fries Freeman 46 - 922 Fries Again Benefiche 38 - 766 Frigid Filker, The Shuch 106 - 2128 Frodi's Mill Gold, Lee 5 - 82 Frodo's Flight Qe'van 170 - 3415 Froggie Was a Mutant Baylor & Capp 44 - 895 From Lilongwe to Tipperary Qoheleth 132 - 2642 From the Page Mirassou 37 - 736 Frostbite the Goblin Mandel 140 - 2804 Frozen Blogger, The Ross, A. 124 - 2476 Frozen Fans Haldane-Lindley 155 - 3104 Frozen Truck Ross, A. 176 - 3520 Frozen Waitress, The Shuch 105 - 2107 Frumps, Fans, and T. S. Eliot Mathews 219 - 4384 Frustration Shapero 125 - 2507 Fry Cook Levine 56 - 1138 FTL: a Historical Perspective Rubin 45 - 904 Fugue for Resurrectionists Mandel 112 - 2254 Full Monty, The Ross, A 66 - 1312 Full Monty, The Mailander 107 - 2141 Full Moon Dance Gold, Lee 155 - 3115 Fun Fun Fun (Bellatrix' Song) Oppen 139 - 2781 Fun While It Lasted Shapero 42 - 837 Fund Me Now Wynne 215 - 4313 Funny Thing...Valdemar, A Heiman & Burridge 42 - 852 Fur in the Cold of the Night Burrows 36 - 714 Furhold Mathews 37 - 739 Furrier Transforms DeMello 83 - 1670 Furry Burwasser 46 - 928 Furry Shapero 6 - 87 Furry Animals Tyrr 4 - 56 Grill Fire Kanefsky 216 - 4328 Grill Fire Lieberman 213 - 4267 G.E.D. Chiffon 209 - 4193 G&X Meet G&S Wald 64 - 1266 GQ Fan Club Song Bunnell 75 - 1495 Galavant Reitman 160 - 3208 Galaxy Question Mark Baker 75 - 1496 Gal-i-lay-oh Gladstone 176 - 3524 Game of Thrones , The Tuerff 168 - 3362 Game Pieces Know, The Ross, A. 160 - 3210 Gamer Lover's Blues Shuch 128 - 2565 Gamers Lament Mason 93 - 1862 Gandalf Got Molested by a Balrog Keefer 87 - 1734 Gandalf: Let It Be Parsons 209 - 4180 Garak the Tailor Frost 152 - 3053 Garbage Ross, J 59 - 1194 Gardener Mailander 94 - 1876 Garfunkel Stillson 132 - 2653 Garfunkel's Song Shuch 213 - 4259 Garlic for Dinner Hughes 31 - 614 Gashlycrumb Fandoms, The Ross, A. 149 - 2988 Gasman Ross, A & Reitman 79 - 1572 Gasperik Was a Filker Mills, Bill 115 - 2298 Gather Us In Hodge 56 - 1136 Gather Your Hope Horning 135 - 2707 Gathering Hairballs Ehrlich 103 - 2073 Gauda Prime Carol, The Mailander 44 - 883 Gee Willikers!... Death of Time Mandel 134 - 2691 Geek's Drinking Song, A Weingart 35 - 696 Genealogy Bales 204 - 4087 Generations of Memories Digby 144 - 2880 Gender's Game Jolley 6 - 100 Gene Roddenberry's Ghost Sasahara 41 - 830 George Ross, A. 171 - 3417 Geppetto's Song Reitman 157 - 3153 Gesta Christophori Robini Oppen 171 - 3422 Get Doctor Luck Sanderson 167 - 3350 Get off of My Lawn Bohnhoff, J. 147 - 2950 Getting Thirsty Mathews 35 - 694 Ghost Came Back, The Gory 115 - 2300 Ghost Came Back, The (Coda) Kesselman 115 - 2300 Ghost in the Machine, The Weingart 27 - 538 Ghost in the Machine (Add'l Verse) Grumer 34 - 670 Ghost Muster Urs 129 - 2577 Ghost Piggies in the Sky Weingart 30 - 594 Ghost Pirates in DC Ehrlich 162 - 3242 Ghost Puppies in the Sky Elms 3 - 42 Ghost Writers Ruhle 36 - 713 Ghosts of the Edmund Fitzgerald Bruns 209 - 4176 Ghostwriters McGath 174 - 3487 Giants in the Sky Okamura 56 - 1142 Giant, The Kanefsky 144 - 2890 Gifties Gie Us, The Shapero 39 - 784 Gifts Tyrr 2 - 34 Gifts (Cat) Kelson et al. 2 - 35 Gill-Man Blues, The Gray 183 - 3674 Gimme an L.O.T.R.S. Weingart 8 - 133 Gin a Body: "Rigid Body" Problems Maxwell, James C. 157 - 3151 Girl in Arlo's Song, The Blind L Chiffon 105 - 2104 Girl I've Never Been, The Levine 117 - 2342 Girl Who Had Never Been, The Kanefsky 156 - 3130 Girls Just Gotta Have Swords Ross, Andrew 219 - 4391 Give Me a Martian Rover Kanefsky 25 - 496 Give Me Cheese Tansky 212 - 4243 Give Me That Old Off-Key Tuning Cinii 42 - 845 Give Them a Break Feld 25 - 491 Glad*(?)* Gliese* ((581G) Martin 134 - 2691 GLaDOS Weingart 152 - 3037 Gloobulon Digby 160 - 3207 Glory, Glory Mathews 140 - 2797 Glory, Glory Propaganda Phoenix 138 - 2763 Glory Road Tansky 199 - 3990 Go Ask Alice Tuerff 210 - 4211 Go Ask Siri Tuerff 174 - 3486 Go Back in Time Kim Goddess 185 - 3697 Go for Liftoff Parker/Laubenheimer 192 - 3851 Go, Lemmings Holt 55 - 1120, 73 - 1453 Go, Lemmings, Go Burrows 14 - 261 Go, Lovely Ose Holt 57 - 1157 Go the $%&! to Sleep Walsh 187 - 3751 Go with the Floe Levine 67 - 1341 God Bless You, Jerry Pendleton Bales 218 - 4358 God Lives in Terror Levine 19 - 363 God Lives on Terra: Nasty Version Gold, Lee 18 - 347 God of Pain, The Digby 152 - 3052 God of Word, The McGath 85 - 1699 God Rest Ye, Unitarians Swernofsky 40 - 803 God Save...Queen: Annus Horribilis Mathews 42 - 846 Goddamn the Cat Kelson and Stern 14 - 272 God's Love to All Barbarians Tamlyn 11 - 203 Going Bananas in a Boat Song, The Mathews 127 - 2554 Going by Water Mailander 18 - 351 Going Home Tansky 200 - 4011 Going to Seed Digby 109 - 2191, 121 - 2422 Going to the Moon Burrows 39 - 791 Goldeen Wozney 190 - 3808 Golden Arches Mills, Phil 179 - 3577 Golden Halls of Mirth, The brown & Stanberry 109 - 2175 Golden Opportunity Tansky 179 - 3578 Golem Mailander 158 - 3156 Golem Song, The Laubenheimer 161 - 3221 Gojira Haiku DeChancie 129 - 2589 Gojira Haiku: the full version DeChancie 130 - 2598 Golda's Soliloquy Kesselman 71 - 1408 Gollum, The Frost 116 - 2322 Gondor Marching Song Garber 210 - 4208 Gonna Study War Tansky 184 - 3678 Goodbye Tansky 163 - 3262 Good King Wenceslaus Page Speaks Mathews 104 - 2075 Good Morning, Migraine Ross, A. 170 - 3397 Good Night, Irene Hubbard 187 - 3752 Good Night, Minstrel Boy Feld 52 - 1053 Good Omens Ross, A. 187 - 3744 Good Ship Manatee: The Real Story Mandel 69 - 1385 Goodbye, Bill Gaines Baylor 158 - 3174 Google Chrome Bailin 166 - 3329 Goose is Rising, The Kanefsky 64 - 1283 Gossip Together Kronengold 82 - 1633 Got Ya! Ross, A. 150 - 3002 "Got No Paparazzi" Polka, The Polowin 161 - 3228 Grab Another Blaster... Thomas 18 - 345 Gradual, Yet Inevitable Miller,S./Carpenter 174 - 3484 Grail Quest Bunnell 125 - 2512 Grand Canal Dock Childs-Helton 207 - 4139 Grand Tour Richards 194 - 3882 Grandma Got Infected a Vampire Saxberg 174 - 3490 Grandma Got Screwed...Big Business Shuch 146 - 2916 Grandma's Jar of Pills Ross, A. 144 - 2885 Grand Old Party Lands Brown 119 - 2388 Grand Somali Cruise, The McGath 132 - 2643 Grasshopper Walks in a Bar, A Bales 216 - 4325 Grave Warnings Okamura 134 - 2678 Gravity's Rainbow Shuch 116 - 2317 Grawlix Song Gold, Lee 213 - 4261 Graxltraxl 17 Digby 143 - 2869 Grayson's Song Ross, A. 155 - 3098 Great Big Juggernaut Thomas et al 18 - 355 Great Bird Ehrlich 154 - 3084 Great Cthulhu's Nigh Sanderson 156 - 3119 Great-Grandfather's Pet Gladstone 108 - 2169 Great Loch Ness Monster, The Miller & Ripley 142 - 2842 Great Nebraska Sea, The Hodgetts 86 - 1725 Greatest Set of Glasses..., The Weingart 51 - 1027 Greek Humanities 101 Ross, A. 182 - 3636 Green-and-White Flag, The Oppen 112 - 2248 Green Bank Telescope, The Shuch 74 - 1484 Green is the Soylent Smith 29 - 577 Green is the Soylent-o Smith 30 - 602 Green, One and All Shuch 192 - 3844 Greensleeves Will Be Your Bane O'Shea 90 - 1800 Greenwich Village Neighborhood Cinii 68 - 1359 Greenwood Tyrr 5 - 76 Grendel Galvin 115 - 2301 Greys Are Here, The Tatum 135 - 2711 Griping in the Rain Simpson 173 - 3471 Grizabella Ehrlich 175 - 3513 Grouchy with Fauci Goulder 192 - 3846 Grounded Mathews 98 - 1963 Groundhog, Come Up Leger 106 - 2122 Groundhog's Lullaby Gladstone 116 - 2326 Grow It Holt 59 - 1205 Gruesome Squiggles Ross, Andrew 218 - 4370 Grunts on the Run Thomas 15 - 286 Guantanamero Stallman 113 - 2271 Guardian Angel Hughes 70 - 1399 Guardian of the Night Kelson 32 - 638 Guess Things Happen with Whey Mills, Phil 206 - 4131 Guilty Pleasures Savitzky, S. 131 - 2628 Gump's Song Brener, Mara 10 - 174 Guniver Cheevy Bales 87 - 1743 Guy on the Couch of the...., The Reitman 139 - 2780 Gwilliam and the Dragon Weiss & Lee Gold 52 - 1057 Gypsy Filking Bunnell 131 - 2626 H. P. Lovecraft Roll Call, The Okamura 52 - 1044 Ha! For the Death of Time Weingart 136 - 2733 Hackensack Freeman et al 47 - 952 Hacker's Revenge Weingart 31 - 610 Hacker's Row Your Boat Tillman 18 - 356 Hacking Scifi Lieberman 21 - 418 Hacking the Code All Night DeMello 176 - 3516 Hack-n-Slash Okamura 80 - 1594 Hade's Song Aronson 118 - 2362 Hagan's Cup Bales 206 - 4119 Haiku igby 93 - 1865 Haikus Chiffon 213 - 4272 Hal 9000 Regrets Kinney 80 - 1594 Hal, Dear Hal Harness 1 - 10 Halflings on the Fornost Way Urs 134 - 2679 Hallelujah Redux Bales 212 - 4243 Hallow Me Lieberman 193 - 3860 Halloween Tansky 211 - 4219 Halloween Thoughts Digby 193 - 3859 Hallways of Bucconeer, The Mandel 62 - 1252 Hamlet Patter Trio, The Frost 113 - 2273 Hand Assembly Kanefsky 46 - 938 Hand Me Down Genes Ross, A 95 - 1913 "Hand of God" & other Ecklar Songs Ellis 57 - ii Handshakes and Hugs Shuch 195 - 3905 Hanged Man Hodge 20 - 395 Hanging out at Cheers Bohnhoff, J. 113 - 2264 Hangover Kanefsky 18 - 344 Hannibal Lecter Bruns 117 - 2350 Hans Christian Lovecraft...Deep One Smith 206 - 4118 Happens All the Time Kelson 19 - 371 Happy Hour News Gold, Lee 11 - 192 Happy New Year Mongol Song: Y2K Okamura & Gold 100 - 2000 Happy Song, A (Somebody's Lawyer) Rubin 45 - 899 Happy to Haunt You Gold, Lee 169 - 3381 Happy Trek-Day Leger 212 - 4254 Happy Valkyrie, The McGath 165 - 3305 Hard Act to Follow Digby 93 - 1859 Hard-to-Reach Places Bruns 177 - 3554 Hark the Hungry Termites Sing Miller, Susanna 207 - 4137 Harley's Angels Adventures Theme Mandel 54 - 1086 Harper and the Viking , The Mandel, A 133 - 2670 Harriman Feld 76 - 1506 Harry Potter Gold, Lee 73 - 1447 Harry Potter Spoiler Song, The Mailander & Evans 116 - 2319 Hartford to Hogwarts Ross, A. 133 - 2673 Harvester Fish 29 - 576 Has Anybody Seen My Droid? Sanderson 173 - 3465 Has Anybody Seen My Lord Gitt 2 - 26 Has Anybody Seen My Pants Ross, Andrew 218 - 4361 Hatbox Ghost, The Okamura 163 - 3258 Hatching Lullaby Mailander 29 - 575 Have Book, Will Travel Holt 60 - 1215 Have Force, Will Travel Weiss 89 - 1782 Have You Ever Tried to ... Mimes? Mills 134 - 2685 Hazel: As the Stone Rolls Swaty 134 - 2683 He is Bob Levine 32 - 628 He Played.... Brust 207 - 4153 Healer's Cry Wittenberg 136 - 2717 Healing Potion Number Five Bales 216 - 4319 Healthy Thinking Ehrlich 144 - 2895 Hear Them Roar Weber 8 - 128 Heard from the Dressing Room Brener, Mara 61 - 1226 Heart of Classic Trek, The Thomas & Preston 44 - 892 Heart of the Fan Stern 33 - 654 Heart of the Planet Pluto, The McGath 163 - 3256 Heartrending Kanefsky 187 - 3745 Heat Wave Vampire Boogie Mathews 133 - 2660 Hedley Lamarr Qe'van 168 - 3363 Height Isnt Everything Paige 109 - 2180 Heinlein Sestina, A DeChancie 161 - 3216 He'll Be Coming Qoheleth 134 - 2682 Hellgames of LASFS, The Harness? 130 - 2604 Hellgate Hunt Kingsgrave 6 - 86 Hello, Daleks Wittenberg 169 - 3382 Hello, Mr. Linderman M'liss Garber 208 - 4169 Hello, Remember Us? Wittenberg 114 - 2279 Hello, Tower Shuch 204 - 4088 Hello, Young Supers Qohelleth 127 - 2549 HelloSayWhat? Kay Shapero 68 - 1362 Help Wanted Urs 130 - 2602 Helsinki Convoy Parsons 188 - 3769 Hempel's Raven Hopcroft 34 - 676 Henry's Private Beers Gold 28 - 562 Henson Mailander 12 - 226 Henson (the tune) Housden 17 - 322 Her Finest Hour Mathews 141 - 2825 Here I Am Horning 120 - 2414 Here In Our Sky Garber 194 - 3885 Here We Come A-Haunting You Phoenix 173 - 3473 Heretic Bard, The Wells 52 - 1052 Here Comes Snow Trimmer 171 - 3418 Heretic Lemming Kanefsky 51 - 1029 Hero of Stoney Tor Faber & Shaver 28 - 552 Heroes Aren't Fools McGath 115 - 2308 Heroes and Heroin Rubin/Browne 45 - 905 Heroes and Villains Visser 157 - 3140 Heroes of Flight 93, The Fish 81 - 1624 Heroes of Flight 93, The Hodgetts 80 - 1604 He's Always A Wolfman Levine 36 - 713 He's Dead, Jim du Veritas 21 - 414 Hetaroi Affinity Paige 71 - 1413 Hey, Blue Jeff Bohnhoff 158 - 3171 Hey, Chell Trimmer 142 - 2845 Hey, That's No Way to Get Laid Polowin 219 - 4379 Hey There, Delilah Shuch 150 - 2997 Hey There, Osama Shuch 123 - 2467 Hey There, Tough Guy Trimmer 117 - 2337 Hey, Zeus Chiffon 161 - 3231 Hidden Wings Digby 124 - 2479 High Fly the Nazgul: addt'l verse Weiss 94 - 1881 Higher Flight Ficklin 32 - 641 Highlander Feld 57 - 1145 Hillside Cantina, The Okamura 60 - 1206 Hippie Birthday Gitt 3 - 45 Hirelings' Lament, The Okamura 44 - 877 His Dinosaurs Williams 122 - 2445 His Red-Haired Brother A Ross 97 - 1948 History of Physics 101: the Atom Weingart 117 - 2343 History of Physics, The Bales 215 - 4297 Hive Minds Think Alike Weingart, et. al. 160 - 3206 HMO Paige 105 - 2100 Ho Ho! Kanefsky 80 - 1593 Hobbiton Is a Long Way Smith 116 - 2321 Hoder's Song Gladstone 126 - 2531 Hold On Kronengold 148 - 2958 Holding out for the Grail Urs 172 - 3441 Hole in the Nothing Brown 53 - 1082 Holes Lurie 80 - 1600 Holiday that Never Comes, The Digby 176 - 3529 Holiday Z Hopcroft 141 - 2823 Hollow Hills Shapero 7 - 122 Holly and the Ivy, The Norén 185 - 3725 Holmes on the Range Moffatt 37 - 738 Holyfeld Carol, The Mathews 109 - 2179 Home Hunt 155 - 3102 Home Again Benefiche 41 - 820 Home for the Deranged Spike & Jones 31 - 611 Home in the Morning Hodge 36 - 731 Home to Vote Ross, A. 162 - 3239 Homepage California Keeley and Thomas 63 - 1281 Honey, I Wrote a Parody Kanefsky 50 - 1016 Honor's Ose Paige 73 - 1460 Hope 2.0 (from CNN) Mathews 93 - 1862 Hope Abides Union 8 - 132 Hope Eerie Tansky 187 - 3740 Hope Island McGath 207 - 4143 Hope that Someone Better Comes Along Smith, Nick 111 - 2221 Hopeless Eyrie Smith 12 - 213 Hope Nary Gladstone 140 - 2809 Horcrux Song, The Qoheleth 129 - 2581 Horizons Never End Okamura 164 - 3277 Horse Flies Mailander 4 - 56 Hot Hogs on the Loose Ross, A. 167 - 3338 Hotel Room Requiem Weber 55 - 1112 Hound and Hen and Corn Gladstone 120 - 2398 Hound of the Baskervilles Mailander 15 - 277 Hound of the Filkervilles Kanefsky 15 - 278 Hound of the Shakespearevilles Stein 15 - 279 House Filk Brown 143 - 2871 House of Low Esteem, The Qe'van 155 - 3105 House of White and Green, The Oppen 106 - 2121 Hov'ring There Miller, Susanna 202 - 4047 How Can I Keep from Screaming? Thorbardinkle 74 - 1471 How Can I Keep from Screaming? (aka Mandel) 74 - 1471 How Can I Keep from Sweating? I Abra Cinii 67 - 1343 How Do You Spell Relief? Lurie 85 - 1709 How Fortunate Simpson 167 - 3339 How Many Chiffon 216 - 4333 How Much Cuter Bruns 174 - 3479 How Much Is That Doggie Miller & Hubbard 77 - 1530 How Mushed Is That Moggie.... Polowin 175 - 3504 How the Money Rolls In Hubbard & Smith 22 - 438 How the Porcupines Learned.... Digby 172 - 3452 How to be Vorish Ross, A 75 - 1498 How to Handle a Kitten Miller, S. 159 - 3187 How to React to Heather Rose Jones Mandel 85 - 1706 How to Scare off a Vampire Shapero 126 - 2518 How to Serve Man Sero 50 - 1008 How to Sing the Blues Podell/Kesselman 197 - 3950 How to Survive a Murder Mystery Wittenberg 106 - 2117 How You Play the Rules Brinich 86 - 1719, 90 - 1805 Howard's Apology Wozny 103 - 2067 Howlalujah Brust 201 - 4025 H'Reli Shapero 4 - 66 Hug a Medievalist Bales 209 - 4178 Humbug's End: December, 2020 Urs 194 - 3881 Hummer Song, The Shuch 96 - 1928 Humours of Filking, The Wegener 89 - 1792 Hundred Credits More Kriftcher 2 - 22 Hundred Dollars Bernstein 201 - 4033 Hung Jury Bohnhoff, J. 150 - 3013 Hunt Goes Riding, The Gold, Lee 205 - 4115 Hunters of the Night (chorus) (unknown) 97 - 1946 Hunters of the Night Paige 90 - 1801 Hunt It Down Gold, Lee 80 - 1601 Hush, Little Fenris Gold, Lee et al 38 - 764 Hydra Anthem Miller, S. 175 - 3508 Hymn of Leslie's Night-Cats Gladstone 156 - 3134 Hymn of the Graphic Designer Leger 66 - 1309 Hymn of the Grayson Farmer Feld 120 - 2403 Hymn of the Walker Evans Society Gladstone 134 - 2684 Hymn to the Highway Mandel 81 - 1622 Hymn to the Morrigan, A Bonewits 51 - 1040 Hyperactive Spider, The Mandel 217 - 4350 Hyperspace Hilton, The Brinich 24 - 471 Hypothetical Grammar Reitman 161 - 3225 I and Am and Groot Sanderson 163 - 3263 I Am a Jedi Knight McGath 19 - 377 I Am a Nazgul King Weingart 104 - 2081 I Am a Pagh Wraith King Frost 150 - 3012 I Am a Rock Tansky 216 - 4334 I Am a Wraith Frost 119 - 2395 I Am a Wizard of the Nine Burrows 21 - 406 I Am Calm Tansky 189 - 3793 I Am Lemming Holt 54 - 1098 I Am the Master Trimmer 166 - 3316 I Am the Model Kitchen Miller, S. 162 - 3244 I Am the Pumpkin King Smith, T 194 - 3876 I Am the Walmart Bohnhoff, J. 124 - 2495 I Am the Walrus Hansard 77 - 1535 I Am Puppy Skywalker & Hunter 51 - 1024 I Am ...Model Starfleet Officer Qe'van 158 - 3169 I am ...Model... Cyber-Netizen Bales 217 - 4339 I Am...Very...Usenet Personality Holt 147 - 2955 I Asked Bales 209 - 4195 I, Borg Mailander 24 - 468 I Can Almost See Terra from Here Smith 92 - 1843 I Can't Believe I Ate... Brener, Mara 17 - 335 I Can't Get It out of My Head Bohnhoff, J. 126 - 2521 I Can't Stand the Sunshine Wynne & Williams 212 - 4246 I Didn't Do It Polowin 142 - 2851 I Do Not Trust James Bond Miller, S. 152 - 3046 I Don't Want to go to Chengdu McGath 206 - 4126 I Eat Up Animals Benefiche 56 - 1139 I Enjoy Being a Femme Jacks 219 - 4381 I Enjoy Being a Were Mills, P. 166 - 3321 I Enjoy Scaring the World Digby 1 - 13 I Filk in Self Defense Phoenix 121 - 2428 I Forgot Harris 54 - 1087 I Got Cons Tansky 178 - 3569 I Hate You More Trimmer 133 - 2661 I Have a Little Dreidel Shapero 170 - 3412 I Have a Song to Sing, O! Frost 114 - 2280 I Have to Be I Goulder 184 - 3683 I Heard on the News Digby 144 - 2880 I Honestly Hate This Tansky 205 - 4109 I Just Play WoW Phoenix 149 - 2990 I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Ross, A. 136 - 2734 I Left My Heart in San Francisco Rousey 116 - 2333 I Left My Head in SF McGath 26 - 516 IAU Will Say You're a Dwarf, The Gold, Lee 176 - 3535 Ice Miner's Lament Kirby 182 - 3640 I'd Like to Teach...World to Ask Mills, Phil 202 - 4049 I'll Fly Away Cornish 175 - 3501 I'll Not Yield Mailander 152 - 3040 I Love Old Sci-Fi Movies Trimmer 123 - 2461 I Love Ose Wittenberg 122 - 2449, 124 - 2482 I Love Little Fuzzy Critters McGath 90 - 1799 I Need a Frederic Miller, Susanna 199 - 3989 I Never Saw a Moor Goodman 57 - 1149 I Only Have Is and Us Turniansky 101 - 2022 I Play Magic Now Snyder 37 - 733 I Played the Sheriff G. Leger 217 - 4344 I Pop Pills Bucklin 71 - 1424 I Raise Zombies Gold, Lee 60 - 1214 I Represent the Lollipop Guild Qe'van 162 - 3241 I Saw It through the Palantìr Frost 122 - 2452 I Saw Three Bears Miller, S. 165 - 3311 I See You Hopcroft 153 - 3059 I See You Kirby 101 - 20 I Sit in My Cavern Phoenix 122 - 2437 I Shot the Head Chef Smeaton & Thomas 55 - 1108 I.S.S. Tansky 168 - 3357 I Stand so that You Can Kneel Freborg 180 - 3606 I've Been Working on My Chain Mail Saxberg 173 - 3464 I've Got a Little List Bales 219 - 4392 I've Just Claimed a Gym Wynne 169 - 3385 I Wanna Be Peter David Wittenberg 144 - 2888 I Wanna Be Related Garber 190 - 3804 I Wanna Eat Your Brain Phoenix 169 - 3377 I Want a Bear Shapero 43 - 868 I Want a Good Old-Fashioned Malady Galef 173 - 3474 I Want Roadies Ehrlich 102 - 2047 I Want to be American Again Smith, Tom 188 - 3756 I Want to Be Richard Cheney Dorn 97 - 1953 I Want to Clone Your Lamb Baylor 55 - 1107 I Was Raised on Science Fiction Trimmer 138 - 2759 I Will Block You McGath 189 - 3785 I Wish Theyd Do It Now McGath 96 - 1930 I Wrote in C! Adelsohn 29 - 586 Idiot! What Were You Thinking Weingart 54 - 1091 If Anna Russell Had Done Lohengrin McGath 112 - 2238 If Ever I Would Love You Kanefsky 42 - 837 If He's Good Enough for Lizzie Ross, A. 193 - 3856 If I Had A Rocket Parker 194 - 3893 If I Only Had a Gun Mills, P. 177 - 3540 If I Only Had My Lungs Hughes 47 - 953 If I Were a Child of Dune Trimmer 132 - 2646 If I Were King of the Pirates Weingart 113 - 2267 If I Wore the Ring Tansky, Arthur 203 - 4069 If We Only Had Your Brain Benefiche 77 - 1532 If You Give Me Your Attention Frost 149 - 2994 If You Give a Boy Some Shade Phoenix 200 - 4005 If You Want to Know Who We Are Frost 124 - 2485 If You Want To Stop the Virus Kronengold 190 - 3815 If You're Anxious for to Shine Anderson, K 113 - 2275 Igloo, The Brener, Mara 149 - 2993 Ignaz Semmelweis Wozney 200 - 4013 IKEA Ehrlich 88 - 1772 Ikea Wynne 214 - 4279 I'll Bash the Baldrick Dorn 108 - 2161 I'll Be Cloned for Christmas Gold, Lynn 22 - 422 I'll Make a Fan out of You Bruns 102 - 2051 I'll Never Go to Cons Again Tansky 111 - 2224 I'll Never Leave the House Again Bales 200 - 3998 I'll See Your Six! Bethancourt 99 - 1986 I'll Stay...to Go Gold, Lee 148 - 2957 Illogical Girl Ruff 28 - 546 I'm a Fanboy Bruns 136 - 2728 I'm a Jew, Babe Shuch 176 - 3522 I'm a Komarran Rebel Oppen 193 - 3873 I'm An Elf Cinii 76 - 1523 I'm Beginning to Miss the Light Mills, Phil 211 - 4216 I'm Catherine the Great Hubbard 125 - 2505 I'm Cthulhu Johnson 158 - 3164 I'm Dreaming of a Fresh Roadkill Sasahara 51 - 1034 I'm Dreaming of a White Kitty Gold, Lynn 22 - 437 I'm Getting Buried in the Morning Rousey 88 - 1761 I'm Gonna Be (805 Kilometers) Dorn 211 - 4230 I'm Jessica Jones Ross, A. 165 - 3314 I'm Looking over a Key Kanefsky 6 - 96 I'm Not a Hero Gold, Lee 78 - 1563 I'm Not Alone Shuch 144 - 2886 I'm Not Gonna Write You…Filk Song Phoenix 199 - 3982 I'm Seething at a White Christmas Goulder 177 - 3537 I'm the Doctor Goode 177 - 3549 I'm Workin -- Oy! Haldane-Lindley 117 - 2341 Imagine Gory 112 - 2247 Imagine the Earth Digby 170 - 3410 Imperial Lie Wittenberg 116 - 2324 Imperial March Mathews 110 - 2201 Imperial May Lee Gold 67 - 1345 Imperius Cogman 76 - 1520 Impie Army Lloyd 79 - 1575 Impossible Filk Gitt 3 - 52 Impossible Task, The Ross, A. 181 - 3616 I-M-P-R-O-V-I-S-E Bruns 113 - 2268 In America Mathews 97 - 1952 In Appreciation Laubenheimer 109 - 2188 In Braavos" Ross, A. 184 - 3677 In Case of a Zombie Apocalypse Okamura 179 - 3590 In Druadan Forest Urs 206 - 4130 In Fairest Rivendell Frost 128 - 2574 In Love with a World Bruns 153 - 3064 In Neighbors' Basements ... Brown 130 - 2609 In Our Fathers' Footsteps Groot 131 - 2631 In R'lyeh Okamura 137 - 2752 In Search ... Granada Brener, Mara 122 - 2446 In Smallville Smith 85 - 1696 In the Council Ehrlich 76 - 1515 In the Dark He Dances Simpson 193 - 3858 In the Graveyard Gold, Lee 32 - 631 In the Long Run Shapero 68 - 1354 In the Real World Garber 193 - 3864 In the Shire Ficklin 202 - 4048 In the Vineyard Mailander/Gilmore 14 - 266 In Times Like These Bales 199 - 3992 In Your Arms: For Curio Savitzky, S. 165 - 3297 In Your Hands McGath 139 - 2782 Inclusion Smith, Tom 213 - 4262 Inclusive Solstice Carol Shuch 212 - 4245 Increment Your Loop Rousey 88 - 1767 Incendiary Hat Plot, The Mandel 115 - 2308 Incendiary Mat Plot, The Ellis, Gold, Mandel 97 - 1936 Inconceivable Haldane-Lindley, D. 186 - 3726 Ineffable Husbands Norén 189 - 3783 Indianian Pi Wald 93 - 1854 Indoor Holiday Barber 37 - 746 Indy in Egypt Fish 146 - 2920 Infinite Series tillman 66 - 1325 Infinitely Obliged Mailander 162 - 3236 Infomercials Bohnhoff, Jeff 120 - 2412 Inigo Montoya Bruns 114 - 2291 Inquirer Number One Elms 4 - 55 Insomnia Filker's Rag Wells 28 - 560 Inspector, at Home Creasey, J & M 2 - 23 Instructions on Weyland's Teabag Tom Holt 68 - 1353 Intemperate Revenge Hughes 82 - 1630 Interfilk, Interfilk Levine 75 - 1497 Intermission Tom Digby 61 - 1245 International Express Man, The Norén 189 - 3783 Internet Westbrooks 51 - 1023 Internet Writer Williams 148 - 2962 Interview Is Over, The Brener, Mara 91 - 1822 Into the Fire Hansard 75 - 1503 Into the Movies Digby 64 - 1273 Invading New Jersey McGath 102 - 2036 Invasion Fish 67 - 1337 Invasion Report Okamura 69 - 1375 Invasion That Never Happened, The Brener, Mara 102 - 2038 Investigtn into Compound Int Elms 3 - 49 Invitation Grush & Shipley 165 - 3296 Invocation for Computer Users Cleary, S. & H. 126 - 2529 Iowa (I Just Work in Outer Space) Feld 168 - 3359 iPad of a Dark Lord, The Lennard 158 - 3166 Iron Chef Greek Ross, A. 98 - 1958 Iron Fingers Pearlman & Mullen 8 - 131 Iron Fingers Tillman 48 - 963 Isaac Pound Gold, Lee 68 - 1348 Isengard Way Urs 173 - 3472 Iseult's "Holly & Ivy & Yew" Gold, Lee 16 - 294 Ishi Fine 8 - 134 Island Called Rest Stop Mailander & Thomas 35 - 702 Island Ian MacGregor 159 - 3189 Island Named Rest Stop, An Mailander 23 - 441 Island Song Ross, A 74 - 1470 Isle of Null Goulder 169 - 3391 Isn't It Iconic Shuch 112 - 2249 Isn't It Ironic Matthew 54 - 1090 ISS Toothbrush Time Gold, Lee 146 - 2931 Ista's Song Mathews 108 - 2164 Ista: a poem Mandel 127 - 2548 Is This...Way Were Banned from Argo Gold, Lynn 104 - 2087, 135 - 2706 It Ain't Windows Shuch 75 - 1504 It All Started with a Big Bang Shuch 187 - 3748 It Can't Happen Here Todd-Prather 35 - 698 It Couldn't Happen Here Gold, Lee + r.m.f 127 - 2550 It Crawled from Out Phoenix 171 - 3429 It Makes Me Want to Sing Chiffon 185 - 3714 It May Look like a Walnut Miller, S. 181 - 3622 It So Seldom Rains on the Moon Digby 207 - 4145 It Takes Time to Talk to ET Shuch 117 - 2348 It Takes Time to Talk to ET Shuch 121 - 2423 It Wouldn't Have Made a Difference Myrande 180 - 3611 It's a Dead World Capp, T. 152 - 3044 It's a Gift If They're Simple Aronson 98 - 1964 It's a Green World Adelsohn 30 - 598 It's a Long Way Back to the Temple Rousey 85 - 1708 It's a Long Way ... the Con Suite Norén 166 - 3331 It's a Short Way, Al-Hamid Al-Illah Anderson, K 110 - 2201 It's a Sine Ross, Andrew 217 - 4349 It's a Small Filk After All Weiss 10 - 185 It's All Right to Fly Ross, A. 130 - 2608 It's Flying That I Love Shuch 135 - 2699 It's Legal in Fandom Cooke, R & Beth 69 - 1374 It's Never Safe in Southern Calif Levine 42 - 849 It's No Small Moon Sanderson 157 - 3148 It's Not Easy Being Small Chriest 14 - 258 It's Not Like Turning a Key Simpson 91 - 1830 It's Not My Fault: A Reply Simpson 209 - 4186 It's the End of the World Ross, A. 191 - 3824 It's the Good Ship Lollipop Brang 26 - 515 It's the Same the Empire Over Mathews 121 - 2429 Itsy Bitsy Alien Helmich 80 - 1591 Itsy-Bitsy...Mithril Chain Bikini Okamura 48 - 972 Ivan's Song Feld 79 - 1567 Ivan's Song: variant chorus Gold 88 - 1769 Ivan's Song, Revisited Kronengold & Padol 98 - 1966 I've Got a Little List Garrett 78 - 1546 I've Joints Articulated Polowin & Williams 108 - 2174 I've Just Seen the Great Cthulhu Brown 65 - 1288 I've Read Everything Ross, A. 132 - 2640 I've Seen Everything Baker, Greg 95 - 1903 Ivermectin Blues Chiffon&Miller 218 - 4364 Jabber Gold, Lee 5 - 71 Jabbercroce Cinii 34 - 671 Jabberfilky Grumer 15 - 283 JabberwoCasey at the Bat Marmel 100 - 2004 Jabberwocky Brown 154 - 3086 Jabberwocky Saxberg 171 - 3420 Jackie's Lament Bunnell 85 - 1710, 135 - 2709 Jalapeño McGath 157 - 3141 Jamie Dawson Bought a Farm Gold, Lee 30 - 605 Janeway's Lament Westbrooks 53 - 1064 January Sixteenth Kelson 18 - 339 Japanese Blackbird Wolkoff 63 - 1283 Jareth's Song (I've Got Your Baby) Bruns 157 - 3136 Jar-Jar's Song Mathews 69 - 1372 Jason's Song Gold, Lee 83 - 1673 Java Keywords Jodie Calls Rousey 78 - 1564 Javert's Lament Mailander 48 - 968 Javert's Lament 2.0 Harris 48 - 969 Jean's Song Harris 27 - 529 Jedi Clampett Chua 164 - 3290 Jerry Pournelle Marching Song Elms 6 - 97 Jess Effect, The Paige 95 - 1907 Jesse Helms Gold, Lee 13 - 238 Jessica's Blunder Trimmer 131 - 2633 Jessica's Song Kanefsy 3 - 43 Jessie's Grill Shuch 217 - 4345 Jest Fur a Spell Shapero 31 - 611 Jihad Mathews 80 - 1599 Joan Baylor 209 - 4189 Joan Mailander 147 - 2940 Joan's Last Follower Rogow 147 - 2943 Joe Camel's Bound for the Graveyard Gold, Lee 54 - 1102 Joel's Lament Thomas 46 - 935 John Ball Society, The Eney 56 - 1127 Johnny Carson Gold, Lynn 24 - 473 John Henry Updated Elderkin 158 - 3161 John Silicon Savitzky, S. 141 - 2832 Join the Patrol Baker 79 - 1578 Joke Chretien Rubin 45 - 906 Josephine & the Canal Street House Ross, A. 96 - 1924 Julia Goose Burrows 30 - 589 Julia Goose Kanefsky 27 - 542 July, 1969 (Oh, What a Night) Urs 145 - 2913 Jumpy the Goldfish Chiffon 174 - 3493 Jungle Tamer's Son Kelson & Stern 3 - 45 Junk Mail Mandel 185 - 3701 Jupiter Farewell Mandel 100 - 2003 Jurassic Park Levine 34 - 674 Just a Fake Garber 215 - 4315 Just a Leaf on the Wind Garber 196 - 3931 Just a Mouse Garber 213 - 4264 Just Browsing Everett 47 - 954 Just Fill My Prescription Bohnhoff, J. 129 - 2576 Just a SMOF, She Said Weingart 73 - 1464 Just Three Sheets to the Wind Shuch 210 - 4207 Kanefsky Scale Thomas 20 - 391 Kanefsky When He Filketh Landerman 50 - 1016 Karate Burrows 7 - 105 Karazhan Tonight Wynne 185 - 3702 Karen, Karen Wolkoff 192 - 3854 Karl Jansky Shuch 52 - 1059 Kay Shapero's FilkFAQ Page Shapero 111 - 2229 Kaylee Urs 203 - 4065 Kazap Hopcroft 40 - 803 Keep Your Pants On, Skipper Gladstone 120 - 2399 Keeping the Dragons Away Digby 139 - 2776 Kerowyn's Motives Kanefsky 34 - 682 Kerrill Mailander 40 - 796 Kevin & Kell Trimmer 141 - 2819 Khan's Recruiting Song Gladstone 146 - 2925 Khazad-Düm Frost 120 - 2405 Kill, Kill RMFers 123 - 2472 Kill the Beast Hughes 34 - 684 Killing Her Slowly with Her Song Mills, P. 181 - 3630 Killing Me Slowly with Anger Tansky 218 - 4375 Kind of Love...Never Recover From Levine 39 - 776 King Henry's Threes Gladstone 138 - 2764 King in Krothering, A Mandel 70 - 1400 King Is Gone, The Shuch 162 - 3238 King of Everything Arkison 174 - 3481 King Kong Climbed up... Lemming Chiffon 203 - 4063 King of Pun Smothers 123 - 2474 King of the Fans Mathews 96 - 1920 King of the Sea Richards 198 - 3965 King of the Trolls Ruff 31 - 623 KIP-L-ING Mandel & Gold 104 - 2084 Kira's Mirror Paige 75 - 1502 Kitchen [Classified] Laubenheimer 159 - 3191 Kitten Season Landerman 59 - 1205 Kittens on the Net Mills, Phillip 173 - 3462 Kittens Yowling Together Landerman 38 - 770 Kitties Are Forever Miller, S. 161 - 3223 Kitty Mandel 118 - 2369 Kitty Cat Waltz Kelson 8 - 144 Kitty-Cats Christmas Fish 104 - 2077 Klezmer Connection, The Frank 110 - 2204 Klingon Came Courting, A Partridge 109 - 2184 Klingon Country Vampire Polowin 139 - 2790 Klingon in Love Baylor et al 22 - 425 Klingon Makeup Lament, The Wittenberg 202 - 4042 Klingon Ob-la-di Thomas 17 - 315 Klingon Side, The Gold, Lee 12 - 212 Kluge City Rubin 47 - 956 Klutz Kanefsky 6 - 96 Knave of the Dance Goodman 13 - 244 Knight of Faerie, The Tyrr 39 - 774 Knights in Zero Gee Capp 31 - 613 Knights Who Say "Ni", The Freeman 44 - 876 Knit and Purl Yeager 196 - 3934 Knives and Fire Gold, Lee 159 - 3182 Knobody Knows Simpson 199 - 3992 Kohbon Ross, Andrew 210 - 4196 Kosovo Gold Lynn 70 - 1403 Koudelkas Carry On Mathews 76 - 1513 L. Ron Hubbard Housman 25 - 503 L. Ron Hubble Mailander 25 - 503 L. Ron Ron Gold, Lynn 26 - 514 L.A. Shook, Rattled and Rolled Gold, Lee 34 - 670 La Belle Dame Sans Merci Mandel 138 - 2770 La Belle Tete Sans Rhume Lemming Chiffon 208 - 4170 La Blanche-Nef Oppen 182 - 3650 La Pucelle d'Orleans Mailander 194 - 3888 Ladies Don't Do Those Things Hansard 87 - 1750 Ladies of the Emberverse Mathews 131 - 2620 Ladies of Hogwarts, The Oppen 140 - 2800 Ladies' Room Levine 70 - 1396 Lady Bug Meulendyk 19 - 377 Lady Galadriel Qe'van 164 - 3286 Lady in Waiting Kelson 46 - 937 Lady is a Vamp, The Reeve 41 - 834 Lady Starlight-in-Her-Eyes Horning 109 - 2195 Ladyhawke Cogman 39 - 793 Lady Likes to Vamp, The Mills, Phillip 157 - 3142 Lagging, Oh Gladstone 178 - 3556 Laissez Prayer Bales 204 - 4080 Lament for a Future Lost, A Horning 94 - 1884 Lament for Boy Blue: A Fables Filk Oppen 125 - 2509 Lament for Old Filks Bloom 81 - 1614 Landing on the River Stillson 124 - 2492 Landing Party Bohnhoff, J. 136 - 2723 Land of the Silent Fine 9 - 160 Last Captain of the Kelvin, The Urs 144 - 2887 Last Catawampus, The Okamura 169 - 3376 Last Drummer Boy Christmas, The Wynne 177 - 3538 Last Easter Phoenix 213 - 4259 Last Hero, The Shapero 85 - 1698 Last Leavetaking, The Rousey 32 - 644 Last Letter, The Digby 211 - 4223 Last March of Gondor, The Wynne & March 94 - 1875 Last Night Goldin 4 - 68 Last Flight of the Cradle...Commerce Wynne 218 - 4362 Last of Grand Moff Tarkin's Crew Smith 105 - 2103 Last of Pierson's Puppeteers Ruhle 22 - 427 Last One Home Burton-West 60 - 1212 Last Passing of the King, The Rousey 33 - 654 Last Temptation, The Ehrlich 128 - 2575 Last Time I Saw Stephen, The Shuch 214 - 4285 Last Unicorn Rap, The Mailander 4 - 53 Latest West-Coast Filker, The Laubenheimer 94 - 1880 Law is Sometimes You Name It, The Todd-Prather 56 - 1140 Law Student's Study Break Ross, J 17 - 325 Lawn Care Burrows 36 - 723 Lawyers, Guns, and Honey Wynne & Williams 213 - 4258 Lawyer's Lullaby Todd-Prather 18 - 356 Lay of Andelaes, The Smith, Tom 207 - 4150 Leaders of the Banned, The Hughes 61 - 1231 Leaders of the Bland Zeff 19 - 366 Leader of the Clan Harris 31 - 608 Leader of the Death Eaters, The Oppen 100 - 2010 Leader of the Pak'(ma'ra) Wald 72 - 1432 Leap, The Smith 21 - 415 Learning Dynamics Laubenheimer 155 - 3109 Lecture from My Daughter, A Shaub 8 - 137 L.E.D.S, The Polowin 113 - 2270 Left Behind Tomorrow, A Rousey 109 - 2177 Leftover Hell Weingart 116 - 2330 Leftovers Laubenheimer 97 - 1944 Leg-o-Lamb Laubenheimer 147 - 2945 Leia Kronengold 99 - 1987 Leif Ericson's Song Mathews 139 - 2785 Lembas Baker 91 - 1822 Lemming and the Ecologist, The Chiffon 177 - 3548 Lemming Pain Hoffman 81 - 1618 Leodsang Welunda Mathews 129 - 2582 Les Misrables Talking Blues Mailander 53 - 1072 Leslie Fish's Ghost Creasey 147 - 2944 Leslie Fish's Ghost Is Haunting... Mandel 59 - 1187 Leslie Fish's Malady Kelson 37 - 753 Leslie Goose Burrows 28 - 545,547,549,556,563 Leslie is Different Kanefsky 14 - 271 Leslie's Argo Song Eiler 83 - 1652 Lesser of Evils Horning 103 - 2058 Lessons in Pain Digby 86 - 1721 Lest Darkness Fall Garrett 88 - 1768 Let It... Tansky 156 - 3116 Let It Grow Phoenix 127 - 2552 Let It Rain Gold, Lee 193 - 3857 Let Me Be Tansky 171 - 3428 Let Me Fontema Roll Swaty 164 - 3292 Let the Bids Fly Mailander 27 - 539 "Let the Birds Fly" Tag Couplets Hubbard 152 - 3041 Let the Man Sing Kanefsky 21 - 409 Let Them Be Tansky 208 - 4168 Let's All Sneer at These Bad Guys Brinich 9 - 150 Let's Get Away Bruns 141 - 2829 Let's Go out for Chinese Food Elms 105 - 2112 Let's Imagine Christmas on Terra Digby 122 - 2436 Let's Send Barney to Jurassic Park Bethancourt 96 - 1916 Letter to Analog, A Mathews 63 - 1274 Letters, The Rivkis 89 - 1780 Lever, Johnny Partridge 219 - 4395 Liberating Rebels Thomas & Lee Gold 34 - 681 Liberty's a Woman Smith 50 - 1017 Licorice Ross, A. 98 - 1962 Lieder of the Banned Mandel 97 - 1942 Lies Shuch 72 - 1434 Lies (CIS Style) McGath 46 - 936 Lies (SETI completist) Shuch 124 - 2488 Life During Con Times Mills, Phillip 219 - 4382 Life Is Hard, and Then You Die Rousey 35 - 706 Life of the Party Kanefsky 148 - 2964 Life on L5 Elms 9 - 149 Life's Not Fair Rousey 43 - 874 Lift Up Our Voices Weingart 44 - 878 Light at 8:06 Urs 191 - 3835 Light My Pyre Bohnhoff, J. 140 - 2808 Light Ship Falling Gold, Lee 31 - 618 Light up the Gloom Bohnhoff, J. 139 - 2779 Lighter Side of Mad, The Smothers 48 - 971 Lightning Bug Gold, Lee 24 - 477 Lightsaver McGath 78 - 1562 Like a Magician Mailander 77 - 1526 Like a Tribble to the Slaughter Polowin 68 - 1346 Like a Version Cinii 66 - 1313 Like Comyn to the Slaughter Feld 16 - 302 Like, Crazy Man! Burrows 37 - 747 Like Me Garber 185 - 3704 Limerick Mandel 188 - 3767 Limerick & Haiku Chiffon 211 - 4219 Lines Kanefsky 69 - 1373 Lines Awaiting Armageddon Wittenberg 219 - 4388 Lion's Cross, The Ross, A. 134 - 2677 Lister's Song Mehle 20 - 382 List Song from the Space Mikado Hopcroft 154 - 3092 Little Beard Blue Kronengold 80 - 1587 Little Boxes, 2003 Gold, Lee 92 - 1853 Little Brother Tansky 174 - 3485 Little Computing Machine, The Savitzky, S. 144 - 2894 Little Cthulhu Simpson 12 - 209 Little Cubicles Okamura 71 - 1421 Little Dissertation..., A Shapero 23 - 448 Little Fuzzy Ancestors Mandel 82 - 1638 Little Fuzzy Animals (Furry) Brener, Mara 5 - 75 Little Fuzzy Lunatics Mandel 141 - 2833 Little Fuzzy Problems Mathews 33 - 656 Little Fuzzy Tribbles Chiffon 201 - 4027 Little Fuzzy Vegetables Mandel 66 - 1314 Little Green Man, Rev. 2.0 Shuch 183 - 3658 Little Song Viri Kronengold 183 - 3670 Little Gofer Burrows 13 - 232 Little Green Man Shuch 61 - 1235 Little Gummy Animals Kanefsky 8 - 131 Little Home Computer Savitzky, S. 146 - 2917 Little Lady Name Like Bar Code Harness 64 - 1278 Little Lamb Gold, Lee 202 - 4051 Little Light Music, A Harris 29 - 568 Little Lord Dollar, The Hodge 49 - 995 Little Maus 2 Barber 30 - 604 Little Podcasts Brown 214 - 4280 Little Problem, A Burrows 44 - 887 Little Slimy Octopi Hopcroft 14 - 255 Little Starship Ruff 43 - 875 Little Teeny Eyes: new verse Gold, & Kessselman 128 - 2566 Little Teeny Thumbs Stevens 106 - 2115 Little Wolf Blue Williams 112 - 2243 Lives Gold, Lynn 21 - 410 Livin' in a Bridge Ehrlich 101 - 2024 Livin' in a Video Game Kanefsky 102 - 2052 Living Home w their Mommies Levine 26 - 507 Living on the Abyssal Plain Barber 33 - 663 Lobelia Frost 117 - 2347 Lock Up Those Buttons McGath 22 - 434 Lockdown Blues Tansky 191 - 3820 Locked Out Shapero 3 - 38 Log Every Hour Shuch 209 - 4191 Lo, How a Ghost Phoenix 170 - 3415 Lois Lane's Love Life Boogie Bunnell 86 - 1722 London Derriere Bethancourt 104 - 2092 Lonely Maiden, The, Tyrr 7 - 108 Long Haul Rob Wynne 216 - 4331 Long May You Run Shuch 172 - 3450 Long Search, The Mandel 193 - 3873 Long Shadows Digby 108 - 2157 Look at Cats and What they Wish, A Landerman 54 - 1103 Look at This Sky Tansky 217 - 4340 Look at Writing Styles, A Todd-Prather 53 - 1076 Looking for a New Song Weiss 40 - 796 Look for Me Simpson 191 - 3835 Look upon My Gear...and Repair Wynne 171 - 3423 Lord Midnight Mathews 79 - 1568 Lord of the Ants Lembke 33 - 662 Lord of the Dance - 2 more verses anonymous 79 - 1583 Lord of the Dance: another verse Mandel 58 - 1171 Lord of the Dance 3:1 Shapero & Gold 15 - 281 Lord of the Hotel Dance Rubin 45 - 907 Lord of the Sith Warneke 74 - 1472 Lord Voldemort Oppen 123 - 2457 Lore of the Ants Levine 114 - 2282 Los Angeles, 1992 Lurie 25 - 486 Lose-95 tillman 63 - 1277 Losing My Companion Bohnhoff, M. 146 - 2921 Loss Mailander & Gilmore 16 - 306 Lost Midnight Simpson 182 - 3651 Lost Poem Digby 110 - 2214 Lothlorien Pie Frost 118 - 2356 Loud Italian Woman Kanefsky 34 - 676 Loud Sing the Carol Kaplan 68 - 1356 Love Is a Cup of Tea Kimberley 190 - 3802 Love Me Tender Bales 202 - 4037 Love My Precious Ficklin 200 - 4012 Lovebites Holt 87 - 1738 Lovecraft Mailander 155 - 3101 Lovegood Lament Oppen 113 - 2269 Lovegood's Friends Oppen 114 - 2277 Love Poem to Medusa Digby 175 - 3512 Love Song Clark 26 - 515 Love Song from a Chimera Hopcroft 82 - 1636 Love Song of Lon Chaney, Jr., The Okamura 69 - 1377 Love Theme from Gator II Wolkoff 66 - 1322 Low Density Kaplan 59 - 1197 Loyal Con-Guest Blues Hopcroft 42 - 846 L, S, C, X, and Ku Shuch 127 - 2542 Lubyanka Prison Gold, Lee 20 - 380 Lucifer Simpson 218 - 4371 Luck of the Light, The Digby 130 - 2615 Lucky the Cat -- the Spam Gold, Lynn 61 - 1227 Lucy in Disguise Kanefsky 90 - 1811 Lucy on TV Chiffon 207 - 4154 Lucy Poem, A Laubenheimer 107 - 2151 Lucy Strata Paige 76 - 1524 Luggage Abandoned Simpson 219 - 4383 Luke, Be a Jedi Goode 155 - 3113 Lullaby for a Beery Fan Weingart 6 - 95 Lullaby for a Benevolent Despot McGath 109 - 2181 Lullaby for a TV World Gold, Lynn 31 - 612 Lullaby for a Weary Cable Installer Rubin 13 - 248 Lunacon Is Moving McGath 108 - 2165 Lust on the Bridge Bohnhoff, J & M 105 - 2108 Lutefisk and Yams Ulf Gunnarsson 65 - 1302 Luthor's Lullaby, A Bunnell 139 - 2789 M Mathews 92 - 1839 Macbeth Ross, A. 163 - 3259 Machar Brener, Mara 11 - 206 Machiavellian Tango, The Garber 184 - 3680 MacLeod's Song Smith, N 125 - 2501 MacNamaraWord Gold, Lee 41 - 831 Mad Dogs and Englishmen - Continued Okamura 76 - 1509 Mad Science Belongs to Me Ripley 144 - 2876 Mad Scientist Visser 155 - 3099 Mad Scientist's Daughter Hellerstein 72 - 1425 Madame Curie's Hands Elms 4 - 60 Mademoiselle from Alderaan Rogow 192 - 3851 Maester Targaryen Qe'van 160 - 3198 Magic Horning 199 - 3981 MAGIC (the Gathering) MAN Jones 40 - 800 Magic Game, The Polowin 50 - 1006 Magical Me Bruns 90 - 1804 Magical Emergency Warnings Digby 194 - 3894 Maiden of the Lake, The Mathews 101 - 2029 Maison Ikkoku Twiddy 197 - 3952 Major Outage Tech Support Blues Wynne 141 - 2830 Make a SETI Station Shuch 70 - 1392 Make a Wish Tansky 206 - 4121 Make Her Like Me Ross, A. 190 - 3812 Make It So Kanefsky 165 - 3315 Make It So Smeaton 21 - 411 Make It So Williams 147 - 2949 Makin' Poopie Baylor 94 - 1891 Making Contacts Hard to Do Ehrlich 81 - 1617 Making Fuel out of Nothing at All Shuch 147 - 2938 Mal, Adjusted Kanefsky 128 - 2568 Malory Redux Mathews 152 - 3045 Mama Don't Allow Mathews & Goodman 35 - 699 Mamas, Don't Let...Grow up...Filkers Elms 8 - 138 Mamas, Don't Daughters ... Interns Shuch 81 - 1613 Mama Drive Tuerff 167 - 3345 Mammoth Love Polowin 122 - 2451 Man and the King, The Garber 202 - 4052 Man Behind the Curtain McGath 149 - 2987 Man Glade Burrows 17 - 318 Man in the Hat Mailander 20 - 385 Man in the Shadows, The Wittenberg 158 - 3160 Man of War Mar 79 - 1579 Man Who Got to Return, The Levine 24 - 475 Man Who Ought to be Spurned, The McGath 210 - 4210 Manly Man Matty Groves Fish 35 - 694 Manual Labor (Tech Writers Version) Hoffman 80 - 1598 Many Eyes, None Moist Hughes 81 - 1616 Many Miles Away Cinii 63 - 1282 Many Rules, No Dice Kronengold 81 - 1607 March of Cameras Ehrlich 58 - 1167 March of Damned Breath McGath 193 - 3868 March of Darwin Baylor 145 - 2903 March of the Dendarii Cavalry Norén 165 - 3307 March of the Penguins Polowin 126 - 2534 Marginal Double Dactyl Gold, Lee 182 - 3638 Marine Him and Her, The Stillson 111 - 2227 Mark Pierre's Song Mathews 34 - 686 Mark Twain Mood Piece Twain, Mark 123 - 2457 Mark Two Mathews 65 - 1292 Mark's Jingle Mandel 162 - 3250 Marlboro Fair Goodman/Gladstone 103 - 2055 Mars Curiosity Rover, The Brener, Mara 145 - 2898 Mars Rover, The Capik 145 - 2896 Mars Rover, The Miller 145 - 2896 Martian Cannonball, The Okamura 65 - 1294 Martian Rovers, The Shuch 101 - 2021 Martian Rovers (Revised), The Shuch 186 - 3720 Martian Said to Dianne Kronengold 76 - 1517 Marty B. Goode Pavletich et al. 16 - 312 Marvellous What?, The Eney 49 - 986 Marvelous Kitten Toy, The Landerman 52 - 1048 Marvel-ous Man, The M'liss Garber 219 - 4380 Marvin the Android's Ghost Weingart 123 - 2475 Mary Ellenor Rigby Smothers 39 - 783 Mary Sue Haldane-Lindley 180 - 3601 Mask of Voldemort, The Oppen 170 - 3408 Masquerade Smothers 46 - 923 Master, The Bruns 96 - 1918 Master, Kiss My Ass Fish 11 - 196 Master of Filk Cinii and Mulder 62 - 1261 Matches Malone Okamura 160 - 3199 Mattimeo Sero 93 - 1861 Max Level Newbie Wynne 117 - 2349 Max the Jock Baker 72 - 1445 Maxwell's Wave Equations Hansard 78 - 1561 Mayhem Rhapsody Landerman 25 - 485 McCaffrey Polowin 38 - 754 McConnell Garber 186 - 3723 Me and My Xeno Benefiche 45 - 921 Mead McAfee 60 - 1222 MechNamara's Band Okamura 170 - 3405 Medea Mandel 72 - 1426, 98 - 1965 Med-Fly of Inspirational Music Harness 11 - 201 Medical Toy, The Polowin 156 - 3135 Medic's Song for Summer, A Paige 115 - 2302 Medlab M.A.S.H. Howsell & Roberts 66 - 1316 Meet Isaac Newton Tansky 171 - 3433 Melana's Song Goodman & Gold 21 - 413 Melkors Blues Mills 101 - 2030 Melt the Ring Rousey 84 - 1677 Men in Black Bruns 148 - 2969 Men of Good Fortune Mandel 153 - 3065 Men of Harlequin McAfee 70 - 1391 Men Who're Hoarding Tansky 194 - 3892 Meow Landerman 32 - 632 Mercedes Sakers 43 - 865 Mercury -- Our First Steps Groot 135 - 2704 Mermaid and Captain Jack Lurie 5 - 80 Merryman, and He's Mad, The Miller, S. 167 - 3446 Merry Meet Macdonald 206 - 4135 Merry Minuet Modernized Goulder 210 - 4205 Merry Moira Paige 116 - 2330 Message from the Bridge, A Kesselman 208 - 4171 Metamorphosis Kanefsky 58 - 1174, 82 - 1639 Metamorphosis, The McGath & Rubin 203 - 4060 Metric Worm Baylor 63 - 1269 Mews for Maggie Soley 50 - 1014 Mice and Birds Reitman 77 - 1529 Mice Ruined Terra Phillip Mills 176 - 3523 Michael and the Captains Bunnell 185 - 3706 Michael Liebmann's Ghost Dorn 187 - 3743 Michael's on the Loose Dorn 169 - 3395 Mickey Mouse Club Closing Theme Ross, J 18 - 342 Mickey's House Adelsohn 32 - 643 Micro-Programmer's Prayer Burrows 12 - 209 Microserf Tillman 53 - 1083 Midichlorian Rhapsody Bohnhoff, J. 137 - 2742 Midnight's Lullaby Hodge 47 - 957 Midsummers Song, A Anderson, P 84 - 1692 Mighty Cthulhu Okamura 46 - 934 Mighty Jongleur, The Hodge 60 - 1223 Miguelito Mailander 140 - 2798 Miles de Grow Carson 27 - 527 Miles Naismith Vorkosigan Oppen 118 - 2366 Miles Vorkosigan Levine 23 - 454 Millennium: The Dictionary Entry Mandel 100 - 1999 Millennium Song Eney 100 - 1999 Miller's Daughter, The Merav Hoffman 68 - 1352 Mime, He Is a Changeling, The Ross, A. 192 - 3836 Minas Morgul Williams 110 - 2214 Mind of Its Own, A Mills, Phil 213 - 4273 Mineral Rights Kanefsky 9 - 152 Minstrel and the Falcon Tyrr 6 - 92 Minus B Stillson 95 - 1895 Mir Shuch 57 - 1156 Miracle at Langley Ross, A. 158 - 3157 Miranda's Ghosts Goode 145 - 2910 Miranda's Song Sero 51 - 1034 Mir's Been Repaired Once More, The Gold, Lee 55 - 1118 Mir's Been Repaired - 2000 Gold, Lee 72 - 1436 Misexpedition Hoffman, Randy 90 - 1812 Miskatonic Shadows Price 79 - 1580 Miskatonic Slimeman Price 78 - 1555 Miskatonic University Fight Song Okamura 137 - 2752 Miskatonic University Pep Song DeChancie 101 - 2027 Mistaken Speciosity Miller, Susanna 198 - 3957 Mister Gold Mills, Phillip 159 - 3183 Mister Sandman McGath 205 - 4113 Mistletoe's Not Painless Gladstone 126 - 2531 Moaning Myrtle Goode 148 - 2965 Mob Shapero 26 - 509 Mock the Turkey Bohnhoff, J. 116 - 2331 Model of a Modern Fanzine Editor Davis 111 - 2220 Model of a Novelist Fantastical Gladstone 111 - 2218 Modern Cyber-Netizen's Song Bales 86 - 1718 Modern-Day Solicitor, The Holt 174 - 3489 Modern Epic-Titan, A Pelz 169 - 3394 Modern Mystic Woo-Woo Miller, S. 146 - 2929 Modern Silkie, A Baylor & Capp 65 - 1296 Modern Televangelist Brinich 8 - 139 Moggy Strikes Back, The Kesselman 50 - 1005 Molly-Be-Dumb Gladstone 186 - 3734 Mommy 10, Barney 0 Landerman 50 - 1011 Monday Morning Savitzky, S. 153 - 3058 Mondegreen Baylor 202 - 4047 Mondegreens Gold, Lee 133 - 2667 Money Bunny Mathews 89 - 1785 Money Rolls In (addit'l), The Mathews 40 - 811 Money You Can Spend, The Bruns 124 - 2491 Mongol Wedding Song Creasey, John 5 - 81 Mongol Wedding Song: continued Gold, Lee 49 - 990 Monkey Brains Kanefsky 130 - 2611 Monster McGath 212 - 4250 Monster, The Digby 163 - 3269 Monster That Stalks Lake Machado Okamura 104 - 2077 Monsters on the Right Ross, A. 131 - 2617 Monty Who? Whittaker & James 187 - 3746 Moon is Also a Satellite, The Kanefsky 10 - 181 Morbid COVID Christmas, A Goulder 195 - 3902 More-Ose Con Rousey 34 - 680 More Ravin' Kesselman 48 - 962 More SATANic Verses Neff 43 - 859 More Sounds of Violence the Odd 178 - 3559 More Wishful Thinking Mandel 80 - 1600 Moreta Shapero 5 - 71 Morlocks' Munching Song, The Haldane-Lindley 53 - 1067 Morning Has Literally Broken Gold, Lee 95 - 1912 Morticia's Thing Mehle 24 - 478 Most Wanted Fan Burnham 19 - 376 Mother's Advice Mailander 17 - 328 Mother's Lament, A Rosenfield 108 - 2166 Mountains of Mourning Mathews 107 - 2142 Mouse, The Kaplan 61 - 1236 Move Over, Dr. Frankenstein Shapero 20 - 392 Movies, The Elms 7 - 112 Mozart Ross, A. 186 - 3716 Mr. Bullwinkle Benefiche 46 - 938 Mr. Gold Kelly 193 - 3861 Mr. Peabody (A Dog and His Boy) Benefiche 74 - 1467 Mr. Potter Bruns 91 - 1821 Mr. Raptor -- Mr. Rex Okamura 61 - 1230 Mr. Robot Gold, Lee 166 - 3335 Mr. Sandman Gold, Lee 6 - 101 Mrs. Filker's Chowder Haldane-Lindley 39 - 781 Mrs. Murphy's Chowder: Next Gen Kanefsky 39 - 781 Mule Stall Haldane-Lindley 40 - 813 Multi-Level Parking Burrows 24 - 472 Multitasking Reader Shuffle, The Kanefsky 134 - 2694 Mundanes' Waltz Kanefsky 174 - 3491 Mundania Thinks We're Weird Shapero 54 - 1085 Muppets Take Manhattan, The Wynne & Williams 183 - 3659 Muscles for Nothing Ross, Andrew 205 - 4110 Mushroom Song, The Savitzky, S. 121 - 2421 Music into Filk Smith 57 - 1163 Music of the Cat Wynne 139 - 2791 Music of the Fen Leger 214 - 4278 Mus Mechanicus Mailander 86 - 1720 Mutant Generations Kanefsky 43 - 869 My Baby's in the Jar Oppen 111 - 2217 My Big Furry Friend Soley 19 - 365 My Bleak Pages Shuch 203 - 4057 My Cats and I Miller, Susanna 217 - 4353 My Code is Broken Rousey 77 - 1539 My Country M'liss Garber 204 - 4079 My DSV Coupe Mailander 36 - 720 My Eyes Are Finally Open Oppen 132 - 2637 My Father Was a Filker Kanefsky 19 - 364 My Favorite Rings Goode 147 - 2947 My Favorite Rings Wald 63 - 1284 My Favorite Things Paddison 189 - 3776 My Favorite Thrills Bunnell 112 - 2250 My Filk Repertoire Sanford 217 - 4346 My First Vembletroon Mandel 156 - 3121 My Grandfather's Cat Rich Brown 158 - 3172 My Grandfather's Hat Mandel 157 - 3154 My God, I Must Love What I Do! Ehrlich 74 - 1478 My Grandfathered Plot Mandel 73 - 1452 My Hard Drive's Dead Shapero 129 - 2592 My Human Heart Qe'van 161 - 3219 My Jack London Song Simpson 211 - 4228 My Jell-O Froze in Texas Goulder 197 - 3954 My Last Supper Qoheleth 130 - 2601 My Name is Lovecraft, But...Not HP Chiffon 194 - 3877 My Old Friends Gold, Lee & Hubbard 153 - 3073 My Old Man's a Con Fan Bloom 28 - 561 My Own Business Tansky 173 - 3461 My Patronus Ross, A. 140 - 2799 My, So You're a Fur Fan Barber 38 - 758 My Train of Thought Ross, Andrew 212 - 4249 My Trees Ray Bruns 122 - 2440 My Wildest Dreams Mills, Phil 204 - 4085 Mythos Miller, S. 175 - 3514 Naismith (Not Vorkosigan) Wynne 144 - 2893 Name of the Brain, The Urs 170 - 3406 Naming of Hades' Dog, The Bales 202 - 4044 NancyButtons Mandel 106 - 2133 Nancy Elnor Rousey 110 - 2211 Nantucket Eagle Fisheries Bunnell 100 - 2011 Naps Baylor 143 - 2861 NASA's Engineers H. Paul Shuch 67 - 1340 Naughty Women Bruns 99 - 1985 Na'vi Blue Trimmer 130 - 2606 Nearly Headless Nick Warneke 75 - 1494 Necks to Nothing Levine 66 - 1319 Neil Armstrong (Wink at the Moon) Faber 145 - 2914 Nementh Burrows 43 - 862 Nementh, Mage of Lanvedon Burrows 32 - 640 Neo-Filker's Prayer, A McAfee 200 - 4015 Neo vs Ego Feld 26 - 522 Neos Eternal Haldane-Lindley 50 - 1015 Nerd Carol Tillman 55 - 1104 Nerds Want Sex on Computers Levine 65 - 1301 Nessie, Give Up Mandel 107 - 2140 Net of Constant Sorrows Simpson 202 - 4053 Net.Sex Weingart 53 - 1078 Netiquette Gold, Lee et al 64 - 1275 Net Trolls Bruns 121 - 2418 Network Called Clear Channel Bohnhoff, J. 138 - 2774 Neutral Alignment Mills, P. 189 - 3780 Neutrino Walks in a Bar, A Bales 216 - 4325 Never Fuck with a Hungry Vampire Landerman 56 - 1144 Never Get a Mogwai Wet Adelsohn et al 63 - 1284 Never Let Your Cats Play Harps Oppen 127 - 2545 Never on a Friday Baylor 217 - 4347 Never Piss off a Chemist Baylor 20 - 387 Never Proselytize a Cat Davidoff 91 - 1833 Never Set the.... Mathews 122 - 2438 Never Set the Cat Addition Harness 19 - 378 Never Set the Cat on Fire - Day Two Mandel 126 - 2527 Never Set the Desk on Fire Halfacree 110 - 2213 Never Set the Sept on Fire Miller, S. 156 - 3122 "Never Set" Incomplete Alphabet Mandel 144 - 2889 Never Set the Kitten On Fire Burrows 9 - 157 Never Set the Lab on Fire Mathews 72 - 1435 Never Set the World on Fire Weingart 68 - 1351 Never Summon Yog-Sothoth Wilkins & Turner 22 - 420 Never-Ending Glass of Beer, The Digby 205 - 4113 Nevermore DeMello 83 - 1666 Neverwhere Trimmer 127 - 2536 New Age Polowin 149 - 2982 New Argghhss! for Old Nelson 83 - 1649 New Argument, The Holt 78 - 1551 New Days Mandel 149 - 2979 New Executioner's Song, The McGath 26 - 506 New Hypocrisus, The Shuch 165 - 3310 New Jersey Sleeps Tonight Kanefsky 126 - 2520 New Math 2000 Leigh 71 - 1406 New Mexico History 2001 Mathews 82 - 1631 New Mexico Lullaby Miller, S. 180 - 3598 New Millennium Gold Lee 70 - 1387 New Moon Ross, A. 129 - 2586 New Orleans Hearse Song, The Okamura 181 - 3635 New Song, A Tatum 126 - 2530 New Song, A Union 207 - 4148 New World Chaos Lurie 34 - 679 News from Iraq Bales 94 - 1885 News Hound Bunnell 35 - 703 New World Tansky 200 - 4005 Newsman Horning 117 - 2354 Newton ... Einsteins Theory Tansky 105 - 2096 Newton's Birthday Song Gold, Lee/Gladstone 98 - 1973 Newton's Lullaby Gold, Lynn 51 - 1031 Next Attorney's Prayer Todd-Prather 43 - 867 Next Generation, The Parsons 53 - 1065 Next Year Gold, Lee 10 - 175 Nibbled to Death Bunnell 118 - 2360 Niece-a-Lisa Shuch 179 - 3595 Night Darth Vader Died, The Baker, Greg 97 - 1950 Night Kaga Brought the Lutefisk Down Bohnhoff, J. 98 - 1957 Night on Bear Mountain Eney 51 - 1025 Night the Bed Fell, The Brener, Mara 26 - 504 Night They Drove...Death Star Down Wynne & Williams 143 - 2868 Night Train Simpson 172 - 3439 Night We Met, The Bales 210 - 4201 Nightfall Garber 182 - 3644 Nightmare! elson 55 - 1123 Nightmares Are Made of These Dunn 184 - 3693 Nilvana Brinich 19 - 374 Nimoy Tribute, A Bailin 164 - 3278 Nine Shapero 13 - 239 Nine Evil Wraiths of Rings Weingart 103 - 2071 1984 Tansky 99 - 1984 No Closets in Space Feld 162 - 3254 No Deep Dark Skies Tansky 199 - 3991 No Deep Dark Skies Urs 208 - 4167 No Dry Ground Rubin/Grumer 45 - 914 No Dry Rounds Kanefsky 124 - 2483 No Filker's Land Thomas 30 - 603 No Filker's Land Weingart 36 - 727 No High Noon Hodge 21 - 412 No High Royalties Mathews 32 - 634 No Hope Creasey, Mary 30 - 597 No Light Garber 207 - 4149 No Man Now Polowin 176 - 3530 No Man's Mall Wells 54 - 1098 No Men O'Riley 97 - 1934 No More Cons McGath 192 - 3843 No More Ground Hodge 29 - 586 No More Hemp Weiss et al 148 - 2973 No More "Jack" Feld 10 - 168 No Power of Magic Tansky 189 - 3781 No Roots Urs 213 - 4270 No Strings Attached Smith 106 - 2126 No Time to Mingle Tansky 193 - 3862 No Trump Contract McGath 63 - 1267 No Way, Jose Kanefsky 24 - 469 No, You Can't Kill a Vampire... Rousey 33 - 665 Nobel Laureates All Get Phoned Sanderson 170 - 3396 Noble Numenorean Weingart 102 - 2048 Nobody in the Night Gold, Lee 23 - 461 Nobody Is Coming to Town Rousey 110 - 2198 Nobody's Handgun Mandel 64 - 1268 Nobody's Moggy Lands Kanefsky 12 - 230 Nobody's Planet Now Hodge 63 - 1285 Nobody's Ranger Now Sutton & Wynne 142 - 2852 Nobody's Spaceman Burrows 25 - 486 Nocturnal Admissions Paige 106 - 2125 Noman's Plan Mandel 95 - 1900 Non-Binary Oscars Digby 185 - 3699 Non Filk War Victim Soley 31 - 621 Non-Lament for the Dursleys Oppen 103 - 2065 Non Sequitur Liberation Anthem, The Mason 91 - 1827 Non-Smoking Section Kanefsky 12 - 216 None So Blind Brinich 24 - 473 Norse is a Norse, A Laubenheimer 86 - 1715 North Pole Reality Show Gold, Lee 158 - 3158 Norton Juster Urs 197 - 3943 Norton's Empire Hopcroft 31 - 624 Not a Gift Kelson & Stern 5 - 79 Not a Limerick Digby 149 - 2980 Not a Monster Hunt & Azevedo 183 - 3672 Not All the Whackos are in Texas Mathews 29 - 583 Not in the Job Description Bernstein 188 - 3764 Notation Song Mills, Phillip 164 - 3289 Not Bright and I Don't Care Cooke 71 - 1411 "Not Formica..." Weinberg 72 - 1431 Nothin' to Do Goulder 193 - 3866 Nothing to Read Digby 141 - 2827 Not-So-Great Filker Of Sule Skerrie Mandel 63 - 1271 Not So A-Mewsed Burton West 52 - 1042 Not Enough Filk at the Con Wittenberg 161 - 3233 Notes of Regret McGath/Melnick/Avalon 52 -1056 Notgettingittudinosity Bales 96 - 1921 NRAO Shuch 188 - 3773 NSEA Protector / Crewman Number 6 Polowin 153 - 3062 NSA Is Tracking You Down Goulder 152 - 3036 Nuclear Winter Wonderland Gold 27 - 528 Numenorian Holt 133 - 2664 Nutty Filk-Lovers Haldane-Lindley 22 - 439 O Firefly Garber 188 - 3765 O Little Hound of Baskerville Lieberman 200 - 4000 O-Ring around the Rosy Mathews 78 - 1553 Obi, Don't Take Those Droids Harris 21 - 401 Obituary Column Weiss 148 - 2972 Objectivism Tango, The Gladstone 131 - 2621 Obligatory Convention Filksong Wynne 200 - 4008 Obligatory Valentine's Day Post Brust 184 - 3681 Oblique Song, An Mailander 39 - 782 Obloids Revisited Burrows 8 - 141 Ocular Cinii 114 - 2286 Ode to Cable TV Shaub 2 - 17 Ode to the Sci-Fi Channel Levine 70 - 1395 Officer's Song Mathews 68 - 1362 Official Dirk Blackpool Slobber Song Kelson 70 - 1397 Ogres (a Shrek filk) Ross, A. 87 - 1752 O Avatar Brown 129 - 2584 Oh, Be a Fine Girl, Kiss Me Shuch 114 - 2278 Oh, Corona Shuch 202 - 4039 Oh, Darryl Gates group mind 27 - 525 Oh, Dear Faned Lamb 89 - 1782 Oh, Leave the Wise Eddington 177 - 3542 Oh, Lord, It's Hard to Rewrite 'Em Rousey 36 - 728 O Lord, Won't You Make Me Ruhle 24 - 470 Oh, My Darling Mary Kay Tillman 13 - 250 Oh My, What An Era Tansky 176 - 3526 Oh My, What Can Dark Matter Be? Tansky 182 - 3646 Oh, Perry Hoffman 62 - 1260 Oh, Say Can You Pee Anderson, K. 162 - 3251 Oh, Send Back Old Barney to Hell Helgesen 36 - 716 Oh, So That's What It's Called Holt 145 - 2904 Oh, What a Night (July, 1969) Urs 145 - 2913 Oh Where Has the Beagle Gone? Gladstone 143 - 2867 O.J. Jury Smothers 44 - 884 Olaf the Snowman (Frosty) Tansky 175 - 3503 Olaf the Snowman (Rigby) Tansky 175 - 3502 Old Double-Nerd Flag, The Brust 179 - 3576 Old Enough Bales 207 - 4137 Old Filk Singer, The Polowin 157 - 3155 Old Gods from the Void, Returning Barber 54 - 1099 Old Iron Hodge 34 - 683 Old Macdonald Had a Server Farm Dorn 217 - 4347 Old-Man Eyebrows Mills, P. 170 - 3410 Old Man's Jingle Mandel 219 - 4389 Old MS-DOS McGath 23 - 442 Old Science Theories Tom Tuerff et al. 170 - 3402 Old Time Computing Goodman 48 - 966 Old Time Computing Savitzky, S. 142 - 2854 Old Time Religion (verse) Rubin 48 - 979 Old Time Religion: Hogwarts verse Stillson 103 - 2059 Oldest, The Gold, Lee 210 - 4214 Oleander Highway Horning 157 - 3147 On Being Asked for Advice.... Digby 138 - 2760 On Board You - The Event Horizon Thomas 64 - 1282 On eBay Reitman 148 - 2956 On Mel Gibson's "Passion" Bales 95 - 1909 On the Air-io Smith 13 - 252 On the Breath of the Sun Urs 195 - 3898 On the Couch Again Dorn 213 - 4272 On the Downfall of ... Teach Franklin 49 - 988 On the First Day of Crystal Goodman & Lee Gold 42 - 842 On Top of Cthulhu Soley 16 - 312 On Top of Olympus Gold, Lee 30 - 606 On Yonder Shore Okamura 92 - 1848 Once a Year Tansky 192 - 3840 Once and Future Queen, The Urs 201 - 4022 Once Around Digby 52 - 1055 Once There Was a City Digby 206 - 4134 One Field Theory Horning 101 - 2015 One Filkers Week Hodgetts, Blake 100 - 1996 One for the Morning Glory Wozney 187 - 3750 One Hundred Masks Miller, S. 195 - 3904 One Key Filk, The Weiss 41 - 823 One Million Decimal Places of Pi Brener, Mara 17 - 330 One Minute's Warning Browne 13 - 246 One Night in Baycon Cherry 29 - 578 One Puff Too Many Mills, Phillip 129 - 2578 One Puff Too Many Mills, Phillip 168 - 3369 One Ring Lives On Mathews 117 - 2351 One that I Fly, The Shuch 137 - 2740 One That Is Broken, The Holt 79 - 1582 One Tin Woodman Williams 109 - 2193 One Too Many Mornings, Again Horning 179 - 3591 One Way Out Burton West 53 - 1070 Ones with the Headlamp Eyes, The Barber 35 - 700 Online Cosmos Reitman 71 - 1421 Only Boy Who Could Ever Thrill Me Harness 79 - 1568 Onwards, Cthulhu Cultists Barber 45 - 917 Oops: Foraker's Version Bunnell 120 - 2404 Operation Kenneth Starr Ross, J 60 - 1210 Operation: Winter Storm Ehrlich 57 - 1162 Oppy, Wake Up Richards 195 - 3896 Oracle Norén 183 - 3669 Oranges and Lemons and 1984 Gold, Lee 99 - 1983 Orcs Hopcroft 17 - 326 Order of the Stick Garber 217 - 4343 Ordinary Town Wittenberg 138 - 2771 Origins of Agriculture Rag, The Hirst 76 - 1519 Orphaned Wizard Boy, The Urs 115 - 2309 Ose Ross, A 92 - 1845 Ose Elf Rousey 95 - 1911 Other Elfquest Tree Song, The Harris 47 - 958 Other Hotel, The Bunnell 116 - 2328 Other Irish Rover, The Bethancourt 102 - 2053 Other Shore (Filk Version), The Ehrlich 121 - 2417 Other Side of Argo, The Mathews 83 - 1669 Otzi the Iceman Miller, S. 164 - 3280 Our Crypts Are Sealed Wickart 202 - 4040 Our Girls Bales 219 - 4385 Our Heroes Bunnell 102 - 2039 Our Old Steve ap Llys 88 - 1771 Our Patrol Garrett 77 - 1539 Ouroboros Mills, P. 185 - 3707 Out of the (Wild Wild) West Bunnell 39 - 792 Outward Bound Cooke Beth & R 70 - 1394 Outward Drive Hodge 15 - 289 Over the Gridlock Mills, Phil 208 - 4159 Over the Rover McGath 196 - 3929 Overfilk Liebmann et al. 2 - 28 Overheard along Fantasy Way Digby 139 - 2795 Overheard along Fantasy Way Digby 140 - 2813 Overheard at Disney HQ Rivkis 105 - 2106 Owe, Debt Haldane-Lindley 156 - 3133 Oy! to the World Goulder 170 - 3414 Oz-ymandias McGath 77 - 1541 Paavo Pitkainen's Talking Blues Eney 27 - 532 Packrat Levine 58 - 1180 Pack of Lies, A Kronengold 178 - 3575 Padfoot's Song Wittenberg 167 - 3355 Pain, Death and Mutilation Mills, Phillip 203 - 4075 Pain-Geld Hodge 30 - 605 Pain Grows Where Insanity Goes Urs 212 - 4239 Painting with the Cobalt Blues Polowin and Roper 99 - 1979 Paksennarion Tatum 125 - 2508 Panned from Argo Marlowe 54 - 1088 Pantheon Tansky 195 - 3899 Paper Bowl Tansky 209 - 4194 Paper Dreams Levine 21 - 402 Paper Wings Savitzky, S. 115 - 2313 Paper Wings: more Savitzky, S. 127 - 2536 Paperclip Waltz Rubin 180 - 3602 Papers to Sell Horning 196 - 3926 Paradox Smith 88 - 1770 Paradoxes Elms 2 - 16 Paralegal Looks at...Problems Todd-Prather 22 - 421 Parallax Polowin 167 - 3343 Paranoia Song, The McGath 152 - 3039 Paranoid Mills, Phil 212 - 4247 Parking Space Ross 72 - 1443 Parodies Metric Gold, Lee 15 - 274 Parody Bit, The Benefiche 52 - 1049 Parody Tonight Kevin Wald 69 - 1380 Parting Glass, The Gudeman & Visser 167 - 3344 Parts Sourced from Hell Mills, P. 186 - 3731 Party in the Suite on Top Pomerantz 9 - 164 Party of Four Williams & Wynne 203 - 4071 Pass the Sage Wynne 165 - 3309 Passover 2020 (belatedly) Gold, Lee 191 - 3822 Past and Future Inn, The Shapero 22 - 432 Patenting Pi Digby 150 - 3010 Pathfinder's Song Richards 57 - 1151 Patience Mathews 112 - 2252 Patrick McGoohan's Ghost Hopcroft 12 - 229 Patrons of the Megacorps Suzuki 109 - 2190 Pay to Play Burwasser 40 - 797 P.C. McGath 33 - 661 PC-XP (Semi-Professional Edition) Smith, Tom 109 - 2192 Peanuts Pumpkin Carol Okamura 217 - 4355 Peas Miller, S. 182 - 3655 Peddler, The Harness 154 - 3089 Peer-to-Peer is for Porn Feld 142 - 2840 Peg in My Heart Baylor 31 - 609 Pegasus Departs But Never Returns Horning 127 - 2551 Pegasus 51 Shuch 83 - 1659 Pegasus Must Be White, A Garthson & Mills 109 - 2182 Penguin Flight Baylor 92 - 1834 Penguin-Sliding Garber 205 - 4111 Pennywise is Coming to Town Cinii 37 - 745 Pentium PC, The Shuch 84 - 1684 People Different from Us Ross, A. 161 - 3232 People Who Eat People Kanefsky 54 - 1087 People Who Eat People Gladstone 154 - 3079 People's Deja Vu, The Freeman 53 - 1071 Percy's Song Gold, Lee 61 - 1241 Permanently Obsolescent Baker 66 - 1307 Personal Ad Mathews 93 - 1863 Perverts Marching Song Kelson et al 9 - 156 PGP Gold, Lee 42 - 839 Phenomenal Guy Hodgetts, A & A 81 - 1612 Philae Lander Tansky 160 - 3201 Philippe Cogman 64 - 1285 Phoenix Takes It All, The Wald 123 - 2469 Phone Booth in Antarctica Digby 156 - 3132 Phonograph Reitman 96 - 1931 Photosynthesizin' Blues Rubin 45 - 909 Physicians' Wives Brener, Mara 149 - 2995 PI-in-a-Box Kanefsky 30 - 601 Pickin' Up Shit Landerman 57 - 1161 Pick the Fluffy Side of the Force Mills, P. 171 - 3422 Pict Song Bonewits 49 - 993 Piece Dragon, The Mailander 38 - 771 Piece of the Pie, A Bohnhoff 84 - 1682 Piers Bookman Mailander 19 - 368 Pig-Tailed Girl Hopcroft 43 - 866 Pikachu, I See You Dave Weingart 67 - 1334 Pika Pika Chu Chu Shuch 173 - 3467 Piketty, Pyeketty, Poo-Poo-Poo Ross, A. 157 - 3149 Pile High - SCA Kelson 65 - 1299 Pilot's Song Murrie 10 - 171 Piltdown Man Okamura 75 - 1501 Pink Tax Ross, A. 185 - 3696 Pinnipeds! Haldane-Lindley 130 - 2612 Pirate Jenny Smith 7 - 118 Pirate Sheep Ehrlich 119 - 2394 Pismo Beach Digby 69 - 1368 Pitchman and the Shill, The Okamura 174 - 3488 Pixies o' the Wildwood, The Mandel 105 - 2101 Place I'd Rather Be, The Cinii 60 - 1219 Plaid Banana Boat Song Hubbard 50 - 1007 Plane Fare Rogow 27 - 540 Planet, A Creasey, John 21 - 401 Plastic Cthulhu Miller 106 - 2132 Platypi Griffin 211 - 4229 Playing the Blame Game Gladstone 125 - 2499 Playing with Demons Bunnell 110 - 2209 Play That Filky Music Reitman 164 - 3283 Please Stay Home for Christmas Ross, Andrew 200 - 3998 Plergbonisian Milkfish, The Digby 161 - 3226 Please Do Something Spiteful Hoffman, Randy 91 - 1826 Please, Morden, Please Heslin 80 - 1603 Please Push That Button Levine 176 - 3518 Please Push Those Buttons Bruns 119 - 2392 Plea to Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter Chiffon, Blind 128 - 2570 Plonk Urs 108 - 2158 Plot Summary: Nicholson's Wolf Mathews 38 - 759 Plush Cthulhu Laubenheimer 166 - 3317 Plush Horror Barber 36 - 730 Pluto Richards 196 - 3923 Pluto's Days Horning 162 - 3237 Poe Pure Bales 88 - 1760 Poe, The Bales 210 - 4203 Poem for the Occasion, A Myrande 183 - 3656 Pointless? Laubenheimer 144 - 2878 Pointy-Haired Man, The Brinich 53 - 1066 Pokèmon Cinii 65 - 1305 Police Band Simpson 11 - 192 Political Science 101 Weingart 119 - 2387 Politically Correct Christmas Song Goulder 171 - 3435 Polyamory Police, The Tansky 188 - 3768 Polymath Bunnell 57 - 1146 Polywater Doodle Hodge 51 - 1035 Poor Discon's Dead Pomerantz 9 - 165 Poor Paddy's Surviving Doomsday Ross, A. 142 - 2844 Poor Spacefaring Stranger Brown 203 - 4059 Pop Goes the Weasel Digby 106 - 2129 Pope Eyrie Norén 188 - 3772 Popsicle Girl Ehrlich 93 - 1860 Pork Chops/McDonald's Hopcroft 24 - 474 Porkchop Threnody Holt 121 - 2431 Porno Puppy Gold, Lynn 40 - 799 Port of Argo, The Kanefsky 206 - 4130 Postal Package Dorn 158 - 3158 Postman Kanefsky 17 - 317 Postman, The Mathews 58 - 1170 Pottsvlvania Creepers Haldane-Lindley 25 - 490 Poul Anderson's 3 Hearts & 3 Lions Garrett 79 - 1569 Poul Anderson's Stories Gold, Lee 79 - 1566 Pousse-Café Mandel 120 - 2396 Power of Magic, The Tansky 190 - 3807 Power of Trolls, The Haldane-Lindley 175 - 3510 Prayer for Peace Brener, Harry 10 - 175 Pre-emptive Revenge Holt 98 - 1971 Pregnant Situation, A Mathews 42 - 847 Prelude Digby 30 - 595 Prelude to a Speed Trap Paige 66 - 1320 Present, The Phoenix 192 - 3848 Press Song brown & Stanberry 110 - 2200 Preying on Our Kind Mills, Phillip 175 - 3511 Primal Form Girls Garber 219 - 4386 Primary Care Provider Benefiche 39 - 790 Prince Charming's Lament Haldane-Lindley 135 - 2708 Prince George Ross, A. 104 - 2082 Pris: An Advertisement Cogman 41 - 828 Probe Cassini, The McGath 100 - 1994 Problems Digby 42 - 840 Procrastinator's Hymn Sibley 21 - 416 Professor James Anderson, K. 186 - 3735 Profit Bunnell 88 - 1765 Program, The McGath 97 - 1947 Programmer and the Elves, The Rubin 45 - 911 Programmer's Alphabet, The Savitzky, S. 125 - 2504 Programmer's Breakfast Chant, The Weingart 112 - 2253 Programmer's Waltz Weingart 121 - 2425 Projections Digby 72 - 1431 Proper Measure Has Four Beats, A Shuch 77 - 1544 Prophecy Wizard Creasey, M. 100 - 2009 Prophet of Dune Trimmer 121 - 2430 Proposal for an Alliance Mathews 77 - 1531 Protestant's Lament Mathews 48 - 964 Protoplasmic Pool, The Jones 13 - 237 Proud Filk Singer, The Horning, Mark 210 - 4209 Proud & Lone, The Jackson 79 - 1573 Proud and Lonely Burrows 23 - 459 Proud to be a Cajun Leger 210 - 4204 Proxima B Wittenberg 186 - 3719 Pterodactyl Bershak 27 - 544 Puff, Decades After Mathews 124 - 2477 Puff, the Genius Kitten McGath 71 - 1407 Puff, the Lost Verse Brain 168 - 3367 Puff the Magic Dragon Benefiche 80 - 1588 Puff the Magic Bullet Senate 30 - 591 Pumpkin Carol, The Qe'van 169 - 3379 Pumpkin King, The Miller, S. 163 - 3260 Purim Song Gold, Lee 190 - 3797 Pushy Gifts Burwasser 41 - 826 Put on a Freaking Mask Baylor 195 - 3903 Put out the Fire Mailander 93 - 1857 Put Them All Together Eney 112 - 2237 Putin's Crew Fish & Kelly 203 - 4068 Putin's Privateers Oppen 215 - 4306 Puttin' on the Styles Haldane-Lindley 112 - 2239 Q's Lament Hopcroft 13 - 234 Quality vs. Quantity Digby 73 - 1458 Quarantine Wynne 191 - 3819 Quantum Leaping, Again Baylor 26 - 517 Quantum Potato Shuch 161 - 3220 Quark's Ferengi Ghost Mathews 45 - 920 Que Neo, Neo Kirby 31 - 623 Queen of Cute Hopcroft 73 - 1462 Queen of the Dance Stoops 62 - 1258 Queen of the Road Mandel 128 - 2566 Queen of the Wee Folk, The Kanefsky 60 - 1216 Quibble Burrows 11 - 204 Quidditch Night Brener, Madeleine 102 - 2037 Quidditch Night: new verse Brener, Madeleine 111 - 2224 Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes Horning 53 - 1063 Quiz Ba-Dooba Ross, A. 159 - 3186 R? X?? Digby 58 - 1183 R2-D2 Reitman 177 - 3552 Rachel Cogman 47 - 961 Rachel Housden 27 - 530 Radio Williams 137 - 2739 Radioactive Tumbleweeds West 69 - 1370 Ragnarok Laubenheimer 178 - 3562 Rainbows' Ends Shapero 50 - 1003 Rainy Day Argo #12 & #35 Wynne 83 - 1656 Raise the Stakes Wittenberg 140 - 2806 Raising the Tax Todd-Prather 74 - 1482 Raison de Filk Weiss 91 - 1829 Rama's Company Kanefsky 120 - 2409 Ramblin Rover Warneke 87 - 1751 Rambling Silver Rose, The Savitzky, S. 148 - 2971 Rambling Trampolines Baylor 205 - 4106 Rambling Wreck of Measurement, The Gladstone 122 - 2443 Rambo Connection, The Thomas 22 - 426 Random Acts of Happenstance Paige 85 - 1709 Random Forgettable Song Simpson 168 - 3372 Ranger, The Mills 130 - 2607 Ranger to the Queen, The Hodge 54 - 1099 Ranma's Regret Hopcroft 47 - 959 Raptor's Lullaby, A Hughes 32 - 636 Rapunzel for Beginners Laubenheimer 162 - 3252 Raspberry Ester Urs 132 - 2651 Rat-Tat Tat Digby 28 - 554 Rats in the Walls Forever Ross, Andrew 211 - 4222 Rattling Hymn of the Filkpublic Anderson, K. 111 - 2223 Raven Banner -- background Icelandic sagas 10 - ii Rayek's...Lament? Burrows 10 - 186 Raze This Town Hopcroft 158 - 3165 Re: Your Creche Ross, Andrew 207 - 4138 Re: Your Grain McGath 116 - 2318 Reactor Destruct Button Digby 173 - 3468 Read It Urs 125 - 2497 Read My Lips Kanefsky 9 - 152 Reader, The Hodgetts 88 - 1756 Reader (continued), The Mandel 110 - 2213 Reader References, The Hodgetts, B. 110 - 2207 Reader - additional verses, The Laubenheimer 89 - 1778 Reader - additional verses, The Stewart 89 - 1779 Reader's Digest Cond Filks Burrows 12 - 211 Reader's Digest Cond Filks Burrows & Gold 11 - 194 Readers Take Cover Smith, Tom 215 - 4296 Reading Ancient Ruins Digby 188 - 3765 Reading Andre Norton Goode 163 - 3266 Reading through the Slush Pile Ehrlich 145 - 2909 Reentry Burn Urs 210 - 4198 Real Beauty and the Beast Filk Feld 24 - 479 Real Ghost Writer Chiffon, Blind 155 - 3100 Realities: "Silky" or.... Digby 145 - 2900 Real Old Time Religion - more verses Rousey & McGath 94 - 1889 Real Red Baron, The Partridge 128 - 2572 Real Soon Now Burwasser 45 - 921 Real(?) World Temperance Union, The Mandel 102 - 2040 Reaper Man Parsons 181 - 3617 Reaping, The Oppen 135 - 2702 Reason for Aleve Mills, Pillip 174 - 3486 Reason in the Darkness Tansky 166 - 3327 Reassurance Bunnell 38 - 767 Reavers Tansky, Arthur 198 - 3967 Rebecca's Song Deere 80 - 1596 Rebel Bothan Spies Okamura 159 - 3177 Rebuttal McGath 204 - 4082 Rebuttal to "Ape Flat Minor" Brener, Mara 42 - 855 Recessional Shapero 23 - 451 Recipe Chiffon 215 - 4311 Recycling in Action Cinii 70 - 1390 Red Red Baron, The Trimmer 148 - 2956 Red Dog Urs 141 - 2820 Red Sports Car Horning 177 - 3542 Rededication, The Mandel 171 - 3432 Rededication's Coming Gold, Lee 164 - 3281 Red Is the Color Gold, Lee 164 - 3281 Red Shirt Baylor 35 - 697 Red Trainers Gerber 127 - 2553 Red Wine, Red Roses and You Kelson 20 - 386 Red-Haired Girl Mason 94 - 1881 Redhead's Lament Miller, S. 176 - 3533 Redhead's Tale, A Ross, A 61 - 1240 Redneck Fanboy Ross, A. 135 - 2701 Redneck Wizards Mailander 78 - 1554 Redshirt Wynne 182 - 3646 Redshirts on the Planet Philcon Filkers 38 - 769 Reflections Cancellation Enterprise Holt 101 - 2014 Refreshments O'Riley 121 - 2433 Reichenbach Mailander 47 - 948 Reindeer Breath Sanderson 164 - 3280 Reindeer Dance, The Wolkoff 110 - 2196 Reindeer Got Run Over by My Grandma Kesselman & Tansky 104 - 2076 Reinforcin' o' the Stereotypes, The Ross, A. 190 - 3798 Rejected Shuch 122 - 2441 Rejection Slip, A Benefiche 66 - 1321 Relaxacon Anthem, The Bunnell 41 - 832 Religious Procession Mailander 59 - 1191 Renaissance Faire Skywalker 52 - 1046 Renegade Time Lord Hopcroft 21 - 399 Renfield and His Master Brown 85 - 1706 Rennie Levine Kanefsky 32 - 628 Reply from "Rennie Levine" Levine 32 - 629 Report from Frisco Fish 10 - 168 Reprint, A Goodman 13 - 244 Republicans, The Mailander 143 - 2864 Requiem for a Dragon Parsons 179 - 3594 Requiem for a Friend Never Met Eiler 110 - 2197 Rest Lies with God, The Feld 103 - 2054 Rest of the Story Shapero 9 - 153 Restaurant Named Roadkill Brener, Mara 24 - 462 Resurrection Levine 69 - 1375 Retro-Tech Mathews 48 - 965 Return of the Filk McGath 39 - 778 Return of the King Extended, Uh-Huh Dorn 100 - 2012 Return of the Philosophers Slayer Hodgetts, B 92 - 1852 Revenge of Temperature Smothers 34 - 672 Revenge of the Baby-Sat Polowin 150 - 3001 Revenge of the...Pussycats Landerman 36 - 712 Reviewing Your Application Haldane-Lindley 202 - 4050 Rhododendron Honey in the Emberverse Mathews 132 - 2638 Rhyme of the Cynical Optimist, The Bunnell 146 - 2934 Rhymes of Fashion Wynne & Williams 204 - 4094 Rhymes with El Dorado McGath 190 - 3809 Rian's Song (She's So Darn Haut) DeLaughter 196 - 3930 Rich Mans Song, The Bales 89 - 1784 Richest Man in Babylon, The Mailander 111 - 2216 Riddle of Threes Mandel 150 - 3003 Riddle Song Morgan & Wittenberg 130 - 2610 Riding a Raid Burton West 55 - 1107 Riding a Tiger Mathews & Faber 116 - 2335 Riding Hood Tansky 215 - 4299 Riding Mowers Tansky 217 - 4354 Riding on a Thestral Oppen 91 - 1818 Rilla's Song Kellogg 107 - 2137 Ring Their Bells Spoor 214 - 4290 Ring-a-Rosie Polowin 159 - 3184 Ring Is Just a Four-Letter Word Smith, Nick 114 - 2283 Ring of Power Eney 112 - 2237 Ring on Fire Urs 196 - 3919 Rings Mills, Phil 217 - 4348 Ringworld Diehl 58 - 1176 Ringwraiths Keep Flying Overhead Urs 136 - 2735 Ringwraith's Lament Haddad 51 - 1026 Ripped from the Headlines Mathews 119 - 2377 Rise Again Tansky 113 - 2258 RMS Titanic Okamura 54 - 1096 Road to Old Mordor, The Williams 107 - 2146 Road-Kill Collection, The Kanefsky 63 - 1274 Roadkill on the Informatn Hwy Benefiche 36 - 726 Roadrunner, No More Polowin 51 - 1033 Roast Swan, Revisited Miller 149 - 2986 Robbing the Graveyard Levine 20 - 379 Robin the Poor McGath 32 - 641 Rock-a-Bye Grootie Tyra, R. 176 - 3527 Rock Me, Amidala Bliss 177 - 3543 Rock ... from the 4th Rock..., The Shuch 50 - 1010 Rocket Men McGath 182 - 3643 Rocket Rider's Prayer Savitzky, S. 123 - 2473 Rocky Shuch 211 - 4232 Rocky Coastline High Smothers 59 - 1186 Rocky Mountain Cthulhu Brown 156 - 3120 Roddenberry Requiem Levine 31 - 627 Rogaine Gold, Lynn 25 - 499 Rogaine Gray 180 - 3609 Rolling Blackout Chanty Simpson 113 - 2259 Rolling Down on Mobile Bay Shuch 169 - 3390 Rom, by Gom Hodge 16 - 297 Romulan Ale Visser 169 - 3389 Room of Clothes Mailander 206 - 4129 Ronin Burrows 19 - 362 Rose, A Brown 138 - 2757 Rose's Song Horning, J 137 - 2749 Roses Are... Digby 119 - 2378 Roswell Brown 115 - 2297 Rotten Row Okamura 70 - 1388 Rotten Row Revision Okamura 73 - 1454 Round the Sun: ... Carol McGath 122 - 2438 Rounds Levine 61 - 1238 Roving over Mars Shuch 185 - 3711 Row, Meat Boys, Row Partridge & Mar 89 - 1789 Rowing Song - Additional Verse, The Friedman 74 - 1485 Rows of Soldiers Housman 20 - 383 Roy Moore Loves the Little Children Dunn 183 - 3673 Royal Courtship Mathews 171 - 3427 RPG Developer's Ode to D20, An Kubit 98 - 1965 Rude Awakening Mandel 117 - 2340 Rudolph Gitt 14 - 257 Rudolph, the EMACS Hacker Gold, Lynn 20 - 389 Rudolph, the Red-Eyed Vampire Mandel 50 - 1011 Rudolph the Redshirt Ensign Ross, Andrew 213 - 4261 Rudolph's Ride Shapero 3 - 39 Ruined Tower, The Kronengold 146 - 2923 Rule De World Harris 46 - 941 Rules for Laundry Room Dryers Digby 154 - 3080 Rules of Order Cooke, Robert 106 - 2116, 68 - 1365 Run Come See in Jerusalem Baker, Greg 143 - 2875 Runaway Simpson 215 - 4302 Running in America Ross, A. 145 - 2899 Running out of Dreams Digby 126 - 2533 Running with Wolves Benefiche 32 - 637 Sacking of the Sloop John B., The Weingart 149 - 2985 Saga of Frosty the Snowman, The Spoor 213 - 4256 Sailing to Ferenginar Holt 153 - 3058 Sailin' UP from Old Quarry Cinii 59 - 1196 Sale Today Levine 47 - 960 Salty Cthulhu Bernstein 209 - 4192 Saluting the Musical Chairs Shuch & Gold, Lee 120 - 2410 Sam and Rosie Goode 147 - 2947 Same Old Game Fish 79 - 1584 SAMPO Harris 35 - 696 Sam's Lament Wynne 66 - 1313 San Diego's a Smorgasbord Brener, Mara 55 - 1115 Sandman's Hand, The Horning 139 - 2788 Sanitizer Tansky, A. & S. 197 - 3946 Santa Ana Digby 98 - 1966 Santa Baby: the filksong Mathews 134 - 2681 Santa Claus has V.D. Today Gold, Lynn 23 - 455 Santa Claus Is Hunting You Down Spoor 218 - 4357 Santa Claus Security Digby 164 - 3281 Santa Died of Covid (Last September) Koman 206 - 4128 Santa Got Run over by Our Grandma Polowin 213 - 4260 Santa Monica Balloon Kanefsky 150 - 3007 Sasquatch in the Sky Reitman 162 - 3247 Sasquatch Tapes, The Bunnell 46 - 939 Satellite Rebellion, The Shuch 93 - 1858, 102 - 2044 Saturday Night's ... Writing Haldane-Lindley 146 - 2930 Saturday Night's Our Night...Gaming Garber 206 - 4132 Saturnalia Lieberman 194 - 3878 Satyr-ical Bunnell 141 - 2834 Saucer of Loneliness Feld 46 - 930 Saucy Barrayan Paige 68 - 1347 Sauron Wynne 78 - 1558 Savannah River Meltdown Kirby 30 - 592 Save the Last Roll for Me Goulder 194 - 3889 Save Yourselves Kanefsky 136 - 2718 Saving All My Rares for You Wozney 195 - 3914 Saxon's Lament Wyatt the Odd 180 - 3603 Say Again, Master Phoenix 116 - 2327 SCA Wench Slobber Song Paige 64 - 1276 Scan Ye Bands in the Morning Shuch 58 - 1169 Scansion Trimmer 134 - 2688 Scansion Doctor, The Cinii 44 - 881 Scans to Argo Mandel 122 - 2442 Scans to Argo References Mandel 125 - 2506 Scarborough Faire Wittenberg 150 - 2998 Scarborough Wood Wittenberg 180 - 3610 Scarecrow and Captain Sheridan Neff 71 - 1412 Scarlet Ribbons (of Blood) Chiffon 175 - 3500 Scary Dan Shaub 10 - 172 Scene from "The Opera of Fandom" McGath 36 - 729 Schadenfreude Okamura 144 - 2877 Schindler's List Rogow 148 - 2960 Schrodinger's Cat Hayes & Elms 11 - 189 Schrodinger's Cat (part 2) Elms 7 - 113 Schrödinger's Cat in the Hat Tansky 170 - 3404 Schrödinger's Farm Goode 170 - 3403 Science Fiction - part I Weingart 15 - 291 Science Moves On Horning 130 - 2614 Scientific Attitude Simpson 90 - 1799 Sci-fi Science Polowin 160 - 3203 Sci-Fi Smackdown Shapero, K. 113 - 2275 Scooby Gang Marching Song, The Bunnell 67 - 1326 Scotsman and the Martians, The Baker & Ross 67 - 1331 Scotty, Where's Your Trousers Mathews 30 - 600 Scribes of Cambreadth Gladstone 145 - 2902 Screen Sisters McGath 35 - 705 Screenwriter, The McGath 181 - 3619 Scudder Tech Student Song Gladstone, et al. 177 - 3553 Scuff the MacPaint Dragon Ruhle 25 - 493 Sea Anemone Digby 41 - 816 Seanan Dear Bunnell 140 - 2805 Seaquest DSV, The Kirby 81 - 1620 Search for Solar Planets Tansky 172 - 3444 Seawyrd Kingsgrave 16 - 309 Second Civil War Letters, The Garber 181 - 3632 Second Law in Action Burwasser 50 - 1008 Second String Hero's Lament, The Shapero 52 - 1043 Second Thoughts Weingart 16 - 308 Secret Key Mills 133 - 2671 Security on a Starship Kelson 69 - 1370 Security System Burrows 19 - 370 Seeds & Stems 2 Paige 89 - 1777 Seine: April 15, 2019, The Gold, Lee 185 - 3715 Semi-Poetic Justice Dern 38 - 756 Senator from Elfland's Daughter Rubin 45 - 910 Send in the Clones Baylor & Bowerman 23 - 453 Sentient Program, The Sibley 22 - 422 September Dreaming Digby 157 - 3151 Serenity Carolers Garber 188 - 3762 Serfin' USA Ross, A. 187 - 3736 Serious Lyrical Narrative, A Chiffon 97 - 1949 Servalan Mailander 26 - 520 Servers Laubenheimer 201 - 4032 Servicers of the Machine Laubenheimer 167 - 3340 Sestina: Appleseed Wittenberg 192 - 3837 Seti at Home Digby 142 - 2843 SETI League Anthem, The Shuch 63 - 1278 Seven, The Hansard 88 - 1754 Seven and a Half Percent Stillson 182 - 3639 Seven Billion Miles, and Counting Anderson, K 86 - 1723 Seven Days of Creation, The Mandel 108 - 2156 Seven-Year Pitch Baker 78 - 1552 Sex and Cuddling Gold, Lee 48 - 975 SF Author Passes, An Feld 92 - 1847 SF Editor's Lament, The Haldeman 207 - 4141 Shadowjack Housden 11 - 205 Shaggy Dog Benefiche 37 - 737 Shaggy Shaggy Dog Lieberman 210 - 4211 Shameless Plug Creasey, J 35 - 691 Shangri-La Haldane-Lindley 31 - 619 Shanidar IV Anderson, K 125 - 2506 Shannon's Law Shuch 145 - 2905 Shanty Formerly ... General Tayor Partridge 118 - 2371 Shapeshifter Lieberman 208 - 4163 Share Water Gladstone 139 - 2794 Shark Bites, The Tuerff 158 - 3163 Shasta District Fair Ross, Andrew 209 - 4184 Shaun and Georgia Ross, A. 139 - 2777 She Always Games Mills,kPhil 214 - 4293 She Went out ... Bathroom Window Reitman 118 - 2358 She Who Pays the Piper Hubbard 58 - 1183 Sheep for Wood Yeager 194 - 3886 Sheep Trick Lurie 54 - 1097 Shelter Ross, A. 173 - 3456 Shen - An - Net - Ah Todd-Prather 59 - 1192 Sheriff's Cunning Plan, The Soley 24 - 467 She's Always a Werewolf to Me Leger 206 - 4124` She's Such a Princess Rousey 95 - 1911 Shield Rodgers 206 - 4122 Shindig on Bald Mountain Okamura 55 - 1121 Shining Around Digby 165 - 3302 Shining Wit, The Wynne 172 - 3447 Shiny and Sharp Kanefsky 171 - 3418 Ship and Stone Laubenheimer 117 - 2336 Shire-Lad Mailander 114 - 2293 Shiny and Sharp Kanefsky 171 - 3418 Shoddy Gifts Grumer 19 - 370 Shopping for Bears Bunnell 114 - 2294 Shores of Wonder Digby 120 - 2400 Short History of Time, A Eney 33 - 664 Short-Lived Love Affair Digby 70 - 1393 Shottle Bop Digby 3 - 46 (Should Have) Done It Myself Brown 71 - 1410 Show Stopper #378 Weingart 6 - 100 Shrink and Grow Capp, M. 157 - 3139 Shrink Wrap Blues McGath 153 - 3056 Shut Up and Obey McGath 180 - 3614 Sibling Rivalry (Hello Kitty) Miller, S. 173 - 3463 Sick Car Blues Mathews 43 - 857 Sidney's Malady Allcock 13 - 247 Sigh Fi Westbrooks 74 - 1474 Sigorney's Song Harness 22 - 437 Silent Cards Farmer & Tansky 119 - 2384 Silent Cycles Digby 146 - 2929 Silicon & Rust Freeman & Smothers 80 - 1595 Silly Filk Songs Thomas 19 - 359 Silly Filk Songs Reitman 121 - 2427 Silver Blaze Mailander 163 - 3267 Silver Love Kelson 133 - 2672 Silver Metal Lover, The Garber 199 - 3976 Silver Screen, The Bunnell 56 - 1137 Simorgya Gold, Lee 128 - 2562 Simple Country Doctor, A Leger 205 - 4098 Simple GIFs Kesselman & Malme 149 - 2991 Simple Gifts: Reminder Rodgers 43 - 864 Simple Question of Vocabulary, A Rousey 37 - 743 Simply Depressed Tansky 204 - 4079 Sing Along Rosenberg 21 - 412 Sing Ho, the Lovely Maiden Mathews 88 - 1764 Sing Loudly Tansky 214 - 4291 Sing Us Your Song Tansky 214 - 4281 Sing with Me Horning 102 - 2046 Singing in the Stars Tepper 199 - 3980 Singularity Tango Simpson 110 - 2199 Singular They, The Ross, A. 174 - 3482 Sink or Swim Haldane-Lindley 144 - 2883 Siren's Call, the Ross, Andrew 208 - 4164 Siri Please (Contrary Routes) Cornish 172 - 3446 Sirius (Black) Song Gold, Lee 142 - 2836 Sirius Song Gold, Lee 17 - 316 Sister Silver Hair Shuch 206 - 4123 Site Search Cinii 56 - 1139 Sitting in the Superstore Goode 175 - 3514 Situation's Grim, The McGath 166 - 3324 Siva's Price Smothers 58 - 1180 Six Dead Reavers Kelly 175 - 3498 Six Feet Under Bohnhoff 96 - 1917 Six-Hour Universes Bunnell 43 - 860 Six Transit Genitalia Centauri Kanefsky 192 - 3838 Sixteen Cats Mandel 183 - 3667 Sixteen Dawns Goulder 168 - 3356 Sixteen Grams (a knitting song) Tansky 219 - 4377 Sixteen Huns Ruff 25 - 491 Sixteen Mobs Stern, Mike 106 - 2124 Sixteen Toads Bruns 95 - 1906 Sixteen Zines Weingart 9 - 163 64 Polowin 129 - 2588 Skeet-Surfing: Helms Deep Mailander 112 - 2245 Skin Another Tribble Okamura 69 - 1367 Skunk-Breeder's Daughter Holt 69 - 1376 Sky Has Not Fallen, The Digby 199 - 3991 Sky Too Blue, A Wittenberg 160 - 3209 Skype That Face Goulder 195 - 3907 Skype with No Pants Horning 191 - 3822 Slan Garrett 82 - 1627 Slash Weiss 42 - 854 Slashers, Roll Your Own Burwasser 48 - 966 Sleeping for a Century or Two Digby 169 - 3380 Slept in a T-Shirt Chiffon 200 - 4013 Slips Phoenix 112 - 2253 Sloop Carnival Magic, The Ross, Andrew 217 - 4337 Sloopy Susan B Baylor 196 - 3933 Sloppy Filker's Apology Ruhle 28 - 545 Slowly-Burning House, A Digby 189 - 3789 Slumgullian Rhapsody Harris 20 - 396 Slumgullion Rhapsody cont Harris & Burrows 28 - 553 Small Mall Simpson 46 - 931 Smoffing the Filkers A. Mandel 191 - 3833 SMOF-Grrrl, The Silverman 71 - 1418 Smoke Rising over Waco McGath 44 - 890 Smuggler's Song--Updated Flin 16 - 295 Smurf's Song, A Feld 7 - 123 Snails in the Garden Okamura 111 - 2234 Snakes Alive Shapero 6 - 90 Snaps of Cthulhu Hopcroft 41 - 824 Sniper Feld 90 - 1806 Snoopy vs the Dread Cthulhu Smith, Tom 217 - 4336 Snout Haldane-Lindley... 123 - 2468 So Long, Doug Hodgetts 82 - 1644 So You Want Timeless Love Song Harris 24 - 463 Sober Spacer, The Shuch 108 - 2168 Socially Relevant Song, The McGath 25 - 483 Social Media Williams 149 - 2976 Soft Rock Station Mathews 36 - 721 Software Hacker's Prayer Weingart 118 - 2359 Sojourner Says "Hello" Okamura 58 - 1175 Sold! Wittenberg 172 - 3443 Soldier's Complaint Mathews 168 - 3375 Sole-Stunning Show Stopper Gold, Lee 8 - 133 Solstice Carol Kingsgrave 7 - 114 Somber Bells Shuch 158 - 3157 Some Decent Treats Garber 190 - 3799 Some Street in Laramie Simpson 203 - 4064 Somebody's Moggy Now Mandel 116 - 2326 Someone Else's Tune Soley 49 - 994 Someone Slipped Disney a Mickey Wolkoff 213 - 4257 Someone to Watch over Me Goulder 202 - 4046 Something Else...Hard to Swallow Rousey 38 - 772 Something in the Wind Hughes 89 - 1787 Son of a Son of a Vor Lord Wynne 179 - 3582 Song for a Goddess Hopcroft 81 - 1621 Song for AOL & Demon, A Weingart 186 - 3732 Song for Pinocchio Kelson 16 - 310 Song for Raging Children Benefiche 86 - 1728 Song for Sebastian Cogman 38 - 765 Song for When We Need Heroes Ross, A. 188 - 3758 Song from the Pigs' Side Kanefsky 172 - 3448 Song from the Wolf's Side McGath 124 - 2490 Song of the Abolitionist Garrison, W L 216 - 4316 Song of Fin and Claw, A Miller, Susanna 204 - 4095 Song of Progress: Maggie Anderson, P 127 - 2552 Song of Ronaldo (Baby Snakes), The Miller, Susanna 216 - 4330 Song of the Elf Nazi Harris 23 - 449 Song of the Elf Nazi--last verse Harris 24 - 471 Song of the Folk Nazi Kanefsky 16 - 296 Song of the FSM's Side Gladstone 104 - 2086 Song of the Logical Romulans, The Cinii 49 - 994 Song of the Masquerade Gladstone 109 - 2194 Song of the Minstrels Eiler 86 - 1729 Song of the Mockingjay Ross, A. 143 - 2860 Song of the Moggy Horde Bunnell 58 - 1166 Song of the Nancy Bernstein 216 - 4320 Song of the Old West, A Harness 13 - 238 Song of the Other 9,999 Centurions Holt 64 - 1269 Song of the Quantum Foam Simpson 165 - 3308 Song of the Sauropods Haldane-Lindley 34 - 675 Song of the Seneschal Wolkoff 69 - 1378 Song of Wandering Charlie, The Weinberg 94 - 1893 Song That's Never Been, The Newman 121 - 2432 Song Time Ross, A. 177 - 3536 Songbird Kelson 45 - 919 Songmaker, The Mailander 6 - 101 Songs in the Night Bunnell 92 - 1837 Songs of Fandom, The Kirby 28 - 557 Songs Too Long Shuch 176 - 3533 Sonnet for Serenity, A KWM* 189 - 3787 * KWM = Kronengold, Wittenberg, & Mandel Sony McGath 105 - 2102 Soon Be Gone Oppen 206 - 4125 Soon No2, Columbus Comes Smith, Tom 218 - 4367 Sooner or Later All Lovers Are Lost Simpson 187 - 3755 Sophronia's Song Kronengold 153 - 3075 Sorry, Right Number Digby 90 - 1808 Soul Child Kelson 52 - 1050 Soul Thief Soley 27 - 537 Souls to Burn Jim Rousey 67 - 1329 Sound of Sirens, The McGath 195 - 3913 Sound of..., The Mandel 139 - 2786 Sound of Violence, The Stern, Mike 104 - 2080 Sounder Music, The Goulder 163 - 3274 Sounds of Consonance, The Mandel 90 - 1807 Sounds of Cylons, The Bloom 34 - 679 Sounds of Science Gold, Lee 63 - 1279 Sow -- A Pig Jones et al 15 - 280 Soylent Green Bohnhoff, J. 148 - 2974 Soylent Green Kanefsky 84 - 1691 Space between the Lines, The Benefiche 87 - 1746 Space Junk Is Falling in the Drink Goulder 179 - 3584 Space Shanty Kelly 108 - 2162 Space Station Two Smith, Nick 124 - 2493 Spacefaring Stranger Brown 215 - 4309 Spaceflight in Mojave Horning 100 - 1995 Spaceman's Dilemma Fish 100 - 2006 Spacer's Dilemma (Female Version) Kriftcher 100 - 2008 Spacer's Lament Shuch 170 - 3399 Spaceships in the Sky Horning 99 - 1978 Spaceships in the Sky (revised) Horning 101 - 2026 Sparky & William & Ian Lurie 72 - 1440 Spartacus the Eighth Ross, A. 184 - 3682 Speakeasy Bales 218 - 4373 Speakerphone Gold, Lynn 46 - 924 Speaking of Ferengi Mathews 52 - 1052 Special Forces Santa's in Town Ross, A. 188 - 3763 Spectrum Stern, Mike 107 - 2152 Speech in the Forum Mathews 95 - 1902 Speed of Dark Smith, Nick 89 - 1783 Spell Digby 10 - 167 Spell Simpson 215 - 4312 Spellchecker Wrecker Digby 166 - 3323 Spelling Bee in My Bonnet, A Housden 12 - 210 Spelling Potato Lurie 24 - 476 Spells! I Need More Spells Grumer 23 - 458 Sphinx of Black Quartz Simpson 194 - 3887 Spike, the Sex-Life Boogieman Hughes 87 - 1744 Spinach Hopcroft 25 - 501 Spinach Rowland 1 - 12 Spirals Hughes 37 - 749 Spirit in Stone Bunnell 150 - 3011 Spirits in the Night Ruhle 23 - 452 Spoiler Song, Service Pack 1, The Bruns 126 - 2528 Sporting Zeroes Hopcroft 32 - 639 Sport Pilots in the Sky Shuch 136 - 2724 Sports Fan's Anthem Generic, The Shuch 136 - 2721 Sports Fan's Anthem, Revised Kronengold 137 - 2743 Spring Sneaks In Simpson 196 - 3919 Spring Song Bales 215 - 4297 Spring Song — April Shuch 190 - 3798 Springs Hoffman 176 - 3532 Spy Balloons Smith, Tom 208 - 4156 Squaring the Circle Urs 198 - 3959 Squid Jones 23 - 444 Stab, Stab, Stab Brain 2 - 31 Stab the Caesar Shuch 190 - 3796 Stairway Music Digby 175 - 3506 Stairway to Babble Shapero 31 - 622 Stake in the Heart Burton-West 48 - 965 Stake through the Heart Ehrlich 92 - 1837 Stalker Song, The Miller, S. 166 - 3320 Stalnaker Ross, A. 138 - 2758 Stand by Your Fan Smothers 37 - 737 Stand up for Ewoks Soley 18 - 340 Standard Orbit Baker 77 - 1533 Stanley Scale, The DeMello 107 - 2148 Stanley Scale, The Williams & Polowin 107 - 2149 Star Beast , The Gladstone 93 - 1856 Star Fleet's Red Shirts Weingart 5 - 77 Star Geria-Trek Kelson 7 - 119 Star Sailors Paxson 165 - 3298 Star-Spangled Banner - 5th verse Holmes, Oliver W. 173 - 3458 Star Treks On Smith 87 - 1748 Star Trek TNG Shuch 82 - 1632 Star Trek: Voyager Shuttlecraft, The Neff 57 - 1149 Star Wars on My Mind Smith 16 - 300 Starfleet Girls Patton et al 115 - 2299 Stargate SG-1, Bin There, Dun That Tyra, Gerry 125 - 2500 Starr Whatness Shapero 60 - 1211 Stars and Stripes Forever, The Sousa 60 - 1209 Stars Are Ours, The Burnham 14 - 264 Stars at Night, The Trimmer 172 - 3445 Stars, They Were Ours, The Trimmer 119 - 2379 Starship and Saber Stoops 56 - 1135 Start Sipping Lo-Cal Levine 41 - 826 Starting Point Smothers 35 - 704 Stealer's Deal Reitman 152 - 3042 Stephen Said Kimberley 179 - 3588 Steve Macdonald Shuch 194 - 3893 Steward's Son, The Anderson, Karen 115 - 2314 Stiff Kanefsky 32 - 630 Still Falling Wittenberg 194 - 3895 Still Haven't Found the Droids.... Visser & Bryant 156 - 3126 Still Hope Tansky 110 - 2212 Still I Watch Them Smith 91 - 1831 Still Vaporware to Me Bruns 120 - 2413 Stole of the Seal (Revised) Kesselman 198 - 3966 Stop Cheering Creasey, Mary 11 - 199 Stop The Wheel of Time Wittenberg/Hoffman 178 - 3570 Stopping at Goats...Snowy Evening Mills 165 - 3300 Stopped in Traffic Bales 212 - 4253 Stopping by a Garden...Morning Bales 208 - 4158 Stopping by a Western Beach in Winter Bales 218 - 4365 Store Where I Work, The Shapero 169 - 3382 Storm King's Prayer, The McGath 175 - 3506 (Storybook) Love Story Bellavia, E. 161 - 3218 Story/ Ft. Walton Beach Nudity Ban Baylor 28 - 564 Stowaway Juliano 5 - 84 St. Crispin's Day Qe'van 163 - 3265 Strangers Who Are Knights Wyatt the Odd 179 - 3583 Strength Potion Number Nine Shuch 155 - 3097 String Replacing Time Digby 170 - 3314 STS Lament Cinii 109 - 2185 Stuck Downloading Again Simpson 185 - 3713 Stuck Here on a Starship.... Savitzky, S. 149 - 2984 Study Time Savitzky, R. 196 - 3918 Stupid Giant Animals Feld 1 - 13 Suburban Shieldmaidens Holt 99 - 1981 Subway Rider's Prayer Browne 16 - 314 Sudden, Yet Inevitable Miller, S. 177 - 3549 Suicide Express Jackson 183 - 3671 Suing the Blues Shuch 103 - 2073 Sumerian Advertising Jingle Kanefsky 167 - 3354 Sumerian Blues, The Brust 186 - 3726 Summer Leaves Digby 162 - 3244 Sun Gary McGath 67 - 1336 Sun & Shadow: the Honeymoon's Over Kanefsky 28 - 565 Sunday Morning-Filkers Take Warning Laubenheimer 130 - 2596 Sunken Land of R'lyeh, The Laubenheimer 152 - 3047 Sunlight and Saxophone Rachel Silverman 67 - 1332 Sunny Side of the Rock McGath 160 - 3201 Suns Shall Never Set on SETI, The Shuch 56 - 1128 Sunset Circle Song Digby 76 - 1521 Superfundamentalists Wynne 140 - 2811 Superman Hopcroft 98 - 1955 Superman's Secret Thoughts Shuch 130 - 2612 Super Net Hack Man Marmel & Shapero 103 - 2069 Supernova Harris 19 - 373 Superphishin' McGath 161 - 3227 Surf This Web Weingart 132 - 2645 Surfing Mars Some Day Wolkoff 214 - 4294 Surfing the Web on a Busy Evening Bales 90 - 1809 Susan B. Does Nanotechnology Gladstone 127 - 2544 Susan B: The Final Vengeance Ehrlich 136 - 2729 Susan C Anony Mouse 133 - 2665 Susan Calvin Trimmer 126 - 2516 SUV Driver Polowin 198 - 3973 Sweet Violence Gold, Lee 3 - 52 Swing Mandel 106 - 2123 Swing Low, Sweet Firefly Garber 198 - 3969 Swing Low, Sweet Triple-A Kronengold 187 - 3754 Swinging on Stars Friedman et al 11 - 188 Sylvan Harper, The Ross, A 40 - 805 Syndrome's Monologue McGath 98 - 1961 System Engineer's Anthem, The Weingart 122 - 2455 T Zero Time Jackson 210 - 4199 Tabloid Tale, A Ruhle 38 - 764 Tail Retold, The Gold, Lee 3 - 44 Take a Walk on the Far Side Mailander 8 - 142 Take Me out to the Ballgame Stillson 107 - 2152 Take the Cannolli Chua 206 - 4127 Take the Real World Nyrond 174 - 3476 Take This Book and Shove It Elms 10 - 169 Taking the Real World Back Myrande 174 - 3478 Taliesin's Song Myers & Pelz 7 - 120 Talk about My Enterprise Sigel & Breners 25 - 487 Talk Nerdy to Me Garber 183 - 3660 Talking Dragon Savitzky, S. 150 - 3004 Talkin' Tolkien Hodgetts, B 94 - 1877 Talking Fuel Savitzky, McQuillan 127 - 2555 Ta(l)king Preorders Savitzky, S. 111 - 2226 Talk Like Politicians Bruns 93 - 1868 Tam Lin on the Hill Goodman 63 - 1266 Taming the Raven Bunnell 93 - 1870 Tamlin's Ride Wittenberg 108 - 2155 Tandy Man, The Gold, Lynn 33 - 650 Tangled up in Who Chiffon 190 - 3810 Ta-ra-ra History Lesson Norén 179 - 3585 Tarkin/Leia Duet Trimmer 144 - 2879 Tarry, Tarry Night Phoenix 90 - 1810 Tatooine Bohnhoff 99 - 1988 Tattooine Bruns 137 - 2746 Tax Cutters on the Hill Shuch 66 - 1317 Te Deum Mathews 101 - 2031 Tea: Earl Grey: Hot Cinii 46 - 940 Tea To-Do Goulder 214 - 4282 Teach Your Users Weingart 47 - 949 Teacher, Teacher Fish 205 - 4096 Teaching Frost Bales 203 - 4061 Teaching Song, A Baylor 77 - 1528 Team Executive Dysfunction Various&sundry 217 - 4342 Team Koudelka Girls Wynne 146 - 2927 Tear 'Em Down Creasey, J & M 9 - 162 Technical Nerdy Guys Neff & Ehrlich 122 - 2448 Technical Writer - Estin 72 - 1437 Technical Writer Laubenheimer 90 - 1813 Technobabble Nightmare Song Marlowe 62 - 1255 Technobabble World Balder 61 - 1242 Technology's Changin' Mahony & Griffin 214 - 4276 Technophobe's Lament, The Kanefsky 219 - 4378 Ted Kazinscky Writes to His Mother Mathews 51 - 1040 Teddy Bears Ballgame Laubenheimer, Bill 181 - 3633 Teddy-Bears' Battle, The Hughes 69 - 1367 Teddy Bears' Dane Geld, The Brown 61 - 1233 Teddy Bears from Mars Brener, Mara 30 - 595 Teddy Bears Victory Savitzky, S. 156 - 3131 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Harness 3 - 42 Telephone Tag Bunnell 48 - 974 Telling To-Ya Hopcroft 96 - 1926 Tell Me Pi Gold, Lee 7 - 116 Tell Me Why Gold, Lee 7 - 110 Tell Me Why Goodman 21 - 402 Telzey Tansky 128 - 2567 Temperance Union continued Kanefsky 48 - 979 Template of Revenge Simser 29 - 573 Tempo Garber 199 - 3995 Tempo of Revenge Kelson 35 - 691 Temptation, A Serdyukov 99 - 1975 Temptation of Repose McGath 29 - 567 Temptation 2001 Feld 80 - 1602 Tempting of Fox Mulder, The Feld 45 - 916 Ten Degrees, and Who Cares Burnham 4 - 66 Ten Degrees or Colder Elms 4 - 65 Tenting Tonight: Deathly Hallows Oppen 116 - 2320 Terminal Velocity Squirrel Griffin 198 - 3958 Terracotta Warriors Holt 66 - 1314 Terraforming Mars Digby 171 - 3435 Terry Pratchett Mathews 51 - 1032 Teshuva Feld 89 - 1774 Test Kitchen-Moria Goode 154 - 3077 Thanks for the Typos, Lee Benefiche 45 - 921 Thanksgiving Garber 188 - 3760 Thanksgiving Song Weber 141 - 2816 Thar She Blows Mailander 2 - 14 Thar' She Blows Tucker & Eigel 62 - 1249 That Old Filk of Mine Chiffon 192 - 3841 That's a Moray Goulder 153 - 3071 That's Crucifixion Levine 59 - 1188 That's Cthulhu Chua 76 - 1511 That Glory Road Gladstone 155 - 3114 That Good Old Maple Mead Mathews 162 - 3250 That Southwest Religion Mathews 114 - 2292 That Was Isaac Joseph Ross 34 - 678 Their Country Garber 209 - 4188 Their Love...Dutch Apple Pop-Tart Dorn 195 - 3910 Their Way Horning 147 - 2952 Them Boy Scouts Jones 21 - 416 Them Fender Benders Simpson 8 - 143 Them Good Old Student Loans Mathews 106 - 2127 Theodore, Robert and John Mailander 43 - 864 Theories Tansky 167 - 3336 Theory Land Williams 141 - 2821 There Are Times Digby 181 - 3634 There is a Dungeon Deep and Dark Trimmer 155 - 3096 There Is Beauty...Grinding...Beans Frost 154 - 3078 There Is Fear of This Beer Goulder 191 - 3823 There Is Filk Leger 160 - 3196 There is No Fan like a 'Dane Zeff 20 - 393 There Is Nothing like a Dane Mailander 150 - 3009 There's a Hole in the Budget in DC Rubin 45 - 908 There's a Pile of Slush Bohnhoff, J. 145 - 2908 There's Something in My Garden Kanefsky 4 - 57 These Are the Days Shuch 73 - 1451 These Cthulhish Things Chua 77 - 1534 They Are Meat Baylor 213 - 4269 They Call Her Xena Okamura 71 - 1422 They Call the Fire Fire Bales 211 - 4218 They Came Turtledove 195 - 3909 They Won't Let Us...Space Any More Burton-West 45 - 915 They'll Know Me as Groot Kanefsky 208 - 4166 They're at It Again Reitman 90 - 1802 They're My Party Mills, P. 190 - 3805 They're Singing Banned from Argo Kanefsky 5 - 70 They're Weak instead of Strong Gold, Lee 173 - 3470 They've Got .. Folks on their List Gold, Lee 129 - 2595 Thing, The Miller 147 - 2942 "Things" Digby 132 - 2654 Things I Did Today Mills, P. 193 - 3875 Things I Do for Fun Cinii 39 - 789 Things on the Moon Gold, Lee 130 - 2613 Thinkin' and Prayin' Kanefsky 186 - 3722 Thinking-Brain Dog Mandel 61 - 1232 Third Hello Todd-Prather 37-740, 73-1463 Thirteen Cats Fish 183 - 3668 Thirteen Chord Songs Wynne 184 - 3688 13th Age Tabletop Role... Game, The Rogers 195 - 3911 Thirty-Mile Ride Urs 187 - 3753 This Chicken Wing Ross, A. 148 - 2968 This Interview Is Over Brener, Mara 99-1989, 105 - 2110 This Is the Way Leger 213 - 4263 This Kind of Ring Smith 113 - 2265 This Land Ain't Your Land Goulder 181 - 3618 This Ship of Yours Garber 186 - 3721 This Song Will Go on (And on) Bruns 105 - 2108 Thomas's Promises Haldane-Lindley 28 - 563 Thoroughly Modern: Silly Goulder 161 - 3224 Those Days Mills, P. 188 - 3757 Those High Consumer Prices Burrows 27 - 526 Those Were Bar Days! Landerman 42 - 848 Those Were the Days Goldberg 19 - 367 Those Were the Days Harris 29 - 570 Thoughts on Free Speech Horning 48 - 980 Thoughts on Strange Mundanes Goldberg 20 - 394 Thousand Days, A Bunnell 123 - 2463 Thousand Ships, Take Two, A Hoffman, McGuire & Wittenberg 208 - 4172 Three Fine Slayers...Giles Hoffman 210 - 4212 Thrashed Grove Feld 4 - 63 3-D Glasses Smith 18 - 346 307 Delta Beta Kanefsky 210 - 4206 Thread That Will Not Die Weingart 72 - 1439 Three Billion Bottles on the Wall Digby 177 - 3546 Three Filkers Urs 207 - 4147 Three Fried Mice Weingart 14 - 254 Three Harps Fine 8 - 143 Three Is a Tragic Number Ross, A. 179 - 3586 Three Jolly Filkers Shaub 2-21,17-333 Three Laws of Thermo Rubin 45 - 896 Three Little Beasts at Work Urrs 113 - 2261 Three Little Former Drones Frost 145 - 2906 Three Pterodactyls Brener, Mara 3 - 40 Three-Ring Circuits Kanefsky 184 - 3685 Three Second Grudge Kanefsky 11 - 200 Three Stars Fine 7 - 124 Three Travesties Hodge 27 - 534 Threes and the Scotsman Feld 52 - 1051 Threes: Song of the Men's Side Burrows 9 - 159 Threes, Rev 1.1 Elms 2 - 15 Threes: The Jolly Butcher Wittenberg 148 - 2966 Threes: Take 3 Kanefsky 23 - 444 Threes to Sheep by Gold, Lee 35 - 701 Three Score Ten and Counting Shuch 168 - 3364 Threnody for a Giant Burton-West 43 - 856 Thrice-Told Threes Steele 80 - 1590 Thrill-Seekers' Waltz Savitzky, S. 155 - 3108 Throwing the Book Digby 178 - 3571 Thrush Reitman 165 - 3305 Tigger Gold, Lee 213 - 4257 Time's Design Bunnell 40 - 814 Time-Binding Songs Lieberman 203 - 4062 Time Does Betray Mills 120 - 2411 Time's Lonely Trail Horning 168 - 3370 Time Show, The Ross, A. 156 - 3128 Time Wars Never End Bruns 160 - 3212 Tinsel Holt 188 - 3767 Tiny Dragon Ficklin 196 - 3917 Tiny Sparkles Mandel 215 - 4313 Titanic Submarine Ross, Andrew 216 - 4321 TMI Haldane-Lindley 101 - 2025 To A Shattered Lover Digby 98 - 1968 To Ariane Burton-West 50 - 1002 To Fight, To Fight Bruns 142 - 2849 To Go to Harvard Ross, Andrew 202 - 4043 To His Sly Questioner Bales 92 - 1844 To My Knife Urs 188 - 3759 To the Max Brener, Mara 124 - 2480 To the Tune of Dorsey 164 - 3288 To the Tune of... What Mandel 75 - 1493 Toad Mathews 73 - 1465,86 - 1717 Today Kingsgrave 19 - 372 Today Stillson 96 - 1929 Today's Cooking Lesson Brust 197 - 3955 Toga Brust 209 - 4177 Together Digby 158 - 3168 Toho Academy Barber 48 - 973 Tolkien Blues Fantom 56 - 1124 Tom in a Bottle Benefiche 34 - 672 Tomorrow Baylor 150 - 3014 Tomorrow Can Go to Hell Dunn 180 - 3612 Tommy Atkins (rearranged) Kipling (words) 113 - 2256 Tommy Atkins (rearranged) Shuch (arrangement) 113 - 2256 Tommy Lasorda's Ghost Browne 22 - 435 Tomoyo's Christmas Hopcroft 86 - 1730 Too Much of a Bad Thing Weingart 42 - 851 Toon Knight Denman 18 - 338 Toontown Cross 13 - 243 Toontown Wittenberg 163 - 3272 Torch Song Solo Digby 148 - 2959 Totally Marred Benefiche 42 - 844 Toto's Song Ross, A. 166 - 3326 Tourneys of the Sun Burnham 3 - 41 Toxicology O'Riley 92 - 1847 Toy Ranger McGath 47 - 950 Toys ex Machina Kanefsky 47 - 942 Tracks in the Sand Shuch 166 - 3328 Trad & Anon Shuch 80 - 1589 Trade, The Digby 78 - 1565 Trade Warriors Mathews 61 - 1241 Trained Historian Olsen 10 - 180 Train Job Rodgers 127 - 2548 Tramp Freighter Partridge 112 - 2244 Transcendental Meditation Blues Okamura 136 - 2716 Transfusion Urs 179 - 3592 Transporteers, The (contd) Creasey, J & M 7 - 114 Transporteers - continued Creasey,J&M & Fish 91 - 1817 Transporteers, The--add'l verse Larson 38 - 761 Transporteers - continued Okamura 68 - 1359 Transportees, The (addit'l verses) Brinich 40 - 798 Transportees, The Hubbard 39 - 786 Trapped Landerman 21 - 408 Travelcon Calypso Root 58 - 1172 Traveling in the Tardis Goode 186 - 3733 Travesty Hodge 44 - 895 Treasure Digby 95 - 1898 Treasures Found Within Baldassarra 52 - 1045 Treasures Found Within: Corr Baldassarra 53 - 1070 Tree of Lights and Tinsel, The Kanefsky 146 - 2918 Trek Dickenson et al 10 - 184 Treks Cinii 69 - 1383 Tribble Gumbo Kanefsky 77 - 1540 Tribbles Gold, Lee 96 - 1933 Tribbles in the Hold Visser 158 - 3170 Tribute to Black and White Heroes Horning 113 - 2266 Triggering Documents on View Goulder, Jim 203 - 4072 Triple Harmony Soley 23 - 441 Triumph of the Least Haldane-Lindley 26 - 516 Troll at the Bridge, The Digby 184 - 3692 Troll Screen Holt 63 - 1266 Trolls Mandel 107 - 2144 Troubadour Warrior Trimmer 115 - 2299 True Believers McGath 55 - 1114 True Fan's Lament, A Adelsohn 26 - 511 Trump Bruns 138 - 2761 TSA Bruns 139 - 2778 TSA Ross, A. 135 - 2697 TSA Safety 101 McGath 135 - 2696 TSA Took My Freedom Away, The Shuch 141 - 2822 Tschai Song, The Oppen 143 - 2863 Tubfilking Reitman & Whitaker 141 - 2826 Tumbrels Go Rolling Along, The Okamura 150 - 2996 Tune, The Ross, Andrew 218 - 4361 Tunnel Vision Mailander 9 - 164 Turducken Thiesen 150 - 3000 TV Programmer's Alphabet, The Reitman 65 - 1293 Twa Corbies and a SCAdian Lady Eney 55 - 1113 Twa Furbies Daniel Reitman 68 - 1350 Twa Lawyers Kronengold 101 - 2032 Twa More Corbies Mathews 55 - 1119 'Twas the Night 'Fore Thanksgiving Sasahara 56 - 1132 Tweet, Caroline Goulder 155 - 3111 Tweet Streams Tansky 219 - 4395 Twelve Days Wittenberg 165 - 3312 Twelve Days of WHO, The Goode 171 - 3429 Twentieth of July, The Gold, Lee 7 - 116 Twentieth of July, 1991 Gold, Lee 17 - 329 Twenty Ways to Get Good Karma Ross, A. 154 - 3088 Twenty Years at ConChord Clark 95 - 1894 Twice Union 9 - 155 Twilight Prelude Bristol 19 - 361 Twilight Victim Nichols 134 - 2679 Twinkle Twinkle, Baby Yoda Geyer 190 - 3809 Twisted Soul Digby 137 - 2751 Two by Two, Hands of Blue Galef 170 - 3408 Two Dates and a Road Trip Mar 115 - 2296 Two Hundred Years Martin 20 - 390 Two Lords A-Shaking Mandel 49 - 990 Twylo Time Tansky 181 - 3624 Tyldak Harris 28 - 555 Typo, The Digby 111 - 2229 Udder Nonsense Okamura 63 - 1268 Ulysses Luck Horning 129 - 2590 Unbearable Whiteness of Clothing Kanefsky 66 - 1308 Uncanny Valley Polowin 186 - 3729 Uncle Ernie's Savitzky, S. 154 - 3090 Undead Cat Wynne 176 - 3528 Under a Bridge Bruns 127 - 2546 Under Arrest Digby 123 - 2465 Under Da Sea -- EQ Lyrics Harris 25 - 489 Under DC Hughes 29 - 585 Under the Bed Gold, Lee 12 - 213 Under the Griping Beast Mandel 77 - 1530 Under the Kitten Beast Wittenberg 128 - 2569 Unfinished, Untitled Harris 37 - 750 Unforeseen Circumstances Kanefsky 132 - 2648 Unholy Dead Levine 28 - 560 Unicode McGath 94 - 1888 Unification Day Miller, S. 183 - 3675 Unified Field Theory Addition Gold, Lee 2 - 20 Uniform, The Mandel 111 - 2222 Uniform Colors Mathews 99 - 1980 Universal Follower Mills 102 - 2041 Universal Law of Gravitation Griffin 212 - 4240 Unix User's Insanity Song Weingart 7 - 110 Unknown is Unending: Next Gen Rubin 49 - 990 Unknown Redshirt, The Bruns 145 - 2910 Unlikely Hero Rousey 69 - 1371 Unsung Voyage Cinii 43 - 865 Untitled Awful Pun Bernstein&Polowin 137 - 2744 Untitled Poem Simpson 9 - 155 Up on the Internet (Magic) Kronengold 216 - 4318 Uptown McGath 178 - 3565 Uptown Rats Miller, S. 178 - 3566 Urban Legend Tatum 134 - 2689 Urban Tapestry Theme Song, The Ehrlich 189 - 3794 Uruk-Hai Weingart 108 - 2170 Us and Them Okamura 173 - 3459 Us and Them (All White Now) Griffin 197 - 3936 Use a Well-Known Tune Gold, Lee 2 - 29 Use the Force Bruns 140 - 2803 Vaccine Tansky 195 - 3908 Vaccination Tango Smith, Tom 202 - 4036 Vagina Baylor 146 - 2932 Valancy's Home Baker 132 - 2636 Valhalla Weingart 10 - 177 Valhalla Hodge 58 - 1171 Valhalla Round Wozney 197 - 3953 Vamp of Centauri, The Chiffon 186 - 3730 Vampire Blues, The Turner & Jordan 82 - 1642 Vampire Megabyte Savitzky, S. 6 - 98 Vampire of the Soul McGath 24 - 464 Vampire's Life, A Bunnell 144 - 2892 Vampire's Lullaby Shuch 157 - 3137 Vampire Unicorn Rubin 112 - 2245 Vampires Benefiche 54 - 1100 Van Atta Mailander 62 - 1257 Vapor Virtuoso Digby 103 - 2056 Variations of Cambreadth Tansky 153 - 3066 Various Songs Bristol 18 - 348 VAXymandius Weingart 58 - 1176 VCR Baylor 12 - 217 V.C.R. Dirge Kanefsky 56 - 1131 Vegan Vegetarian Levine 73 - 1455 Vegetarian Xmas Carol Jones & Taylor 17 - 335 Velveteen Lemming Benefiche 33 - 655 Velvet Tide Kanefsky 163 - 3271 Vembletroon against Death, A Anderson, K. 110 - 2215 Vembletroon History Lichtman 126 - 2523 Venus Ruff 27 - 537 Very Bad Company (Feel...Blood) Weingart 139 - 2793 Very Large Dog, A Fish 82 - 1643 Very Model ... Despot Deity, The Hellerstein 155 - 3109 Very Short Companion Ditty Mailander 152 - 3041 Very Unfortunate Dog Gold, Lee 19 - 358 Very Wishful Thinking Weingart 28 - 556 Victim of Lycanthropy Garber 191 - 3834 Video Girl Hopcroft 56 - 1143 Video Killed the Internet Weingart 131 - 2627 Viking Brag Song Tillman 16 - 300 Vila: The One Who Got Away Shapero 17 - 336 Villain of Cantor, The Miller, Susanna 218 - 4359 Village Dragon, The Digby 126 - 2519 Village Rover Okamura 72 - 1430 Villain-Con I Okamura 128 - 2557 Villains on Trek, The McGath 37 - 753 Villanelle for 2nd Law... Gold, Lee 215 - 4307 Vincent (Wells) Peters 16 - 305 Virtual Date Hodgetts 77 - 1536 Virtual Filks Haldane-Lindley 201 - 4030 Virus Alert Filk on MMF Todd-Prather 87 - 1734 Viva Mos Eisley Bohnhoff, J. 142 - 2855 Vixen's Song Murrie 14 - 265 Vixenettes from Hell Barber 56 - 1133 Voldemort Carol, A Oppen 92 - 1835 Vor Lord Ivan McGath 154 - 3082 Vorkosigan Limerick Oppen 133 - 2664 Vorloupulous' Cooks (unexpurgated) Gold, Lee 137 - 2754 Vor Party Ehrlich 148 - 2975 Vorthalia the Bold O'Shea 94 - 1878 Voyage Victory Song Feld 10 - 179 Voyaging Richards 192 - 3852 Vulcan Connection, The Goode 158 - 3168 Wabash Cannonball (Whimsical), The Chiffon 197 - 3941 Waiting for a Jet Plane McGath 76 - 1525 Waiting for Lu Yu Urs 116 - 2316 Wake Me Up When the Con Begins Shuch 110 - 2208 Wake up, Dread Cthulhu Smith, Tom 212 - 4238 Wakanda Woman in a Red Dress Ross, A. 189 - 3778 Waking up is Hard to Do Hopcroft 131 - 2635 Waldo Gladstone 165 - 3301 Walk at Twilight, A Kirby 98 - 1970 Walking on by Urs 209 - 4179 Walls Digby 34 - 690 Walls Are Tumbling Down Gold, Lee 9 - 148 Walls Have Smears, The Levine 35 - 711 Waltzes with Wolves Capp 20 - 388 Waltzing Cthulhu Okamura 81 - 1619 Waltzing Liberator Fletcher/Parkinson 16 - 304 Waltzing with Robert Mailander 32 - 642 Wandering Monsters Shapero 117 - 2339 Wands Gladstone 161 - 3235 Wanted Fan Niven 16 - 313 War in Space Elms 137 - 2750 War of the Worlds Simpson 112 - 2251 War Song of the Order Oppen 95 - 1910 Ware-Hound's Lament O'Riley 72 - 1429 Warhammer Blues, The Hopcroft 28 - 548 Warp Drive Ruff 30 - 602 Warp Speed Ahead Visser 168 - 3365 Warrior Chant Parker 143 - 2857 Warriors of the Night O'Riley 111 - 2232 Warrior's Return, The Key 116 - 2334 Wasn't That a Time (Fandom Edition) Ross, Andrew 214 - 4286 Watching the Wheel Chiffon 116 - 2333 Water Horning 59 - 1200 Water Song Simpson 207 - 4146 Watson at Twilight Bunnell 121 - 2424 Wattlehearth Simpson 186 - 3716 Way AI Behaves, The Newman 101 - 2016 Way to Mars, The Bunnell 149 - 2978 Wayfaring Minstrel Garber 218 - 4374 We Are the Cubs Fans Bohnhoff, J. 131 - 2625 We Are the Fen Baylor 21 - 419 We Are the LINUX Folk, We Stern 62 - 1265 We Can't Print Tansky 165 - 3306 We Didn't Need the Stars Groot 133 - 2656 We Live on Terra Mandel 51 - 1022 We Lived and Died Gladstone 105 - 2099 We Look at Starshine Shuch 125 - 2503 We Need Another Teacher... Gold, Lee 138 - 2775 We Sail across the Globe Goulder 217 - 4350 We Sang with Jordin Gold, Lee 175 - 3496 We Six Fen Weingart et al 11 - 202 We Three Kings Disoriented Are Harness 98 - 1972 We Three Laws of Orbiting Are Gladstone & Hogan 105 - 2095 We Will All Sin Together...We Sin Wynne & DeMello 180 - 3608 We Will Block You Shuch 201 - 4031 We Will Move Away Phoenix 164 - 3285 We Will Rock [the Baby] Baylor 68 - 1364 We Wish You a Scary Christmas Fuller & Weinstein 122 - 2437 We Wish You a Working System Gold, Lynn 40 - 799 Weapons Song Trimmer 129 - 2589 Wear a Mask Miller, Suzanna 197 - 3949 Weatherman Miles Mathews 153 - 3060 Weather Music Digby 58 - 1184 Weekend VCR Special Juliano 6 - 89 Weekly World Pravda Brinich 9 - 163 Weird Hanukkah Ross, A. 177 - 3537 Welcome to Califur Shapero 144 - 2882 Welcome to Florida Shaub 6 - 91 Welcome to Night Vale Mailander 153 - 3063 Well, Actually, I Think Your Title... Mailander 203 - 4070 Well, All Right (Nelirikk's Song) Trimmer 124 - 2494 Welsh History 101B (failed) James 14 - 254 Welsh Rabbit Laubenheimer 184 - 3684 We're All Aglow at Worldcon Dawn Pillsbury 61 - 1243 We're Trying to Stop Science Reitman 153 - 3074 Werewolves of Arden Garber 195 - 3912 Wesley, Don't Poke Your Nose Around Thomas 28 - 558 Western Union Man Shuch 153 - 3072 West Virginia Diet, The Bunnell 122 - 2439 Westing Game Hoffman 72 - 1439 Wet Christmas Weiss 110 - 2197 We've All Got Vertebrae Tansky, Arthur 198 - 3962 We've Got to Give Your Heart a Weigh Ficklin 208 - 4161 Whale of a Voyage Home, A Brener, Mara 150 - 3008 What a Lovely Thing a Rose Is Mailander 48 - 976 What a Wonderful.... Ross, Andrew 204 - 4094 What? A Wonderful World? Tansky 207 - 4151 (What a) Wonderful Night Polowin 143 - 2872, 204 - 4093 What Are You Thinking, Dave Lister Thomas 13 - 251 What Did You Learn...Fundy Rules Gold, Lee 102 - 2035 What Do Book Editors Do? Lieberman 207 - 4142 What Do We Do with the Old Computer Wolkoff 65 - 1297 What Do You Mean.... Evans 23 - 460 What HAL sang ... Brain Room Brown 100 - 2003 What Happened to the Mars Lander Mathews 94 - 1883 What I Tell You Three Times Wells 30 - 596 What I Want, I Get Bunnell 155 - 3106 What If Your Girlfriend Was God Wittenberg 184 - 3686 What It Takes Leger 216 - 4324 What Noctile Has to Offer Paige 137 - 2753 What Part of NO Todd-Prather 21 - 414 What Shall We Do w/ Hungry Tribble Gory 114 - 2281 What Shall We Do w/ Lenin Statue Sibley 23 - 456 What Shall We Do w/ Missionary? LAFA 47 - 951 What Shall We Do w/ NASFiC Lurie & Standlee 29 - 581 What Shall We do with Poor Toby Ladd 203 - 4058 What Shall We Do with 2016? Gold & Miller 171 - 3416 What Shall We Do w/ U2 Album McGath 158 - 3173 What the Sam Hall Has Happened...? Tansky 196 - 3920 What to Do? Shoji, & Gold 115 - 2312 What (Where) Can the Matter Be Simpson 109 - 2186 What Would Johnny Bravo Do? Bruns 146 - 2935 What'll You Do When Spinach... Digby 1 - 11 What's a GURP Hopcroft 23 - 450 What's Left of the Stars Shuch 94 - 1886 What's Potter See Tonight Hughes 76 - 1507 When a Spacer Takes a Wife Shuch 219 - 4385 When a Spy Meets a Spy Griffin 159 - 3178 When an Uruk's Not Engaged.... Weingart 107 - 2147 When Armstrong Walked Groot 62 - 1247 When Cons Come to New England Mandel 80 - 1592 When Dodgers Walked Rubin, Sears, Zeve 45 - 903 When Dragons Flew Hughes 111 - 2230 When Frederic Was a Little Lad ... Weingart 104 - 2083 When Giants Docked Okamura 64 - 1272 When Giants Filked Holt 93 - 1873 When Giants Return Wittenberg 146 - 2919 When I Grow Up, ...Snidely Whiplash Blind L Chiffon 95 - 1899 When I Joined with a Slug Frost 163 - 3261 When I Troll Ross 99 - 1982 When I Was a Boy (Filker Version) Horning 164 - 3284 When I Was a Boy in Oz Sydney & Ficklin 193 - 3871 When I Was a Girl Ross, A. 172 - 3438 When I Was a God Ross, A. 90 - 1798 When I Was a Young Man Elms 12 - 220 When I Was a Youth Brown 131 - 2618 When Life Was a Bitch Shuch 78 - 1560 When Martians Fought McGath 65 - 1304 When Monsters Walked Okamura 62 - 1246 When Reality Stalked Kelson & Andersen 34 - 677 When Science Fiction Shows Were Free Cinii 92 - 1850 When She Comes Goodman 14 - 270 When the Bad Guys Get Their Turn Baker, Greg 93 - 1867 When the G.M. Smiles, It's Too Late Weingart 55 - 1120 When the Sky Falls Digby 182 - 3655 When the Uruks Bare Their Steel Weingart 124 - 2486 When They Build the 1HT Shuch 208 - 4157 When Will It End Waltz Avalon 59 - 1193 When Will Newton's Apple Fall? Tansky 194 - 3883 When Will You Rise? Garber 212 - 4252 When Worlds Collide Chiffon 199 - 3984 When You Wish to See a Star Goulder 205 - 4108 When You're a BEM Goldin 4 - 68 When You're a Cat Ross, Andrew 217 - 4355 Where Are the Sharps Shuch 86 - 1722 Where Did Georgia Go? Chiffon 163 - 3274 Where Has All the Magic Gone? Garber 204 - 4086 Where Have All the Fanboys Gone? O'Riley 58 - 1182 Where Have All the Hamsters Gone? Chiffon 189 - 3784 Where Have the Musicians Gone? Tansky 191 - 3818 Where Have They Gone McQuillin 173 - 3466 Where Is Terry Nation...? Mailander 34 - 688 Where Mel Blanc Talks Levine 25 - 492 Where, Oh Where, Are You Tonight Burrows 38 - 768 Where Science Gawks Gold, Lee 62 - 1248 Where the Heroes Are Shuch 175 - 3505 Where There's Smoke Lemming Chiffon 176 - 3531 Where's the Filking Room? Jones 41 - 835 Where's the Joy? Tansky 204 - 4081 Where's My Money, Pal Hubbard 155 - 3112 Which Doctor Smith, Tom 200 - 3996 Which Side Are You On, Jan 2017 Partridge 173 - 3458 While You Were Out Simpson 171 - 3425 Whining 'Skeeter Polowin 187 - 3747 Whips and Chains Oppen 161 - 3234 Whiskey Ere Da Jar Kiley 183 - 3664 Whisper Nightmare Bales 219 - 4376 White and Shining Feather Wittenberg 197 - 3942 White Christmas Goulder 207 - 4136 White Unicorn Part II, The Kanefsky 202 - 4041 White Whale, The McGath 57 - 1152 Who Am I The Eighth Jacobowitz 92 - 1835 Who Gives a Flying Filk Reitman 81 - 1613 "Who Goes There?" by J. W. Campbell Garrett 76 - 1510 Who Let the Danes In? Gladstone 133 - 2662 Who Lu? Shapero 63 - 1270 Who Owns the Bones -- News Update 47 - 957 Who Put the Tribbles in the Quadro Lamb 53 - 1080 Who Wouldnt Fight the Terror? Wegener 80 - 1605 Who'd Believe Gold, Lee 84 - 1675 Whoops! Hodgetts 85 - 1703 Whose Child is This Harris 54 - 1090 Who's Gonna Goodman 183 - 3670 Who's the Mysterious Stranger Trimmer 154 - 3089 Who's Who of Whos, A Chiffon 157 - 3152 Why Does Hanukkah Have Eight Days Gold, Lee 56 - 1134 Why Does That Make Me So Strange? Bottorff 71 - 1414 Why Dr. Reardon's Not at Work Today Ross, A. 194 - 3891 Why Gaurry Doesn't Say It Hopcroft 74 - 1475 Why the Kessel Run took Six Parsecs Kelson & Stern 4 - 67 Why Yes, I Live in Colorado Now Baylor 144 - 2883 Why You Can't Get Alt.... Weingart 127 - 2555 Wichita Spam-Can Shuch 142 - 2837 Widsith's Song (add'l stanza) Mandel 49 - 990 Wielding a Red Pen Polowin 162 - 3245 Wiggle-Waggle Chippendales, The Mandel 96 - 1932 Wild Blue Gonzo Mandel 58 - 1168 Wild Canadian Boy, The Holt 146 - 2928 Wild Filker, The Todd-Prather 54 - 1095 Wild Geese, The Holt 56 - 1130 Wild Haggis Time, The Malme 43 - 866 Wild Mountain Swine Mandel 130 - 2603 Wild Plover, The Hoffman 177 - 3541 Wild Uncharted Skies Elms 111 - 2228 Will of Landru, The Benefiche 84 - 1685 Will Others Sing Our Songs Digby 84 - 1689 Will the Media Milk It? Haldane-Lindley 149 - 2992 Will Wonders Never Cease Feld 98 - 1954 Will Ye Come Back Home Richards 108 - 2154 Will Ye Dream? Hodge 12 - 228 Will You Delete This File...? Zahnke 164 - 3291 Will You Write Me? Digby 91 - 1830, 133 - 2658 Willow Elms 2 - 37 Will's Lament Kirby 26 - 519 Wil's Song Bohnhoff, J. 132 - 2650 Will the Media Milk It? Haldane-Lindley 149 - 2992 Wind Calling, The Digby 144 - 2880 Wind from Rainbow's End (add'l) Cochran 34 - 686 Windmills -- New Verse Wozney 199 - 3977 Winnipeg NASFiC Wolkoff 211 - 4233 Windows McGath 38 - 761 Windows on My Mind Holt 65 - 1295 Windows on My Mind 1.1 Holt 67 - 1335 Wind's Four Quarters Burrows 14 - 256 Wings in Flight Mandel 84 - 1674 Wings, Too Baildon, Tania 89 - 1775 Wingspan Hughes 87 - 1745 Wink at the Moon (Neil Armstrong) Faber 145 - 2914 Winter Construction Digby 104 - 2074 Winter's Tale Norén 182 - 3641 Wise Men Feared to Tread Kanefsky 37 - 752 Wise Up Levine 60 - 1217 Wishful Thinking at Puberty Levine 57 - 1159 Witchblade Paige 91 - 1832 Witch's Guide to Escape, A Parsons 187 - 3739 Witches' Hall Richards 140 - 2814 Witch of the Western Bank, The Ross, A. 88 - 1766 Witch Side Are You on?: Haldane-Lindley, D 208 - 4160 Without Paws Kanefsky 40 - 806, 71 - 1416 Without Leaving Home Shuch 200 - 4009 Witless's Schmaltz Harris 30 - 599 Witnesses Wait Barnes 111 - 2223 Wizard Boy Qe'van 166 - 3322 Wizard Brown Urs 164 - 3287 Wizard's Apprentice, The Mailander 22 - 431 Wizard's Call, The McQuillin 172 - 3454 Wodan's Children Mathews 47 - 944 Woe Shaub 9 - 154 Wok in the Wunkery Simpson 216 - 4323 Wok of Cambreadth Ross, A 57 - 1153 Wolf at the Door Gold, Lee 22 - 423 Wolf at the Door: 1996 Gold, Lee 48 - 977 Wolfbane on the Door Mullen et al 33 - 666 Wolfrider's Lament Gold, Lee 1 - 5 Women of Westeros, The Qe'van 157 - 3143 (What a) Wonderful Night Polowin 143 - 2872 Wonderful Songs Holt 67 - 1333 Wonderland Song, The Marmel 100 - 2004 Wondrous Madness, A Bunnell 160 - 3204 Won't Get Fooled Bohnhoff, J & M 97 - 1951 Won't You Get Me? Parker/Laubenheimer 197 - 3945 Won't You Go, Lassie, Go Gold, Lee 74 - 1477 Word of Bob, The Wittenberg 156 - 3127 Words in a Scrabbler's Head Turniansky 61 - 1239 Working with Toons Gold, Lee 25 - 497 Work of the Reavers Brown 113 - 2272 Work of the Reavers, The Weingart 106 - 2133 World Inside the Crystal, The Savitzky, S. 143 - 2874 World of Our Own Tansky 185 - 3700 World outside My Crystal Smothers 33 - 651 World That We Call Mother, The SKZB 123 - 2456 Worldcon, the Vacuum State Mathews 56 - 1126 Wormhole Connection, The Smith 93 - 1864 Worm with No Name, A McAfee 94 - 1887 Worms, Update Shapero 84 - 1679 Wormthing Reitman 93 - 1871 Worried Fan Blues Laubenheimer 107 - 2140 Wouldn't It Be Nice Baylor 194 - 3890 Wreck of the Crash...East Hill... Ross, Andrew 218 - 4368 Wreck-age of Henry VIII, The Matthews 143 - 2859 Wreck of the Hortense Matilda, The Simpson 189 - 3786 Wreck of the SS Homophobic, The Ross, Andrew 203 - 4074 Wreck of ... Timson, The Ross, Andrew 137 - 2738, 198 - 3968 Wreckers of the Hesperus Okamura 73 - 1449 Writers Elms 131 - 2633 Writers Guild Strike of 2007, The Leger 211 - 4217 Writer's Lament, the Anderson, Poul 194 - 3894 Writing Porno Kelson 48 - 967 WWRW (What Would Rudyard Write?) E. Horning 134 - 2690 X-Blade Paige 98 - 1967 X-Rated First Date Ehrlich 125 - 2511 X-Wing 801 Partridge 59 - 1201 Xcess Carols Mandel 134 - 2680 Xena the Warrior Princess Mathews 72 - 1427 Xeno 180 Song Urs 180 - 3596 Yammie's Song Chriest 15 - 285 Yeah, Right Feld 58 - 1168 Yearly Beloved Levine 68 - 1361 Yellow Bloom of Kireseth, The Lamb 78 - 1557 Yellow Piper Cub Shuch 159 - 3180 Yellow Submarine (in Disneyland) O'Riley 89 - 1793 Yertle the Turtle Horning, Mark 200 - 4007 Yes, We're Fresh out of Vorlons Sasahara 62 - 1262 Yes You Are Mills, Phillip 178 - 3558 Yesterland Okamura 105 - 2105 Yet More of the Filker's Song Trimble 152 - 3055 Yielding to Temptation Mandel 101 - 2033 Y-O-G-A Ross, Andrew 204 - 4078 Yoji and Eric Shuch 179 - 3589 You Ain't No Wolf Trimmer 176 - 3529 You Ain't Nothin' But a Balrog Ficklin 201 - 4019 You Are My Router Shuch 92 - 1851 You Are My Soundwave Goulder 185 - 3712 You Are Old, Father Christmas Ross, Andrew 207 - 4136 You Bash the Balrog: optional verse Gold, Lee 112 - 2236 You Beam Me Up Sanderson 171 - 3419 You Can Build a Monster Kronengold 184 - 3691 You Can Make a Monster Kronengold 97 - 1937 You Can Make a Monster.... Chiffon 103 - 2062 You Can't Keep Me from Singing MacDonald 118 - 2372 You Can't Set the Net on Fire Gold, Lee 51 - 1032 You Don't Mess around with Claire Levine 115 - 2307 You Don't Want Burton-West 63 - 1275 You Freeze Thirteen Clocks Gold, Lee 162 - 3255 You Gotta Have Orcs McGath 159 - 3195 You Lift Me Up Norlén 180 - 3598 You May Be White Ross, A. 196 - 3924 You Never Even Taught Me How to Maim Lowrey 95 - 1909 You Pay the Danegeld Ladd 195 - 3910 You Shouldn't Inject Disinfectants Chiffon 193 - 3867 You'll Never See Your Filkers... Rousey 40 - 809 You'll Never Surf Alone Wynne 209 - 4183 Young Cat Hopcroft 58 - 1181 Young Elven Lords -- And Ladies Paige 119 - 2382 Young Man Mulligan: another verse Hubbard 74 - 1477 Young Mutant Heroes Burrows 18 - 349 Your Breath Is Floating Phoenix 193 - 3863 Your Call Is Very Important to Us Wynne & March 119 - 2390 Your Con's Name Here Wittenberg 118 - 2373 Your Crook's Name Here McGath 95 - 1904 Your Fandom Here Laubenheimer 164 - 3295 You're a Grand Old Cat Mandel & Goulder 168 - 3366 You're a Mean One, Kylo Ren Miller 168 - 3368 You're Insane Gitt 15 - 287 You're Special Because You're Dead Brener, Mara 33 - 667 You've Got Mail Chiffon 205 - 4102 You've Got to Eat Up Your Liver Rousey 31 - 626 You've Got to Hide Your IRA Ficklin 44 - 881 Yuppie Birthday Gold, Lee 3 - 45 Zammis's Paradox Brener, Mara 156 - 3117 Zander's Little Filkbook Mandel 77 - 1544 Zan's Song Parsons 189 - 3782 Zeros Lembke 52 - 1060 Zhora: A Definition Cogman 43 - 873 Ziggy Starbuck Bohnhoff, J. 160 - 3214 Zombie Brown 135 - 2708 Zombie Cowboy Mills, P. 187 - 3741 Zombie Pub Crawl Tansky 184 - 3687 Zombie Marching Song Goodman & Gold 142 - 2849 Zombie Politics Digby 183 - 3667 Zombie Stars, The Miller, S. 169 - 3379
Last change: Jnuary 10, 2025